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Posts posted by whitepearl

  1. thank you for all the advices, right now i would go to catholic charities...as part of it i move to other state where i can be safe...i only have joint account and phone bills,and the utility bills is on his hand,and other paper works, so i dont have a copy of it..when i call the 911, the police just asked me if i have the green card and if i am legal...

    its not only the paper that is important to me but my reputation that they destroyed,especially the mom that keeps on tellin other people that im like this and that...it was a nightmare...

    thank you for all the replies...

  2. Oh, sorry to hear that.

    Yes for sure, if you called 911, you can apply for remove your condition. uscis

    According to this link "You entered into a marriage in good faith, but either you or your child were battered or subjected to extreme hardship by your U.S. citizen or permanent resident spouse"

    of course, i am understanding that when you said that "our marriage is not in good faith", and base in what you wrote, what you really mean, is that your husband has been unfair . which is a totally different thing. because if your marriage has been based in something different than "good faith" you would be in troubles.

    I really advice you, to try to find any help talking with an paralegal or a lawyer to avoid any kind of misinterpretation base in an idiomatic problem. But go ahead because the Law is on your side.

  3. hi,i got a concern now coz my husband and his family is sending me home without my consent...our marriage is not in good faith,his mom is dictating my husband to do this and that,his mom is destroying my reputation to ther people, he's having an affair with other woman and its like they are throwing me up...they took all the paper works from me ,the marriage license,they cut my phone,accounts, and all the paper works...and even my conditional green card,but i dont give it to them...we ended up calling 911 because they're chasing me already...would u think i can still file for a removal of condition?what are the documents i will be needing?...how will i use the waiver in the removal of condition?...do i need to file a divorce now or just wait him to file the divorce?please help...we got married in arizona and our marriage last only for 10 months...

    thank you so much in advance...

  4. hi,i got a concern now coz my husband and his family is sending me home without my consent...our marriage is not in good faith, he's having an affair with other woman and its like they are throwing me up...they took all the paper works from me ,the mariage license,they cut my phone,accounts, and all the paper works...and even my conditional green card,but i dont give it to them...we ended up calling 911 becaus they're chasing me already...would u think i can still file for a removal of condition?what are the documents i will be needing?...how will i use the waiver in the removal of conition?

    thank you so much in advance

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