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Posts posted by FreddY2081

  1. Got the mysterious brown emvelope...

    THANK EVERYBODY VISAJOURNEY!!! This is the only reason why everything went ok....

    Congratulations!!!! What is your POE as I know you are flying soon??? Hopefully they put everything in the package (Naples consulate forgot to put something in my husbands envelope, but he was able to re-fill it out).... Just dont open or touch it!!! They are very serious about that...

    Anyway, Tanti Auguri!!!!

    Im flying to JFK.. And guess what?? Tomorrow Im leaving ^_^

    I took with me all the copies of the docments just in case.. and a bounce of all other docs just to be sure...

    Im so excited... Finally after 3 months tomorrow my family will be together again... :dance:

  2. Someone asked me how come if I have an american son Im not automaticly accepted hihihi....

    Things like:"when you second baby will be born in the US you'll get automaticly a green card" .. so I ask :"WHY?" and the answer is "THEY HAVE TO GIVE IT TO YOU, THEY CANT SAY NO".... Just people doesnt look into it.. And noone like to read about anything they are not interested into...

    An American I know accidentally got a Peruvian girl pregnant. She found out and told him right before she left to start law school in her country. I was shocked by the number of people who accused her of getting pregnant on purpose or lying about being pregnant, supposedly so she could automatically get her citizenship because the father would be American! I felt so sorry for the poor girl. Comments like "girls from these countries are dying to get pregnant from American men"... Appalling. I kind of feel sick writing this!

    This is the kind of thing that gets at me. A lot of Americans seem to think that everyone in the world born outside of the U.S. desperately wants to come here and will do anything to make that happen. It seems unfathomable to them that some people might actually be perfectly happy living in the country they were born and raised in.

    People often ask me if my wife is happy to be coming here, and if she's always dreamed of coming to America. My wife is a very traditional Filipina (something I truly love about her, by the way), and is very close to her family and friends. We've talked before about how we wish I could come there to live with her instead, but it's not feasible right now. I can't imagine how my wife will react when she gets over here and hears people casually cursing in public. She's also never been so far from the people she loves before.

    People don't seem to think about everything an immigrant gives up by coming to America - their entire life, for the most part!

    you r absolutely right.. It took 8 years for me to take this decision, just because we had a really easy life here in italy... But she was not happy, and with a small baby and another one on the way it was time to give it a shout in the us... And everybody is getting crazy because "ill be american".... Even if for me and my family this was absolutely unnecessary...

    Whatever the right thing to do is to ignore everybody... After all the main reason enerybody here is moving is for the family.... And that is a right reason

  3. Someone asked me how come if I have an american son Im not automaticly accepted hihihi....

    Things like:"when you second baby will be born in the US you'll get automaticly a green card" .. so I ask :"WHY?" and the answer is "THEY HAVE TO GIVE IT TO YOU, THEY CANT SAY NO".... Just people doesnt look into it.. And noone like to read about anything they are not interested into...

  4. I think this thread has turned into an un-recognizable state... Anyone with any 3032, AOS or coversheet problems??? Anyone!!! Unfortunatly I am not qualified as a therapist, but I would probably recommend that we all go anyway!!!! :jest:

    :lol: right on :thumbs: i have nvc problems :jest:

    I have interview scheduling problems :unsure:

    I think this thread has turned into an un-recognizable state... Anyone with any 3032, AOS or coversheet problems??? Anyone!!! Unfortunatly I am not qualified as a therapist, but I would probably recommend that we all go anyway!!!! :jest:

    Did you make it to comunicate with the Consulate??


    I think they JUST got our cases today (I tracked on DHL and NVC said they sent it out on Monday)... So I am giving them a day to review it and sending them an e-mail Thursday to see... If you call NVC they will tell you if your case has gone out to Naples yet... I will keep ya posted and let me know if you have any luck too!!!

    I emailed them, but just beeing told they have not my case :wacko::blink:

  5. I think this thread has turned into an un-recognizable state... Anyone with any 3032, AOS or coversheet problems??? Anyone!!! Unfortunatly I am not qualified as a therapist, but I would probably recommend that we all go anyway!!!! :jest:

    :lol: right on :thumbs: i have nvc problems :jest:

    I have interview scheduling problems :unsure:

    I think this thread has turned into an un-recognizable state... Anyone with any 3032, AOS or coversheet problems??? Anyone!!! Unfortunatly I am not qualified as a therapist, but I would probably recommend that we all go anyway!!!! :jest:

    Did you make it to comunicate with the Consulate??

  6. you didnt offend me :) but i just dont think that it is fair to say that reasons why people are down or anxious are underlying things that mean they dont want to live in America or whatever it may be.

    i for one, cannot WAIT to get there and i have never felt more at home than i did when i was in good old Kentucky with hubby :)

    Well, I was talking about when you reach a point that you need a therapist, or to be on medicine... outher than that its ok...

    By the way, start repeting yourself how old are you, because I heard in Melbourne they will ask you this important question hundreds of times hihih :innocent::devil:

  7. The closer I get to approval the more impatient I think I become. I was so laid back about the whole thing when C submitted i-130. Now I'm getting stressed at the slightest delay. I guess it's because we're so close now, when Cindy, Josie and I have our 3 ways chats, our plans seem more real as they are closer.

    I can't wait to get there either. I'm not overly fussed about moving to Tampa from Scotland, but I cannot wait to be with my family for real and even when I think about it my heart starts to beat a little faster :)

    It's happening to me too... FInally after years of insecurity we are actually thinking about the future, and this feels so good, that all the problems and the stress are easier to face :dance:

  8. it took me almost 5 years instead of 3.5 from greencard to naturalization - all i am trying to say- dont spend all ur nervs on nvc, leave some for the 3-5 years ahead. Get busy, plan your career in US

    anxiety in animals is given to temporarily raise energy to solve the problem, but humans often try to wear off the extra energy by obsessing over some innocent thing, therefore creating visious circle

    especially exersise clears mind and burns fat

    I like this... but it seems that im not burning any fat... :(

    Im still working at my job, packing all the stuff in the house (facing years of rememberings) and still helping my wife renting a house there, making some connections for my career there, following my own immigration process...

    But maybe your right... Probably I can handle the stress more than a lot of people.....

    My quote is:"Always think about the bright side of things" :innocent:

    Sorry, I didnt mean to offend anybody :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:

  9. I agree. I think for all of us, handling the process (ie. the paperwork) would be a lot easier if we were WITH our SO's while we were doing it. It's the separation along with the uncertainty that gets to me. I could handle it if they said, okay this entire process will take 3 months or 8 months and I'd be okay, knowing that. This living your life in limbo is unbearable.

    I know, and I define myself very lucky on one hand, because my wife left here aug 14th, but on the other end when I go there, I will have a very tought time finding a job and supporting mu whole family (pregnant wife, 18 months baby and a labrador)...

    But I know we'll make it :thumbs:

  10. Well... If getting to the United States will make you change your personality and cause you depression, in my hopinion is not worth it... Mind is well stay where you are, healt for me is the main concern....

    Everyone here is just getting frustrated, specially because most of us have been married for several years, and there's really absolutely no reason why the Government gives you the right to do it, but make you wast at least a year in this limbo situation, and plus, to get some information you really have to beg on your knees.... THat's just not fair....

    My advice is :"IF THIS WHOLE THING CAUSES ANYONE HEALT OR PSYCHO PROBLEM, leave it alone, you can be happy no matter where you are"

    Just my 2 cents :star:

    That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. My opinion is you are wrong and out of line.

    I think you will find most peoples objective here is not one of simply "getting to the united states" but rather to finally be joined with the people they have fallen in love with and chosen to spend the rest of their lives with, to finally wake up every morning and that person be there. I can't understand your attitude since you're going through the K3 process, everyone is different and able to handle this process better or worse. Just because you can handle this process better is no reason to pompously come on and bold a statement telling others they should be happy where they are. Remember it's not just this process that causes the stress, but the separation, and as the process throws up stumbling blocks it makes the separation longer - and with no definite end date. That's a hard hard thing to live with.

    This is a forum for people to share experiences with, we're allowed to ###### and moan and cry and complain, that's what we're here for each other for, since most people we come across every day don't reallt understand what we are going through.

    That is my 2 cents.

    I know, and I respect other people's complains, like I also complained more than one time, but I'm sorry if I didn't explain myself right... Me and my wife lived together in Italy for as long as 8 years, so we have been together all the time of our relationship, and we were going on well enough to live a decent life here... But at the end of the day, she always wanted to go there and try it out, and after 8 years that we have been here, trying there was the littlest thing I could have done to give it the benefit of the doubt, and come to the US to see if our lives can get better, and even our children's...

    I was not saying that it is easy, or that noone should complain about it, Im the first one to complain, I'm just saying that, if by going thrught this process will make you miserable, and depress, you are absolutely not going to make your life better by moving to the United States, menthal healt and in general one person's healt is more important than anything, because if you make it trought and finally get together with the person that you love, but you are not able to live your life in a good way.... What's the point? I'm sorry, but, between the reasons that made me and my family do this, there is the problem that my wife always had to relate to other people here, and in general to be happy in this place, but not because we had work problems, or money problems or whatever, our lives were ok here, but seeing that we both know that I won't have a problem getting used to a different place than mine, well, let's try it.... But you see, she was not good here, but I didnt think not even for a split second to send her to an analyst.. I know what was the problem and we faced it together....

    Said all this, is clear what was my answer all about, I belive that if you know what is the problem face it, you dont need an analyst... and plus, most of everybody here is at a good point of the journey, and im sure everybody can make it without serious issues... After all, we have been waiting for months at the USCIS without knowing absolutely anything that now should be kinda easier.....

    My 2 cents and a half ;)

    Do you know what makes the process even better? When the embassy you're trying to call WON'T PICK UP THE PHONE AND WON'T RESPOND TO E-MAILS. I have an incredibly simple question that I can't get an answer to because no one will talk to me. Words cannot describe how frustrated I am.

    To call to Naples consulate you need to spend as low as 15€ for each question you have, because after 8 minutes the call gets cut off, and all the introduction messages will last at least 7 minutes :angry:

  11. In any case - if anxiety and addiction/obsession persist - please see a therapist ASAP, it may get much worse and change your personality into unrecognizable state

    Well... If getting to the United States will make you change your personality and cause you depression, in my hopinion is not worth it... Mind is well stay where you are, healt for me is the main concern....

    Everyone here is just getting frustrated, specially because most of us have been married for several years, and there's really absolutely no reason why the Government gives you the right to do it, but make you wast at least a year in this limbo situation, and plus, to get some information you really have to beg on your knees.... THat's just not fair....

    My advice is :"IF THIS WHOLE THING CAUSES ANYONE HEALT OR PSYCHO PROBLEM, leave it alone, you can be happy no matter where you are"

    Just my 2 cents :star:

  12. Just called NVC & they have no record of receiving our documents.

    I'm in serious danger of a breakdown here, folks.

    Don't worry about it, I had my packages delivered by Fedex with signature proof and NVC would tell me they had no record of it at all. Operators are different and will tell you different things. One told me that they received something but they don't know what it is yet and then when I call later in the evening they would say they haven't received anything yet. They like to test your patience. So don't have a breakdown.....You're almost there now :D

    yeah, i listened to the avr, and it said that they have received our financial documents. spoke to an operator, and she said they haven't received anything, then i turned around and called the avr, and they still say they received it. i chose to believe the avr, :lol:

    YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!! AVR AVR AVR!!?!?!?!!??!!?

    Im sure they received the documents but the operator screen didnt refresh yet....

    YOU GO AVR!!!!

  13. I made a super big mistake and forgot to the write the case number on each page of the ds230 packet- now im crossing my fingers and praying they do not lose anything!!! especially because its all the original documents!

    I wouldn't call it a "super big mistake", It is just to be extra carefull..

    BTW, I forgot it too, didnt put my case #on each page, and again, it was ok for me...

    I wouldn't worry too much :)


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