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april akbal

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Posts posted by april akbal

  1. My husband had his interview on June 9in Ankara and we were told that I, as the sponsor, had to go to the US first without him to prove domicile. I have been living in Turkey for two years, but still maintained a US bank account, drivers license, tax records, and voting records. That was not enough for them and they told me I had to enter the US and 'prove domicile.' Has this happened to anyone else this year? It seems according to applicants from last year that they are really cracking down on this domicile requirement. If anyone had a similar experience, please share.


    I am really curious about this too. I am planning on going back to Turkey to marry my fiance soon and plan on living there with him for at least a year before we come to the states. I don't want to be separated from him any more than I have to. Since I'll be living with him there, I won't have a domicile here. How are you supposed to have a domicile in the states when you live in another country???

    Good luck to you!

  2. Hi everyone! I just want to say that I spend entirely too much time on VJ but I think this is the best website for visa info. I am so confused about this entire process and I could really use some advice!

    I live in the US and my fiance lives in Turkey. We are debating on whether or not we should file for the K-1 visa or for me to go back to Turkey and for us to marry there and file for his visa there. If we decided on the latter, is a CR-1 better than a K-1? Or are the the same?

    Also, I don't meet the requirements as far as the income goes, so I'm guessing he'll need a 2nd sponsor whether we go the k-1 route or the k-3/CR-1 route.

    I know I'm not the first person to say this, but being apart from him is tearing us both to pieces. We were going to go the K-1 route but decided we just don't want to wait x amount of months to be together again.

    I'm just trying to figure out how difficult the visa process would be if I went back to Turkey and we married there.


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