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Posts posted by DittoDen

  1. Thank you Sunny4567. That is the type of entry experience im trying to avoid her having to go through. Ok so, have good proof, round trip ticket for a reasonably short stay and give as little info as possible.

    Im a bit conflicted on the part about getting a lawyer. Ive heard they can be expensive and if you closely follows the guides from this website it can be done cheaper and with less stress than waiting on the lawyer to keep you up on things.

    Well i'll look into that a bit further down the road. I dont want to take this thread too far off topic. My main concern was working within the rules of the Tourist visa/VWP to spend time and visit each other for now. Ive learned a lot already. :)

  2. A recent topic with a UK Citizen (Scottish) where they applied for a B2 Visa because they felt the VWP wouldn't allow for a long enough visit. Just thought you might enjoy read as it may help your understanding...


    Thanks! Definitely an interesting read. After reading all thats been said in this thread and the link Amy And Michael just posted, I am left with this question. Is it EVER ok when asked "who are you here to visit?" to answer with "my girlfriend/boyfriend/fiance"? Or should people just say 'i am visiting a friend'? It almost sounds like if they hear any sign of a relationship, they slam the door closed. :( This makes me worry.

  3. I hope we have all helped you figure at least a little bit of you future out :) My comment about marriage was a just a warning though, Im not accusing you of anything... We just all want you to know all the facts before you go on this "journey". Good luck, and I hope all goes well!!!!

    Yes, everyone has helped. Thank you! I can tell this community will be of great value.

  4. Just some food for thought.

    International relationships have that plus of being able to choose where you want to live.

    I have no idea what family obligations are for either of you; who has the career with the most promise; if there are health issues for either of you; where you would like to raise children, etc.

    Life in the UK can be fabulous.

    Consider both options.

    Very true, that is an option. And one we discussed a lot in the beginning. In the end it really makes more sense for her to come here. Basically i have the advanced career, she has more of an easy to find type job. She rents a flat. I own a home. Not to mention in order for us to get a similar fiance visa in the UK, she would have to show proof she could financially support us both. Which there's no way she could do. lol On the other hand, I can here in the America. But, i would LOVE to live in England. And hope to get the chance, one day. But thats another topic. haha

    Well unless anyone has anymore input on this issue, I think ive got a good picture on what needs to be done. I think we'll just keep doing our best to have multiple shorter visits. While she's not technically my fiance at this point, I plan on changing that during her next visit to see me. ;) And as soon as that happens you'll all see a lot more of me on here, getting that timeline setup and all. Im sure i'll have many more questions too! :)

    Thanks for everyone's input!

  5. Alright, this has given me some great info. Thanks everyone. I think few answers got a bit off topic and assumed a little extra... but its all good.

    To be clear again, im not looking at a way to "get around" the system. Simply a way to spend as much time together as possible so both sides can be sure about doing all this.

    @Boiler - My holiday time is tighter than hers. Her's is quite a bit more flexible.

    @R&V - Thank you for this first hand account. That is pretty much what we'd like to do. So it seems spending at least 3 months at a time together is possible. When you were in the "special questioning" area, were you totally upfront about the purpose of your trip?

    @coraliesolms - As stated in my original post, there will be no getting married while she's here visiting me. She does not have a car. But she has a pretty good job, a bank account and rents a flat with a friend.

    @Familyguy - Thank you for that information.

    @MrTee12 - Thank you for that link!

    @Minyas Wife - Thank you for the very thorough response. That is all excellent info to know. We're just starting this process and the amount of stuff to know is overwhelming. Which is why im asking lots of questions now... rather than just gambling and going for it. lol :)

  6. VWP = Visa Waiver Programme. You indicate she is living in the UK ( and presumably a UK Citizen?) If she is NOT in fact a UK citizen then you need to say what citizenship she holds as the answer may be different.

    As a UK citizen (or indeed a citizen of any other VWP participating country) she is entitled to use the VWP and it is therefore highly unlikely that she would be granted a B visa (Tourist). Her stay on the VWP is limited to 90 days; always assuming of course that she can convince the officer at the POE to let her in. If not then there is no right of appeal and it is back on the next plane home.

    6 months is not realistic in the circumstances as described. There are one or two exceptions ie snowbirds that do get a B visa granted but they are very few indeed. Of course she may be taking a private jet instead of a commercial flight in which case she would have a good chance of having the visa granted as that is one of them. :P

    Ah I see. You threw me off talking about a business visa. Ok, so yes i am not a visa expert. I thought i had heard people could stay up to 6 months as a Tourist. Not allowed to work. Just visiting. She is a UK citizen, so you're saying the max stay is 90 day? See... this is why im asking these questions. Thank you for the info!

  7. As she appears to be a citizen of a VWP country her chances of getting a B2 Tourist visa are slim to none. B1 is a business visa which does not appear to appropriate in the circumstances as advised in your original post

    Im sorry you'll have to clarify what a VWP country is. I wasn't referring to a business visa. Nor did i mention that. I am talking about her coming here strictly as a normal tourist to see how she likes America and if the move is really the right thing to do.

  8. Thanks for the prompt reply. Yes, thats my real biggest concern, just getting in! I mean even if our motives are to play by the rules, I worry about them turning her back. Im hoping someone else here has experienced someone coming to stay for the 6 months and had success with it. I like to hope that by telling customs up front what we're trying to do and showing proof of her life at home, they'll let her through. Thank you again. Anyone else have input?

  9. Hello everyone,

    I have been unable to find a clear answer to my question, even after searching the forums. I hate duplicate question posting as much as the next person, so i really did try searching. Anyhow, i hope someone can give me some first person experience feed back on this issue.

    Ok, I am at that stage im sure everyone has been at where my lovely lady friend and I are feeling pretty sure marriage is in our future. Ive been there to visit her in England and now her visiting me is our next step. But despite how sure everything feels, we want to be positive before making such a big life change. Vacation/Holiday time is tight, so we can't make monthly visits to each other. So one option we're trying to investigate is the idea of her coming here on the 6 month Tourist Visa and living here with me to get a true feel of life together. Of course during this visit we would become "officially" engaged and would like to file and start the process (if everything feels right). Once the time for her interview is given, we'd both fly back to England for her Interview and hopefully be able to stay long enough to receive her K-1 visa and return together.

    Now, i guess im just trying to make sure this is Ok to do and wouldn't throw up any red flags. Has anyone done this method before? We would not be getting married while she's here on the tourist visa. She would be getting a round trip ticket for the stay. What is the best way to describe this when going through customs/immigration? Or should she just say "im here as a tourist"? Of course she'd be living with me. But we just feel those months could be vital in making sure we're not rushing into anything. But we want to do it right.

    Thoughts, opinions, advice? Big thanks in advance.

    - Den

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