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Jeff and Emily

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About Jeff and Emily

  • Birthday 12/17/1961

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Mt Juliet, Tennessee
  • Interests
    Football, Hockey, Photo editing, movie buff, reading, politics (ultra conservative)

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country

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  1. I have read a few times that when your fiancee' arrives in the U.S., you are to get her a Social Security card ASAP and not even wait a few weeks until you are married. Why? Why the urgency??? Also we have run into this problem with the Manila airport. For some foul reason, these fools need to know WHO paid for the plane ticket. WHY do they care WHO paid for the ticket? What and WHY do they need to know? Answers???

    1. San & Dave

      San & Dave

      The reason to get a Social ASAP is because that is going to help the "legal alien" start his/her life in the States faster, you need that number to: volunteer, open a bank account and to do many other things. About the airport I don't have an answer.

    2. Blake and Cherry

      Blake and Cherry

      Hey Jeff, is she here yet!? I was thinking Emily would be arriving in the U.S. some time today. We both hope you have many happy days together!

    3. Jeff and Emily

      Jeff and Emily

      She's about to board the plane right this second in Manila to fly to Guam. For some reason, the flight has been delayed an hour and 15 mins but hopefully, that will be the only glitch. She arrives tomorrow at 12:45 pm, :)I am just ready for 1 happy day together, he he.

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