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Posts posted by RMD

  1. Thank you for the quick responses.

    I realize that a lot of people here have done this on their own. I keep looking at the documents and have done a lot of research and feel comfortable that I can do it. For me the service is more of an insurance policy from someone with experience to look at my documents to confirm that I have everything filled out properly and in the proper order. If the service is able to do this I do not think a small fee is unreasonable. I would just like to get feedback on a service if I elect to use one.

    My case is straight forward with no problems concerning evidence of a relationship. We have seen each other 5 times since April of last year and I just returned from a 30 day stay. I have already started compiling everything that I need and will make a decision next week on if I will proceed with or without a service.

    Again I appreciate the responses to my post.

  2. Can anyone here tell me if there is a site that provides reviews of services that provide assistance with the K-1 visa process?

    I have been looking at some of the sites that advertise here. EasyFianceVisa is one of the sites and their price seems reasonable but I am curious if anyone here has used them and what your experience was like.

    Any advice or recommendations would help.

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