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Posts posted by Kamahoi424

  1. Congrats to you Michelle! :) Bet it feels absolutely fabulous! :) Just one question - did you just say on the DS-2001 checklist that is would be you and your husband attending? Or did you get an email code from the extortion line and let them know he was accompanying you!?

    I want to go to the interview with my husband which means we take the little one with us too.

    And to sharpies! Yay on the NOA2, it looks like our petitions were sat on top of each other at the embassy! We are forever linked... or something :)

    Thanks to everyone for the answers to my questions. Still waiting on the Packet 3 to come through. Jealous of the people who only had to wait 2 days! :)



  2. Thanks very much for the replies! YAY, for NOA2!!

    It looks like your interview date is tomorrow, morretti, so good luck with that! :)

    Do we have to wait for Packet 3 to come through to us before we send back the DS-2001/Checklist and Application? Or can we send that through without the case/file number?

    Thank you for your help! I thought it would be simple, but now I'm all confused, DUH!


    Jen :)

  3. Congrats to Yvie and JGA! :) Well done to you both. I'm sure you're both having a well deserved mental rest now that you've gotten this far :)

    I just received an Approval of Notice of Relative Immigrant Visa Petition in the mail. Is this NOA2?? And if it is, why is there no file no? Or perhaps it's NOT and we're waiting on the NOA2 to come addressed to my husband with the case number attached?

    Very confused! Any assistance would be grateful! Luckily husband is on the phone with relatives or I would be on the extortion line looking for answers.



  4. Hey! I wasn't allowed to say that about your timeline, Yvie! Haha. Yours is flying though. Congrats on the interview - that's so close now!

    I've just looked at the website for processing dates and it's taken then all of June to process from May 21 - May 31. As of today, 1 of July they are only processing June 1!?!? And then there's a holiday in there with 4th of July so it's going to take even longer! Ugh.

    To steal a phrase from the Brits - they've obviously got the works experience kid working on these new petitions!

  5. I agree with JGA - hopefully you'll hear something soon as they've been processing May 21 since 08/June when we first started out process. If the processing site updates their information and filing date they are working on and you've still heard nothing, perhaps you can call the extortion line to check on your filing status??

    Good luck, I hope you hear something soon!

  6. Hi,

    I'm wondering what Americans (in America) call soft play centres or if they are even available over there? Having only become a parent whilst in the UK, I've never really been aware of soft play centres in the States.

    I remember playing at Chuck E Cheese's but that was more of a hard plastic type playground.

    I've searched under indoor playground, family entertainment center, soft play center, etc, and I keep coming up with zilch.

    Maybe I am searching under the wrong phrase or they just don't exist in the States??

    I'm looking for something like this: http://www.antzinyourpantz.co.uk/

    It's all soft mats on the floor of the entire play area, even the little basketball court/playing pitch.

    Any help would be great. I can only find places with Little Tikes and hard/moulded plastic and it's driving me crazy!



  7. Originally my husbands medical was scheduled for the 7th of June. Things has since changed, and he is going to reschedule it tomorrow. That of course is the bad news. The good news is, he has to reschedule it for a sooner date because his interview is on the 7th of July. I received an email from the embassy today telling me that packet 4 went out in the mail today with the 7th as the interview date. I was gobsmacked. And we want to have the medical done and dusted before the interview, so that he does not get approved pending medical results. Hopefully, they still have some available appointments.

    That's excellent news!! Good luck getting another appointment for the medical! Maybe they'll have a cancellation and you can sneak in before the interview date??

  8. Hi,

    There are some people who are going through the DCF London process in this post: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=195548

    I think Yvie is the one with the shortest timeline so far! I'm only in the beginning stages, but even so I still check my email every day thinking they've miraculously jumped three weeks ahead and are now doing petitions filed on 15/06!

    Good luck!


  9. I'm a business analyst for work and I've mapped the DCF process into Microsoft Visio so it would make sense to my husband. Like another poster on here said, I call it being prepared and he calls it being obsessed, lol.

    Definitely more prepared (only a little tiny bit obsessed)! :) I spent most of my day at work sneaking peeks at my personal email and when I least expected it the NOA1 email appeared. So based on the average of your timelines in this thread I've worked up a rough timeline of when our things should be coming through (without RFEs *fingers crossed*).

    If they send me an RFE about our marriage I'd happily send them a filled nappy sack as proof we have a child together!

  10. Thanks for the info wildcat!

    My husband and I spent the first two and a half years of our relationship separated by two oceans and a continent so we know the frustrations of being apart. Thankfully, like you pointed out, we've been able to be together for the last four and a half years. AND we get to stress each other out in person during this process! :)

  11. Hi!

    Firstly, congrats to you, wildcat! And thanks for the interview post :)

    My husband and I reside in the UK. We've just sent in our I-130. I'm the USC and he's the UKC.

    We're just starting and it seems most of you are either in the middle or nearing the end, lucky you!

    Anyway, a question really - do I have to tell the embassy that I'll be going with my husband to the interview (when we get it) or can I just show up at the door with him (and daughter in tow)?



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