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Posts posted by MikeA

  1. Why do people marry woman with kids from PI?

    There are so so so many educated, never been married woman from PI.

    I just don't get it.

    Is this the typical type of gurl that is on a dating website from PI?


  2. We are getting ready to file the K-1 application, but only have the Court Decision on Annulment. Should we wait another 2 or 3 weeks till we have the Finality (Decree) and include it also with Application or is it not necessary to have the Finality till the Interview. We have been waiting over 16 months for this and would like to go ahead and file. We just need some accurate advise.

  3. On my Declaration of Nullity I was awarded soul custody. Do I need his fathers written permission to leave country with him. I heard they like a letter but its not required if I cannot get one. Anyone have this experience?

    I do not have full custody of my daughter. You do not need written permission from the father or DSWD clearance. You just need the NSO birth certificate of the child to show at the immigration in NAIA.

    Thank you for your reply. Do you think I will not need it at interview either?

  4. On my Declaration of Nullity I was awarded soul custody. Do I need his fathers written permission to leave country with him. I heard they like a letter but its not required if I cannot get one. Anyone have this experience?

  5. Prior to knowing about VJ we hired a company called "Filipina Fiancee Visa Service" to assist us in filing K-1 Visa papers correctly. They seem to be very knowledgeable and always able to answer all our questions in a concise manner. We were just wondering if anyone else has used them and what there experience was like.

  6. Will they allow you to pick up your visa at embassy if thats what you wish.

    I live in Mindanao and wish to stay in Manila for CFO.I would hate not to arrange of delivery of visa and be told no that I cannot pick it up.Does anyone know how does it works?

    YES as long as you tell your CO during your interview that you will pick it up. I picked up my son's visa when i had his CRBA 9 months ago.

    How soon after interview did you pick it up?

  7. It is a different company. Delbros did the delivery until sometime in January at which time the new company, Air21 took over.

    Does the CO allow you to pick up Visa at Embassy if you want or do they not like you to ask? I would hate to not arrange for delivery and then be told no I cannot puk up the Visa at Embassy.

  8. You're exactly right Pink! Shortly after my wedding, I was so excited to change my passport from my maiden name to married name so I went to DFA and brought my old one and other docs that I thought is required. I got there so early only to find out that I have to attend CFO first for me to obtain a new one. I felt frustrated that time not bcoz I need to attend the seminar but bcoz of its location. I was told I can do it either in Cebu or in Manila, my choice. Jeez, I have to fly over only for this? Hehe..Good thing my husband was coming home then so I chose the last one and had the seminar while hubby was on the plane.

    I wasn't asked for the CFO certificate...here are the requirements....http://dfa.gov.ph/?page_id=64

    Ate Toni, I just wanna ask if you ever did change your maiden name into married name in your passport? Because I know someone who arrived here on CR1 who didn't changed her surname in her passport but she amended her passport though.

    I believe that if you WANT to renew your passport then you really HAVE to attend the seminar but anyhow, whether you will renew your passport or not, whether we like it or not, we don't have any choice but to attend that seminar if we want to be with our SO. :wacko::)

    * Does anyone know if the Consulate Officer will allow you to pick up Visa at Embassy or do they not like you to ask them for that?

  9. Which one is the designated delivery service Air21 or Delbros? Also, will they deliver the Visa to a hotel in Manila?

    Air 21 that was Delbros before. No they won't deliver visa on a hotel rather you can tell your Co during the interview that you want your visa be picked up at the embassy.

    So Air21 changed its name to Delbros?

  10. I am including my I-129F, G325 and all supporting documents, Pictures, etc. in a 1 1/2" ring binder (forms will be in sleeves for easy removal). Will not the Consulate Officer have this binder when my Fiancee goes to her interview? if not what will they have?

    They will not have your 3 ring binder. They put all petitions in their standard file format. Yes, the CO wil have your file with all your documents submitted with the petition at the interview. Of course there are many other forms and documents your fiancee will have to bring to the interview.

    Thank you for your reply. If a binder is not a good thing what do you recommend I use to keep all our proof of relationship records organized and so they will not get separated. I thought the binder was good, but I guess not.

  11. I have a question. I have put into a 1 1/2" ring binder all forms, documents and pictures so everything will stay together. Will not the Consulate Officer already have this binder with everything when my fiancee goes to her interview?

  12. I met my fiance on a website called "FilipinaHeart.com" is this considered an International Marriage Broker? Do I have to now follow the disclosure rules of the IMBRA? can someone please elaborate on this.

    Basically if you paid to enroll on the website, it qualifies as Marriage Broker. Websites are no big deal, just answer yes and put the web address, mailing address which you can get off most websites on your forms.

    This answer indicates an incomplete reading and understanding of IMBRA. Internet dating sites are not IMB's. Just answer no to the IMB use question and get on with your life. There's a whole IMBRA forum where the definition of an IMB has been discussed to death.

    Filipinaheart.com is NOT and International Marriage broker, a truth that applies to virtually all internet dating sites.

    THANK YOU! Nothing like a straight answer. I was scared I might unintentionally answer wrong and cause a problem.

  13. In 1992, I was charge with misdemeanor assault on my ex-gf. I slapped her because she was cheated on me. The court gave me defer adjudication and I completed and the case was dismissed. I intend to disclose this information to USCIS. I will submit the official court defer adjudication document and complaint report. Since then I have been living a model citizen. Do you guy think I'll have problem with getting my petition approve. Or it take longer than no criminal history petition.

    The question on the 129F asks if you have ever been convicted! there is a difference between being Charged and Convicted.

    I am faced with a similar situation in which I was never convicted because it was not true, but I will enclose court records as "Voluntary Disclosure of Unrelated Records" anyway to be forthcoming and show I have nothing to hide.

  14. I met my fiance on a website called "FilipinaHeart.com" is this considered an International Marriage Broker? Do I have to now follow the disclosure rules of the IMBRA? can someone please elaborate on this.

  15. Is it really necessary to have dates written on each picture if you already have pages of skype calls, E-mails, hotels bills and airline tickets plus your passport is stamped. I would think all this would make it conclusive you have been together. We have approx. 25 pictures. we just did not write the dates on each one. Opinions please

  16. FYI, Here are the questions that my fiancee was asked:

    Where does he live?

    What part of the city?

    How often do you chat?

    When did you last speak to him?

    What does he do there?

    What do you currently do?

    Have you ever been to the U.S.?

    Is this your first marriage?

    Is this his first marriage?

    How did you meet each other?

    If you got engaged here, then why are you getting married there?

    It's 11 AM here right now. What time is it there?

    What type of degree do you have?

    What subject is your degree in?

    Your Visa is approved. Congratulations.

    Hope this helps.

    Can you tell me, how long did the interview last?

  17. We will be submitting the I-129F in a week. I presume I will need my Affidavit of Support in about 5 or 6 months. My question is this. I did not work last year. I took 2 trips to the Philippines plus one trip this last Feb. to be with my fiancee. I will submit tax returns from the years prior plus I am starting to work now so I will be have adequate annual income to show for this year. Not having a tax return for last year? will that be a big negative for me?

    Yes. You need to either provide a tax return or a reason you did not file one. You will also need to do this for the AOS. I would submit the explanation plus the previous years return (2007) plus your docuentation of current employment and income.

    The reason I will provide for not working is that I took a sabbatical plus went to the Philippines 3 times. Which is why I did not work. Do you think this is an adequate reason? I hope, because it is the truth

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