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Posts posted by Nickey

  1. I've been thinking about involving someone...what's your thought?

    My fiance was approved for a visa. When he went back a month later to pick it up they questioned him about his police reports and where they were. He responded in the file. Then they told him the file was in Administrative Processing, they gave him back his passport and said they would call in two weeks. He asked why they were giving him back his passport and they said they don't hold passports. Yet they have had his passport for the past month. It has been two weeks and we have not heard anything. How long do you think we should wait? This isn't normal.

  2. Thanks for all your comments. And thanks for reminding me about effieb, she is my friend and I will contact her. I believe they make it a little difficult for some so not all feels it is easy to get a visa...because it is not. The paperwork and the process is long. I know things will work out as the Lord intends. Trials makes you stronger!

    God bless you all through your journey!

  3. My fiance went to go pick up his visa after waiting a month from his interview, as they advised. When he went they gave him his passport back, without a visa and said they will call him in a couple of weeks that it needed to be administrative process. I don't understand he was approved...what is going on? I tried calling the embassy and nobody would talk to me. Has anyone else had this? How can they approve and then take it away?

  4. My fiancé had his interview today in Ghana. He was there at 6:45am. At first they put him in the wrong line but he quickly corrected them and showed them his paperwork. When he got in, he gave them everything he brought, including the 49 pages of skype log. I told him to have more information then less. The lady looked through the paperwork he brought and questioned him about his birth certificate because he didn't have a copy. She said he needed it but he was prepared with secondary information that the instructions said was adequate. She tried to tell him no he needed the birth certificate and he showed her on the instructions where it said the school information was acceptable. They sent them away for lunch at noon but he said he was too nervous to eat and left and came back quickly. They called his name around 1:30 and he said he had a friendly conversation with a man. He asked him when we met, why I was in Ghana, when I came back to visit, where I work, what I do for my job, why he didn’t come for his interview in Dec and what our plans for marriage were. I believe they ask specific questions for each relationship. We were prepared with EVERYTHING, they took what they wanted (the forms he filled out and the forms that I filled out) and gave him everything else back (pictures, skype log, emails, phone records etc.). He was APPROVED and asked to come back April 15th to get his visa…he left and called me right away. I didn’t sleep much last night as I was checking the clock every hour. But it all ends well! :dance:

  5. My fiancé had his interview today in Ghana. They asked him when we met, when I came back to visit, where I work, what I do for my job. I'd have to agree they ask specific questions for each relationship. They probably mix it up to keep people on their toes. The lady did try to trip my fiancé up when he didn't have a copy of his birth certificate. She said he needed it and he was prepared with secondary information that the instructions said was adequate. She tried to tell him no he needed the birth certificate and he showed her where it said the school information was acceptable. We were prepared with EVERYTHING, they took what they wanted (the forms he filled out and the forms that I filled out) and gave him everything else back (pictures, skype log, emails, phone records etc.). He was APPROVED and asked to come back April 15th to get his visa :dance:

  6. My fiance and I are processing a I-129. NVC stated that our packet went to the Ghana Embassy on Sept 4th. Around Sept 17th, we hadn't heard anything, so I sent an email to the Ghana Consulate asking what the next step was to get his packet. On Oct 5th, I received a letter from the embassy stating my fiance needed to take the letter to the embassy on a Wed at 730 in the morning and return at 2pm to get his packet (remind you I live in the USA...why wasn't it sent to him??? who knows). So I emailed him the letter and he took the letter to the embassy on Oct 7th. When he returned for his packet at 2pm they gave him his packet and interview date of Dec 14th. :)

    I did finally hear from the embassy regarding my email that I sent to them almost a month later, letting me know that my fiance has picked up his packet and had an interview date...had to smile...cause I already knew. Hopefully my experience will help you.

  7. My question is concerning what the SO needs to provide at the interview. I want him to be prepared. I see that I need to send a bank statement does the SO need to provide a bank statement? If so how much should he have in his account?

    We were previously working on a travel visa but have recently received the NOA2 and our K-1 is on it's way to NVC.


  8. Ok...if you sit on the computer long enough and read through all the forums you can find answers to it all :thumbs:

    It looks like one must go to Nigeria to get one PC and they can get that at the Central Criminal Registry, RM 47 in Ikoyi for around $35 or 5500 N

    I'm learning...this is just my second day here but have spent at least 6 hours on it. So much information!

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