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Gil + Pel

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Posts posted by Gil + Pel

  1. Hi Everyone,

    Just thought I would drop in to say hello and give you a brief update. Surgery was two weeks ago and went well... ended up taking out several organs, but appears they got all the cancer. Still doing chemo to be sure, and that will start on Thursday. Fun, Fun...

    My mood has been good and Fuat has been an absolute angel. If he didn't know how to cook,clean or do laundry before he came he does now :)

    It will be a few more weeks before I can return to work and just now able to start doing small things around the house.

    Nicole and Efe... congrats on the NOA2.

    Mindi.... hope things are working out. If all goes well, we should be coming to Michigan in July. Would still like to try to get together.

    Hope everyone is well!!

    it is very good to hear that you are doing ok Jenn!

    I hope you will recover as soon as possible! take care yourself!

  2. I know 2 of my friends have a wedding in my country, but didn't register the marriage so no records or paper at all. And they don't include their wedding pictures on the interview so the IO will not misunderstood the situation.

    Just present whatever pictures you have as long as not he wedding pictures.

    It's just my thought. :) good luck.

    Thank you for your answer victorious! I think I am not going to take the pictures with me like u said.

  3. hi everybody !

    first of all congrats to those who have received green cards!!!hopefully my interview will go nice too!

    I have a question for u guys.we did not have a wedding reception out here but we had one back in my country (Turkey) we did not have the LEGAL marriage tho.(no court marriage in Turkey)we had the reception at a hotel and I wore a wedding dress.we have a lot of pictures from that party.my question is would it be ok to bring some of those pictures with me to the interview? or is it better not to bring any ? my concern is what if the officer who is going to interview us thinks that we had a legal marriage before I came here when he/she sees those pictures.like I said we did not have a court marriage in Turkey.I got my birth certificate AFTER the ceremony to bring here with me for I-485 application and on that paperwork it shows my marital status as single but I am hesitating to bring the pictures with me to the interview.they do not have any dates on them so I can't really prove that I got my birth certificate after the reception.(even though the birth certificate has the date on it)should I just leave them and take whatever we took after the court marriage ?

    any ideas would be greatly appreciated.Thank you in advance!

  4. Hi everybody!

    one of my friends is here on h1b visa and he got married a month ago.they are going to file for AOS but we couldn't figure out what code he is supposed to put for question 16 on I-765 form.ELIGIBILITY UNDER ... part.Does anybody have an idea what he should put?

    his wife's income is not enough to sponsor him and his mother in-law is going to be the co-sponsor.she is going to fill out I-864 and her mom is going to fill out I-864A right?Since they are going to use a co-sponsor what she should put for the question 1 on I-864 part-1 ?

    Thank you very much for your help in advance!

  5. I received my interview letter!!! :dance: obviously FBI was able to process my finger prints card this time! :) the interview is scheduled on April 27th! I also received an e-mail saying uscis has approved my EAD application!waiting for my card now! and last but not least I received my AP documents yesterday! :dance:

    Jenn congratulations! I am sooo happy for both of you guys! :) I hope all is well with you and Fuat!

  6. I will have to ask my co-worker what they finally did about hers. She had virtually 0 fingerprints...it was calloused off! :)) I do know she got her citizenship after it all though.

    I went there today again.luckily they accept early walk ins!

    well I can see my finger prints.they are not very visible but if I look close enough I can see them :)) I hope this time it will be ok.

    I would love to know what she ended up doing!I might have to do the same thing if this one does not work either... ;)

  7. Congrats again Jenn! Gil/Pel: I have a friend from work go through this 2 or 3 times, but it had to do with the actual prints not being very readable, so she had to do them 2 or 3 times as her fingerprints are very faint on her fingertips (strange I know)...don't know if this your problem?

    i think that is what my problem is too... :crying: cause the letter says they can't process my finger print card.so i am guessing it is not readable in my case too :(it seemed just fine to me when the guy took my fingerprints tho...I hope I won't have to go there again after this one :(aahhhhh.... it is getting too hard to be patient...

  8. I received a letter from USCIS today that says FBI was unable to process my fingerprint card and it will be necessary to have my fingerprints re-taken!!! :crying: :crying: :crying::angry: :angry: :angry: this is ridiculous !!! :angry: new appointment is scheduled for march 23rd.I will try to do early walk in this week ...

    has anyone experienced this before ?

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