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Just Linda

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Posts posted by Just Linda

  1. I must say i wished I were one of the February filers. Many of them have July interview dates! uscis, please work faster!!

    On the bright side, you're at the Cali Service Center. Looks like you'll save almost three weeks. Be happy you're not in Vermont! It's a sweet little bonus advantage. :thumbs: Vermont says November 28th, 2008, right now, while Cali says 5 months on the USCIS site. So chin up :star: and hang in there!

    Hi! good afternoon... Can u help me to understand that about Vermont says November 28th, 2008, right now, cuz i dont get it, what the hell uscis means with that Im so scared cuz my papers are in vermont my boyfriend sent the papaers 2nd march 2009, ge got our noa1 and the last touch was in 10 march 2009 and we dont have any other new.....help!!!!!

    Thanks and hace a great saturday!

  2. Guys im going to tell u exactly what i wrotte in other forum......

    I understand exactly how u feel about the frustation, losing the faith and all those ####### feelings guys, to me have been the most hard time cuz for the wait and the distance my relationship is all broken, the worse is i have not visa to go to see him and he cant be traveling every moth, cuz will be a lot of money and he cant stop working....even i've been thinking to cross the border or the river but is a lot of danger...i dont know what to do, yesterday was his birthday and he didnt want talk with me....im sad, crying since 1 month ago to see how my dreams went to the garbage....

    What im telling u all this?...i know u must to be thinking ####### with her drama!!!...lol....guys if im telling u this is cuz u can compare ur case with mine and guess what? u are still in some way with ur love one, u are still fighting to be together, u love eachother, u have this hope and wish to get that visa to share and growold in the same life, u guys have the most important: LOVE AND THE PASSION TO STAY TOGETHER!....thats what matters....

    Hanging there...u can do it, while u keep ur dreams everything is posible and if u start feeling urself sad, engry, mad, just use skype, call ur sweetheart put the webcam on and talk with ur love....

    God bless u all and ill be here to see that my friends on VJ get them visas, cuz thats what is going to happen!!!!!

    See you later


  3. I understand exactly how u feel about the frustation, losing the faith and all those ####### feelings guys, to me have been the most hard time cuz for the wait and the distance my relationship is all broken, the worse is i have not visa to go to see him and he cant be traveling every moth, cuz will be a lot of money and he cant stop working....even i've been thinking to cross the border or the river but is a lot of danger...i dont know what to do, yesterday was his birthday and he didnt want talk with me....im sad, crying since 1 month ago to see how my dreams went to the garbage....

    What im telling u all this?...i know u must to be thinking ####### with her drama!!!...lol....guys if im telling u this is cuz u can compare ur case with mine and guess what? u are still in some way with ur love one, u are still fighting to be together, u love eachother, u have this hope and wish to get that visa to share and growold in the same life, u guys have the most important: LOVE AND THE PASSION TO STAY TOGETHER!....thats what matters....

    Hanging there...u can do it, while u keep ur dreams everything is posible and if u start feeling urself sad, engry, mad, just use skype, call ur sweetheart put the webcam on and talk with ur love....

    God bless u all and ill be here to see that my friends on VJ get them visas, cuz thats what is going to happen!!!!!

    See you later


  4. Hey everyone...I finally received my NOA2 yesterday and I'm so excited!! First March Filer Approved!!! I could not believe it when I opened my mailbox and there it was!!!!

    I wish you all the same luck and great feeling!!! :wub:

    Que felicidad!!! Im so happy for u, Im from Mexico too, so if u got it, that give me a lot of hopes to get mine...

    Good for you guys, i wish u all the happiness.

    Viva!!!!!! :dance:

  5. Good new day to everyone!

    well after the drama, i offer u an apologize, my SO and I, we broke up, but i'll keep here to cheer u guys and see when u get ur NOA2 and when the uscis give u all, the visa, ill be glad and happy to see that...so, good luck, the important date is coming....

    God bless you!

    Your friend Linda


    Good morning everyone....

    Thomlin.... bide some time maybe your SO will come to his senses.

    I hope...i love him, i really do, pluss im beautiful, good coocker, dancer, singer, marvelous house keeper, faith girlfriend, smart girl, good mother......jajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja..... jk!!!....seriously? i love him and ill be waiting and ill give him time....or im going to cross the border....jajajajajaja....hijole noombre!!!!

    Take care and have a great weekend!!!


  6. :thumbs:

    Im approved !! WOOHOOOO

    It was a very nice appointment.

    The lady that helped me was very friendly, and helpful.

    The consul was a great, kind and happy person.

    I had a very pleasurable experience.

    Thank you Consulate if you read this !

    The lady collected the forms, and made me feel like everything was already approved.

    The consul asked me to swear i filled it all out truthfully, and while looking through the package to assure completion,

    he asked me how we met, where she lives, if i like it there, what she does for a living.

    It felt like he was really interested, and it seemed to be more as a way to kill the silence while he verified completion,

    than that he was trying to set me up, to find reasons to deny it or something.

    So everyone : dont believe the ghoststories. If your situation is a legit relationship, and you have everything prepared and complete:

    feel comfortable, be confident, you have nothing to hide, and they arent trying to make it hard on people that are for real.

    A lot of people tried to make me feel like it was a 50/50 chance of a yes or no, but thats not true.

    By law, public transportation is allowed to deny me access to their vehicles.

    But when i have my ticket, and plan to take the bus to work, i dont worry that they might deny me.

    Simply because i didnt do anything wrong, and i have a ticket, so im not a concern to the driver.

    The same applies here.

    Dont worry about getting denied. If you do get denied, then you can worry about it then, or better, you fix it.

    But if you have everything well prepared and are legit, and for real, theres nothing to be worried about.

    Thanks everyone that has helped us so far.

    Your support and advice is much appreciated.

    I know the journey isnt over yet.

    But its a whole lot better now then it was yesterday...

    I got approved... :yes:

    So happy for u guys...im almost crying...is so exiting u finally can be together.... I hope have the same good luck and my SO still want to be with me after all this time..

    Felicidades muchachos!!! :dance:

  7. After 3 months and a 1/2 my case has been approved.... I have no words to explain such blessing. Exactly one day after my Birthday the case was approved. I must admit that this is the best birthday gift I’ve ever received in my life. I am so excited, happy, and pleased with the speed of this process and I know that if God permits Mayra & I will be together sooner than later.

    Despite the fact that I have been checking my e-mail anxiously to see the approval, today the approval caught me by surprise because I was checking my e-mail for some Skype records…. I am happy and I wish the same success to others like me and the ones in similar processes.

    Thank you for all the positive comments…. And the support received through this FORUM.

    thats awesome guys!!! is so exiting to hear that, i wish you the best! God bless u...

    by the way late happy birthday!... feliz cumpleanos!! :thumbs:

  8. Guys!!! im desvastated...i cant control my self, i cant stop crying, is over, my relationship was just a dream i was fighting for alone...my boyfriend think that im lying to him and because of that he insult me, i tried to talk with him but txt me that i dont call him, txt him, nothing....i dont know what to do, im desperate cuz i would to show him im not lying, i dont want losse him.... but is over...is over.....im sorry for bring u guys all my drama but i dont have no one to talk now.... :crying: :crying: :crying: why he's so mean... i love him

  9. Wow, I'm glad to know that my SO and I are not the only ones having huge fights. Like ya'll we hardly ever had arguments when we were together and now it just seems like every other day it's something. I'm just glad that he too said that we were arguing so much b/c of the distance.

    Also, I have gained like 15 lbs b/c of all the stress(i'm a stress eater) and he has lost weight :)

    But I just started going to a zumba class and it seems to help me with the stress and frustrations that I have. Not only that but I want to look good when I see him in August :D

    well now everybody think positive, we are getting this, we can do it!!! very soon each one of us will be with the love of his/her life....

    Viva Marzo!!!! si senor!!!! :thumbs:

  10. Hey TomLyn!!!

    Alguien con quién hablar español!!!!!!!! jajajajajajaja!!!!! :dance: Welcome to the forum and thanks for adding me to your friends list.... Hey everyone! Ive added to you too.

    I am having a really hard time with my SO too. He is so stressed out and we had this huge fight last week, apparently everything is over... I hope it is just the stress that finally caught up on him.

    Im really sad.... :crying:

    well girl i know what are u talking about... is so horrible this wait cuz that makes u feel like insecure, afraid and all those ####### feelings...to be honest im not sure about if im going to get married cuzwe have been fighting a lot, all days i pray to God, the papers are still runing so maybe when we get the NOA2 is going to be an important day to define if our realtionships meant to be...Im sorry to hear u had this huge fight... i know what the distance can make in a relationship, i know and is worst when u cant go to the other country to visit him and show him all the love u feel...

    Be focus in the right things, talk to him and if u dont get any answers give him time... i would like to be there to give u a big hug cuz i know how it feel...i have been crying all this week, missing him and wondering if he still want to be with me....

    Se fuerte amiga y no estas sola, confia en Dios que el pondra todo en su lugar, y si necesitas alguien con quien hablar cuenta conmigo.

    Animo!!! everything is going to be all right! ;)

  11. Good news!!!! we got our appoiment date!!! july 16 at 11:15!!

    Call if you haven't got the email, they told us they were backloged with the email system so call and speak to someone!!!! yay!!!

    Please!!!! tell me all ur experience, how long u wait, which papers they asked to u...please help me im freaking me aout with all the wait... our case was recieved march 6th 2009 but we havent any news about it....can u share with me ur history and if u have time with details....lol...sorry is just that all this have being so hard....

    Congrats!!! and Good luck for ur appoinment....God bless u!


  12. I know, Richard. No offense taken and I agree.

    Thanks, Missy. You and I seem to think alike. That should scare you half to death - be afraid, very afraid. If it progresses, I can recommend some excellent pharmaceuticals.

    Recommended to me!!!....im freaking me out with all the wait.... :wacko: ....lol...

    Good morning AmyStan!

    Good morning ThomLin and welcome! I'm not licensed to push drugs, I mean make medical recommendations in Mexico. But one word comes to mind -peyote.

    jjajajajajajajajaja....how u know that??? well that could help jajajaja..... :whistle:

  13. I'm a December 08 Vermont filer just stopping by to wish all March 09 filers a speedy journey :star:

    Hi everyone! i have been reading all the history about u guys today and i decided joing u, i hope u accept me and help me to make this less hard... Im a mexican girl who fell in love with this Cowboy, he sent the papers in march 2nd and we recieve the NOA1 ON 6TH so we are from March too.......but since that day we dont have any news about our case, is so horrible, cuz have been 3 month without see my love... any way ill see u later...

    Note: Sorry guys, if my english is not very good looking (like Celia Cruz said) lol

    Welcome to our March Family


    Thanks Richard!

    Lastly i have been so sad and depress because all this wait is hard and my Fiance and I have fights for a lot of things but i think is because of the distance, u know 3months without see each other are killing us....i have been thinking to cross the river swiming or jump the wall in the border...jk....lol

    The truth is that i love him with all my heart and i dont know waht more to do to make him feel sure about it...any way...

    i have reading a lot here so i got confuse cuz now i dont know if the NOA1 is other thing diferent at ur confirmation number?

    other doubt: my boyfriend and me, we dont have emails, letters, tickets.. as proves, we have a lot of pictures but all the time we talk by phone i call him with my cellphone cuz is cheaper, with telephones cards so i dont have any record about that... Im getting worrie about if they ask for proves that show we talk all days...what u think?

    and finally, could be an impediment to they give me the visa if i lost my job recently?....

    thanks for ur support and share with me this trip.....



  14. I'm a December 08 Vermont filer just stopping by to wish all March 09 filers a speedy journey :star:

    Hi everyone! i have been reading all the history about u guys today and i decided joing u, i hope u accept me and help me to make this less hard... Im a mexican girl who fell in love with this Cowboy, he sent the papers in march 2nd and we recieve the NOA1 ON 6TH so we are from March too.......but since that day we dont have any news about our case, is so horrible, cuz have been 3 month without see my love... any way ill see u later...

    Note: Sorry guys, if my english is not very good looking (like Celia Cruz said) lol

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