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Posts posted by Anurisis

  1. We aren't planning on having a baby. We are planning on getting married ofcourse.

    I'm trying to find a job but it's hard nowadays... I'm trying very hard but it seems impossible. =\

    When she left America last time she got pregnant even though she was taking the pil every day. She had a miscarriage. She doesn't want to use anything else then that because she is afraid that'll effect her being able to get pregnant again (Don't ask me, and don't try to convince her because she made her point). She already hates the pil but there's no other choice.

    Now I read on other forums that there are things like baby packages. For example you buy a baby package of $2400 and you get everything. Ultrasounds etc.

    Thanks for the reply's

  2. Hello all, I'm new to this forum and I've been trying to find the answer to my question but haven't found it yet.

    My fiancee and I are soon to be getting married, We're currently waiting for our NOA2 k-1 visa. I don't have a job and we are having a co-sponsor. Now my fiancee and I aren't planning it, and she is going to take birthcontrol, But what will happen if she does get pregnant when I do not have insurance. I know for one American citizen they can get state insurance but she is not a citizen yet. Will this cause any problems? Like will she get a state insurance or will they get the money from our co-sponsor?

    Thanks for your replies

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