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Posts posted by Cutestory

  1. My Wife and I are going through the K-3 process at the moment but things are starting to get financially tight. We have a friend who lives in an apartment complex and is leasing there and to save a bit of money we might have to move in there for a couple of months, so my question is this. I know on some of the forms we have to provide proof of address, is it enough for us just to have our mail forwarded to my friends apartment where is looks like we are going to live or do we have to have our name on the lease. Have any of you been in similar situations?

    Thanks guys for your time and knowledge

  2. Thanks for the replies :)

    canadian_wife, even though we got married in the U.S I still require an A.O.S? I thought that just by filing the i-130 that would be part of the process and A.O.S would be included. I was on a visa but it has long expired, but we did file the i-130 before it did.

    So to break it down a little bit more we got married in the U.S while I was on my visa and filed the i-130. One of the conditions of the i130 is that I cannot leave the U.S while our case is being processed, So should I still continue with I-485? Mrs Hamilton was your situation the same as mine?

    Thanks canadian_wife and Mrs Hamilton for the help, truth be told I've heard so many things from so many people its difficult so sort through the b.s. I can't afford a lawyer at this time, so I'm taking the help where I can get it and the fact so many of you have been or are going through the same process is comforting.

  3. Hi

    I'm from Australia and recently meet someone here in the US and I knew I wasn't going anywhere. We actually tied the knot back in March and filed the forms (i-130) in May. The truth is I'm a little lost and don't even know where to begin to ask for help. So I'm reaching out to you guys (Hopefully some of you have been through the process and can tell me the reailty of my situation.

    Here are the facts

    -Got Marrired on the 12th of March 2009

    -Filed the i-130 Forms on May 15 2009

    -Received Notice of Case status (via mail)

    So that's all I've got so far, its July 22nd and I haven't heard from them in any form and my case on USCIS.gov has been sitting on "Pending". There are some things I'm concerned about. I thought I would get a work visa by default after filing these forms and the reality is I can't expect my spouse to support me. So what do I need to do to get a work visa while they're working over the i-130

    Thanks Guy I appreciate it


  4. Hi

    I'm from Australia and recently meet someone here in the US and I knew I wasn't going anywhere. We actually tied the knot back in March and filed the forms (i-130) in May. The truth is I'm a little lost and don't even know where to begin to ask for help. So I'm reaching out to you guys (Hopefully some of you have been through the process and can tell me the reailty of my situation.

    Here are the facts

    -Got Marrired on the 12th of March 2009

    -Filed the i-130 Forms on May 15 2009

    -Received Notice of Case status (via mail)

    So that's all I've got so far, its July 22nd and I haven't heard from them in any form and my case on USCIS.gov has been sitting on "Pending". There are some things I'm concerned about. I thought I would get a work visa by default after filing these forms and the reality is I can't expect my spouse to support me. So what do I need to do to get a work visa while they're working over the i-130

    Thanks Guy I appreciate it


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