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Status Updates posted by qhayder

  1. is searching for an apartment in centeral new jersey- not having any luck!

  2. Welcome to America brother :) (well, I am still in Pakistan technically)... I wish you and your wife the best of luck in your lives together- my hubby is still on AP but inshALLAH it will conclude soon

  3. Thank you so much brother :) I'm surprised that you remembered- I hope you are enjoying being in the US!!

  4. thank you so much brother- inshallah that would be an awesome birthday gift! good luck in texas- my hub is going to go to JFK

  5. I am sincerely very happy for you- I would have loved to travel right in the end of Dec so that I could spend my birthday (31st) with my entire family- but ALLAH has his ways. I am glad that you are getting out of here- better one of us rather than none! inshALLAH- your POE will go smoothly also. Where are you going?

  6. Yes, that was my hubby :) I heard your name but there was no one with you so I thought that it must not be with you because I thought your wife was going with you. The lady was super nice- it was just screwed over when this other guy came and was like ask him more questions- that freaked out my hub a lot and it went downhill from there... now the wonderful life of AP- when are you planning your

  7. Congrats on your approval! Do write a review! Who interviewed you? My hubby had the woman at counter 3- she was super nice and was about to give him the pink slip when the supervisor person came around and said that she should continue to ask my hubby questions- that lead to the green slip :(

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