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Jeff and Emily

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Posts posted by Jeff and Emily

  1. I have read a few times that when your fiancee' arrives in the U.S., you are to get her a Social Security card ASAP and not even wait a few weeks until you are married. Why? Why the urgency??? Also we have run into this problem with the Manila airport. For some foul reason, these fools need to know WHO paid for the plane ticket. WHY do they care WHO paid for the ticket? What and WHY do they need to know? Answers???

  2. i was attended cfo seminar last Dec. 04 in St. Mary's, it is a one stop processing, they will issue cfo certificate and passport sticker. The registration is 250.oo php and the cfo sticker is 400.00 php. IT's better to attend seminar when have visa so that you dont need to go back for the passport sticker. It is just two hours. They will ask for fiance mother maiden name, and tel. phone no. is also important. the first session is 8:30 am then second is 10:30 am then last session is 1:30 pm. Goodluck...

  3. My Filipino fiance' and I are in our K-1 process. I have been unemployed for over a year now and the economic future in the U.S. doesn't look good. I am told we can use a "sponsor" if necessary to show support for her in the States so the Govt doesn't foot the bill and getting several relatives to sponsor is no problem. My concern is Manila. I have heard they don't allow sponsorship. This certainly concerns me although I hope to find employment before she goes to her interview. Thoughts please?

  4. Hello guys and gals. I am sure this area has been covered many times before so please forgive me for asking again. The time is approaching (July, 2010) for me to meet my fiancee Emily in Dubai. We were wondering if it would be beneificial to go ahead and get married while I am there and deal with a K-3 visa as opposed to a K-1 visa? Would we be better off doing that in your opinion or should we stick to the K-1 visa as planned? For instance, is a K-3 cheaper, faster, easier to obtain since she would already be my wife? Your thoughts please and thank you so much.

  5. OK folks. The time for us is growing near. I am going to see Emily for the first time in July. She currently lives in Dubai. When I come back from meeting her in Dubai, I want to file for the K1 ASAP. The problem is, Emily plans on moving back to the Philippines to spend some time with her family before making the big leap to the states and being processed out of there soon after I leave Dubai. I will want to file quickly to expedite this process. If I file BEFORE she moves back to the Philippines, will this pose a problem? Can I put on there that she will be processed out of the Phil even though at the time, she is still in Dubai? See any roadblocks? Thoughts?

  6. Hello Folks,

    When I get my fiancee here to America with her K-1, is there a time limit on getting a green card? Yes, I realize she probably cant drive or get a job without it but is it something that is required? Has to be done in a certain amount of time? Dont those things cost like $900? What or other consequences to not having one? Thanks and I will start working on my timeline soon.

  7. Hello All, ya'll have been so helpful on here, I cant believe it. Thank you so much for that. My fiancee Emily and I are trying to decide on our first meeting (yes, we are committed to each other even though we havent met in person), and the two choices are I can go see her in Dubai or she can come see me in the U.S. however, if I go to Dubai, it is much more expensive (several hundred dollars more) and I aint rich folk, he he. She is willing to come here but keeps saying it's mopre complicated. She lives in Dubai, UAE but is going home to the Philippines in October and would like to come to US at end of her time there, then back to Dubai to finish out her work contract. She says that it is required that a certificate of funds be given to the consulat to see if you have enough money to return I guess and that she is told there are other hoops to jump through. If she has a passport and a plane ticket and doesnt stay more than 30 days, isnt that all she has to worry about? Or is it much more complicated for her than me since I am American? Thoughts? Thank you everyone.

  8. My fiancee and I are getting ever so closer to our first meeting. I was reading on one of the visa sites where you pay for a guaranteed successful visa acceptance that all the evidence that I was thinking one would use to "prove" a meeting was wrong (of course, they will tell you what you should do for a fee). I was thinking of course, photos with newspapers held in hand to time stamp them, receipts from flights, hotels and restaurants as well as a copy of my passport (I live in the U.S. and she lives in Dubai). According to them, all this can be faked (cant anything be?) and there are sure fire things one can do to overcome this. What do you suggest we do? Is there things I am overlooking that can be done to "prove" that we have met? Thank you and forgive me for not reading all the guidlines yet, life is busy.

    Also, is there a way here in visajourney to add another email address so my finacee can get notifications too? Thank you.

  9. Hello folks. I was thinking long term today. My fiancee and I have barely gotten started on this but I was wondering, when I finally get her here, marry her and get her a green card to work, at that point, can she keep her green card status for the rest of her life? Must she become a U.S. citizen? Wont she have to pay more taxes if she does than on a green card? Is there advantages of one over the other? This may be a moot point if a green card has a limited shelf life. I would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you for your effort. Yes, we will live the rest of our lives in the states.

  10. Hello, my fiancee and I are new to the forum. We are looking at our first meeting together to meet the requirements of "you must meet within 2 years of appling for the K-1". She is a filipino living in Dubai, UAE and we feel like it is best if she comes here to the U.S. instead of me going there since she will be living here. It will give her an idea what her life will be like here so I have a dumb question but I think an easy one. To just simply travel here for a visit to the U.S., is all that is required is a passport and plane tickets or is it more complicated than that? Thank you for any advice you can give.

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