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Posts posted by leslee

  1. hey all, my appointment today september 4th was 7:30am, i was interviewed at 9:45, then waited for the "famous pink slip", paid P220 for the visa delivery and got out from the embassy at 10:00. done! our visa were approved!

    the process was pretty fast, pre-screener only asked for the cards, remittance reciepts, pics of us together, marriage cert and bc. asked me what address in america will im gonna live and what my husband's work.

    waited for only 15 minutes for my final interview, co asked my hubby's work (him and the pre-screener both said wow!), where and when did we meet, does we have children, how long have we been married. that's it and then he said ok...pls go back to your seat and wait...your visa were APPROVED! parang nabingi yata ako kaya tinanong ko siya ulit, sigurado po kayo sir? lol. cant wait to have the visa in my hands and fly home!

    we're so happy and just wanted to share our happiness and my interview experience to you all :dance::dance::dance:

    to the others who will be having their interview, just pray, relax and confident. thats all i cud say.

    good luck and god bless us all.

    I am so happy for you friend! Days are so fast, soon you will be receiving your visa and i know how much your eager to fly now to be with your hubby. Again congrats! Start packing yippeee

  2. To Abby,

    You are so blessed in so many ways. Yes, you deserve it as you worked hard to enjoy what you have now..I know you understand that people have different point of views even if you post your "assets" without any intention of being ostentatious. A matter of respecting their opinions and accepting that we can't please everybody here. Just like Abby,we need to accept who he is..exhibiting to the world what he owns as a fruit of his toil is a great achievement of him that makes him so proud..Abby you are so fortunate to have a blessed life.. Hope soon you will share your wealth to charity(good deed) not only to your wife..

    I read Cristicisms, Insecurities, Envious/Jealousy- at this post which are not soundly, tssk tssk. But still i do have high respect with guys..

    Good luck to you and your wife! Be happy and be more prosperous!


  3. Is St Lukes that high-tech that they can actually see what other clinics can't portray on their medical results?


    -In St. Lukes, they found a cloudy part, but when you ask a second opinion there isn't any cloudy part?

    I had my chest Xray at United Doctors Medical Center (UDMC)...

    yes thats true, slec equipment is very high tech. i know a woman whose xray showed a very small scar at slec but when she went to have another xray done at a hospital in cebu, nothing was seen. and slec docs will never honor a 2nd opinion, nor other hospitals for that matter.

    I agree with you sasha414..I had my second opinion to appease me that im totally free of TB as this makes me scared a lot. Thanks God my last Xray said its clear.

  4. Hi greatwife!

    I am same yours too..all i thought i dont have any problem with my xray as well but i failed..what i did I had my chest xray last August 1 after July 13 and thanks God I am clear.. I am also negative with the pulmonary evaluation. Its normal to be worried but as they say nothing to fear off not unless you know now the result. I am setting my mind positively or else my negative thoughts will totally cause me into depression. Let's cheer up all will be fine in God's loving hands!

  5. I'm sorry...I did not look very well on the dates...I supposed your done with your sputum test...If that 2nd opinion had a good result, your fine of your culture test...St Lukes is just very strict when it comes to a little mark on your x-ray...Have Faith in Him...Good luck & God bless!!!

    Thank you for your encouragement Mrs Stockwell.. With all my best im setting my mind positively..

  6. Is St Lukes that high-tech that they can actually see what other clinics can't portray on their medical results?


    -In St. Lukes, they found a cloudy part, but when you ask a second opinion there isn't any cloudy part?

    I had my chest Xray at United Doctors Medical Center (UDMC)...

  7. I had my previous xray at st lukes last july 13 and told result was a cloudy part on a particular area..I had my second opinion last August 1 and the result -Lungs are essentially clear, heart is not enlarge, pulmonary vascularity is with normal limits. Diaphragm,sinuses and visualized osseous structure are intact..IMPRESSION-NEGATIVE XRAY OF THE CHEST..will this mean im ok with my culture test?Still im a little paranoid as this cough of mine is not yet ok..I am admit im a coward huhuhu

  8. hello sis, do not self medicate specially you have it for 5 days now, and besides you have taken cough remedy already and it did not work , better see a pulmo, go to St. Lukes and check on the hospital directory ,look for a pulmonary doctor , or ask admission , they can or might recommend a docotr for you .

    better to be safe and stay healthy . do it now ,sis.

    thanks for that forestrose..Doctor prescribed me levox(most expensive medicine ive ever had all tru out my life!) and mucusolvan retard for one week..hope it will works..

  9. we cant really say exactly what the chances are and i totally understand the feeling of anxiety you are going thru now. continue to pray for good results because thats all you can really do while waiting for 2 months. many here have had negative results so just keep the faith.

    Thanks for the encouragement sasha414! I pray that you will be having your schedule soon..

  10. As my observation, 80-90% you are negative for sputum culture if you don't have TB before.

    Thanks for that Adiiann! I need more forebearacce :)

    The Doctor said i had a cloudy part on my chest. When she showed me that yesterday i cant even see it vividly.She also asked me if i feel the sign of TB yesterday and none of what she mentioned. I dont have any vices at all.I am also voracious :P . My son has a negative TST, my siblings who just recently had their xrays are fine too. So i believe im fine as well..But i have a dry cough right now :( . Any opinion how to ease me this dry cough? thanks a lot...

  11. Im happy i have a negative TB smear test.. to those who undergo this test, what is my chances of being totally negative? still worry of course because i need to wait for the result of my cultured phlegm which sucks...Thanks to all!

  12. Im a little sad because i needed to undergo sputum test. God has a purpose and i believe i will be fine after 2 months. Who among here have the same schedule as me? Hope to meet you guys..

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