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Posts posted by serbiangirl

  1. I am kind of at a loss as to what you want someone to respond to you.... You posted another thread with the same questions and situation and got 11 responses... They all basically were the same as here... No need to post several threads

    Bottom line, we do not understand WHY they are asking for more income since you clearly make enough to support the two of you... You should not need a co-sponsor... You need to call the embassy, send them an e-mail, fax them a letter... whatever... and find out why they are asking for this and point out you make over 125% of poverty level...

    Outside of that, I am not sure what else people can answer you here... Until you find out WHY they need it, then you can give them what they need... But many have offered their opinions on using the house... But you need to contact them and find out...

    Well, I guess the reason why I posted 2 different topics is because in one topic I literally explained my whole situation while in this topic, I basically asked about using a house. Overall, I am confused, mad, and obviously freaking out about everything...the embassy, who I would use for a co-sponsor, that I haven't seen my husband in a year, etc.

    Yes, you are right and I will call the embassy. I guess I was just hoping to see if there was anyone else in a similar situation such as myself....I don't know. I only posted 2 topicas...so calm down. If you were in my position, i'm sure you would probably be the same way.

    We all understand that this process is frustrating... and I am sure more so when you have clearly met the requirements that they put forward and they make conflicting decisions... But the best people to answer that is the embassy... Perhaps they made an error and did not notice you made enough??? Only they can answer that...

    And dont worry, I am not the one nervous... just pointing out that it is easier to address all your questions with one thread instead of you having to go between different ones... it is also easier for people to answer questions if all the info is in one place and responses are all together...

    Hope that you get the answers you seek and that you can soon be reunited...

    Yes, it is and again, I totally agree.

    Okay, but i'm stressing out big time so, when I notice only a few people responding to one thread...yea, i'm definitely going to create another one. I'm annoying like that. Any response I get, actually helps me out.

    Thank you!

    1AM on a Sunday... not sure how many responses you will get?? Good luck

    Alright, I received enough responses. I ONLY POSTED 2 TOPICS.

  2. I am kind of at a loss as to what you want someone to respond to you.... You posted another thread with the same questions and situation and got 11 responses... They all basically were the same as here... No need to post several threads

    Bottom line, we do not understand WHY they are asking for more income since you clearly make enough to support the two of you... You should not need a co-sponsor... You need to call the embassy, send them an e-mail, fax them a letter... whatever... and find out why they are asking for this and point out you make over 125% of poverty level...

    Outside of that, I am not sure what else people can answer you here... Until you find out WHY they need it, then you can give them what they need... But many have offered their opinions on using the house... But you need to contact them and find out...

    Well, I guess the reason why I posted 2 different topics is because in one topic I literally explained my whole situation while in this topic, I basically asked about using a house. Overall, I am confused, mad, and obviously freaking out about everything...the embassy, who I would use for a co-sponsor, that I haven't seen my husband in a year, etc.

    Yes, you are right and I will call the embassy. I guess I was just hoping to see if there was anyone else in a similar situation such as myself....I don't know. I only posted 2 topicas...so calm down. If you were in my position, i'm sure you would probably be the same way.

    We all understand that this process is frustrating... and I am sure more so when you have clearly met the requirements that they put forward and they make conflicting decisions... But the best people to answer that is the embassy... Perhaps they made an error and did not notice you made enough??? Only they can answer that...

    And dont worry, I am not the one nervous... just pointing out that it is easier to address all your questions with one thread instead of you having to go between different ones... it is also easier for people to answer questions if all the info is in one place and responses are all together...

    Hope that you get the answers you seek and that you can soon be reunited...

    Yes, it is and again, I totally agree.

    Okay, but i'm stressing out big time so, when I notice only a few people responding to one thread...yea, i'm definitely going to create another one. I'm annoying like that. Any response I get, actually helps me out.

    Thank you!

  3. I am kind of at a loss as to what you want someone to respond to you.... You posted another thread with the same questions and situation and got 11 responses... They all basically were the same as here... No need to post several threads

    Bottom line, we do not understand WHY they are asking for more income since you clearly make enough to support the two of you... You should not need a co-sponsor... You need to call the embassy, send them an e-mail, fax them a letter... whatever... and find out why they are asking for this and point out you make over 125% of poverty level...

    Outside of that, I am not sure what else people can answer you here... Until you find out WHY they need it, then you can give them what they need... But many have offered their opinions on using the house... But you need to contact them and find out...

    Well, I guess the reason why I posted 2 different topics is because in one topic I literally explained my whole situation while in this topic, I basically asked about using a house. Overall, I am confused, mad, and obviously freaking out about everything...the embassy, who I would use for a co-sponsor, that I haven't seen my husband in a year, etc.

    Yes, you are right and I will call the embassy. I guess I was just hoping to see if there was anyone else in a similar situation such as myself....I don't know. I only posted 2 topicas...so calm down. If you were in my position, i'm sure you would probably be the same way.

  4. I am so stuck! I really do not know what to do. I make about $30,000 a year and continue to live with my family until my husband comes here in the US (I want to find a a place together with him). I have worked at this same Social Service agency for about 4 1/2 years only to leave it back in June of 2008 to be with my husband for about 5 months (we got married in Denmark); I then came back to US and was able to get my (same) job back (same position, salary, etc.). I had the place I work make a letter, I included about 3 months work of paystubs, 4 years of taxes and the embassy requested that I get an I864A.

    My father did the I864A BUT only included his pension, which I thought would be okay because I have my own income. I found out last week that my father does not qualify and iS under the poverty guidelines. I received an email from the embassy also stating that now I need an I864. I barely have any family in the US, the friends I have are laid off, getting divorced, etc.

    What should I do?? I will call the embassy this Tuesday to see if maybe I incorrectly filled out the I864 I did for myself. My parents are not my dependants, my brother also lives at home but he is employed, my mother is a housewife. BUT NONE OF THEM DEPEND ON MY INCOME.


  5. Do you know for a fact of a person not submitting the "recent appraisal by a licensed appraiser" required by the I-864 instructions when using a home as an asset and the asset being allowed?

    To the best of my knowledge, property tax assessments are not always an accurate measure of current market value.

    I've not seen a single person (to my knowledge) who has gone out an hired an appraiser to valuate their home for the purpose of documenting it's current liquid value/equity (not saying people probably don't do just that, and the instructions say something to that affect but...).

    As for property tax assessments, in probably every market you can think of, they are either spot on or over-valuated (as city budgets get squeezed) and if it's not accurate, it's probably close enough for government work.

    A Realtor's valuation would also be perfectly acceptable (showing correct estimated value and current/recent market sales) - it's a real report, not a note scribbled on the back of a business card. You're documenting an estimated value not taking out a second mortgage. As others have stated - all things about a person's affidavit are considered as a group and it's possible the home would not be considered (especially if it is the family home).

    Thank you! Can I ask...(if this is necessary) would my father's business also be an asset??? He own it and the building. Thanks!

  6. Hi, from my understanding, since you make enough money to support 2 persons (nearly 31K) you don't need a joint sponsor from your dad even though you live at your parents house (plus you don't claim one of them as your dependent on your tax). Try to call/e-mail embassy and explain your situation and also ask them for the possibility withdrawing your dad's I-864A and you probably need to send your new I-864 which only list you and your hubby at sponsor's household size (part 5) in that form . That's what i can think right now.. Hope that helps :)

    Hi thanks! Well, the only reason I had my father complete an I864A is because the embassy stated I needed it done. My father completed it BUT we only included his pension; we DID NOT include any assets nor the amount that he receives from his work (business which he owns as well). I received an email from the embassy on Friday which states that my father's income is not enough and is under the poverty guidelines. They stated that I need another co-sponsor!!! To complete an I864.

    So, I am planning on calling the frankfurt embassy on Tuesday to speak to someone. This is ridiculous. They continue to hold my husbands passport until they receive all the needed documents.

    What do you think? Thank you SOOOO MUCH!

    Yes, I think you need to contact the embassy and ask the reason why they want I-864A while you make more than enough to support both you and your husband. Good luck!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

    I will do that. I am just nervous about what they will tell me. Thank you!!! :)

  7. Page 8 of the I864 instructions has what to submit if using a house... It includes mortgage information and a current appraisal... A few people here have gotten denied use of a house because all assets must be able to be converted to cash within one year, and with the current housing market, some Consulates do not believe that a house can be sold in that amount of time...

    As far as the bank accounts and savings, yes, bank statments will suffice... I just wouldent count on the house counting unless, as I said, they have a HUGE equity in the house...

    A Consular officer is not likely to believe your father will sell his house to support your spouse, no matter how much equity he has. Nevertheless, you must document the equity by showing an appraisal or tax assesssment and an mortgage statement to document the equity. Satisfying the public charge concerns is not an issue of meeting statutory minimums. It's a judgment call.

    I definitely understand and agree with you but I am sure it has been done it the past. I am hoping that my father can provide from his savings account, documents that state he owns his house and the business he has.

    If I have to get an appraisal, then I will do that as well. I wonder if mortgage documents would be enough....has everyone person who used their house as an asset got an appraisal??


  8. Are you claiming any of your family members as dependents on your taxes? Do you have a long work history?

    For assets value you need a recent appraisal from a licensed appraiser. If there is a mortgage you must also include that info to support the claim of net value. See page 8 of the I-864 instructions for asset valuation requirements.

    You ought to be able to sponsor him yourself unless you've just begun your working career.

    Hi! No I am not claiming any of my family members as dependents on my taxes. As for my work history, I have worked with this agency for about 4 1/2 years only to leave the job in June of 2008 to live in Europe (with my husband for about 5 months...we got married out there); I came back to the states in October 2008 and was able to return to my old job on March 2009. My salary, everything remains the same. I was able to provide them a letter from my work, about 3-4 months worth of paystubs, 4 years worth of taxes (including a letter that i wrote explaining why my taxes from 2008 were low- again I left to be with my hubby).

    So, I do need an appraisal??? And you are 100% sure? I know for a fact that my father has paid for the house, which originally cost around $90,000 when purchased back in 1992 but obviously it is worth more now. Would documents from the back/mortgage statements be okay?? or you believe an appraisal is really necessary?

    I'm just really stuck because I do not having family here in the states that could be my co-support nor friends that would be able to do this. Ugh I hate it.

    Thank you and please any advise is appreciated.

    Hi, from my understanding, since you make enough money to support 2 persons (nearly 31K) you don't need a joint sponsor from your dad even though you live at your parents house (plus you don't claim one of them as your dependent on your tax). Try to call/e-mail embassy and explain your situation and also ask them for the possibility withdrawing your dad's I-864A and you probably need to send your new I-864 which only list you and your hubby at sponsor's household size (part 5) in that form . That's what i can think right now.. Hope that helps :)

    Hi thanks! Well, the only reason I had my father complete an I864A is because the embassy stated I needed it done. My father completed it BUT we only included his pension; we DID NOT include any assets nor the amount that he receives from his work (business which he owns as well). I received an email from the embassy on Friday which states that my father's income is not enough and is under the poverty guidelines. They stated that I need another co-sponsor!!! To complete an I864.

    So, I am planning on calling the frankfurt embassy on Tuesday to speak to someone. This is ridiculous. They continue to hold my husbands passport until they receive all the needed documents.

    What do you think? Thank you SOOOO MUCH!

  9. Are you claiming any of your family members as dependents on your taxes? Do you have a long work history?

    For assets value you need a recent appraisal from a licensed appraiser. If there is a mortgage you must also include that info to support the claim of net value. See page 8 of the I-864 instructions for asset valuation requirements.

    You ought to be able to sponsor him yourself unless you've just begun your working career.

    Hi! No I am not claiming any of my family members as dependents on my taxes. As for my work history, I have worked with this agency for about 4 1/2 years only to leave the job in June of 2008 to live in Europe (with my husband for about 5 months...we got married out there); I came back to the states in October 2008 and was able to return to my old job on March 2009. My salary, everything remains the same. I was able to provide them a letter from my work, about 3-4 months worth of paystubs, 4 years worth of taxes (including a letter that i wrote explaining why my taxes from 2008 were low- again I left to be with my hubby).

    So, I do need an appraisal??? And you are 100% sure? I know for a fact that my father has paid for the house, which originally cost around $90,000 when purchased back in 1992 but obviously it is worth more now. Would documents from the back/mortgage statements be okay?? or you believe an appraisal is really necessary?

    I'm just really stuck because I do not having family here in the states that could be my co-support nor friends that would be able to do this. Ugh I hate it.

    Thank you and please any advise is appreciated.

  10. I don't understand. Why would your father have to file anything if you're making the required amount for 2 people?

    I KNOW!!! This is what I thought as well. The embassy stated that I needed to complete an I864A as well. I continue to live with my family because I want to find a place with my husband (together).

    What should I do??

    I am in such a crisis and unfotunately, do not have much family here in the states. As for asking a friend to be a co-support, many nof them have their own problems (laid off, divorce, etc.).

    Has anyone else been in a similar situation as me??

  11. If you are using the house, then you also need a current appraisal... This is especially critical now as home values have decreased... I have also read here that they have been reluctant to count the home since the housing market has tanked... Too difficult to sell a home now and with soaring forcolosure... Unless they have a HUGE equity in the house or have a decent amount in savings, you might have another co-sponsor on standby...

    Okay, well, I don't know what to do now. I think I have read somewhere that if I do not have a current appraisal then other documents would be okay. What about a saving account? Should that be okay to use....to subsititute the amount that my father did not have in his yearly income??


  12. If so, what kind of documents are needed to use the house as an asset? Thanks!

    An appraisal or assessment and a mortgage statement. However, the home one lives in may not satisfy the public charge concern. Generally, they consider liquid assets that can be liquidated within a year without doing harm to the family. Selling the house you live in is generally "harmful" if forced to do so to pay bills. They'll consider the whole picture though so it depends on what else they see.

    Okay, so I am assuming that a mortgage statement is enough? The embassy stated that my father did not qualify for the I864A due to the poverty guidelines but it is only about a $1,000 difference. So, instead of getting another co-sponsor (like the embassy stated I should possibly get; I will send them my fathers assets.

    Mortgage statements from the house AND his saving account, which should definitely be enough. Am I correct?

    With the Bank Statement, copies are okay correct and whatever else the bank can provide??


  13. Are there any children (yours or hubby's) involved? A $30K salary is above the requirement for 2 people.

    No, there are o children. Yes, it is the requirement for 2 people but I assume it is because I still live at home that is why they required the I864A.

    Instead of finding another co-sponsor, do you think I may just submit my fathers assets?

    Has anyone use a house as an asset? What kind of copies should I send to them (with using a house as an asset)?


  14. Hi everyone!

    I hope you all are well.

    I am in trouble and hoping that one of you can please give me some advice. I am the Petitioner my husband is currently in Germany. In August, he had his interview, which went okay BUT it turned out that I needed to have an I864A due to the fact that I still live at home. The Officer somehow knew my mother was a housewife, my brother doesn't work and that my elderly father is semi-retired.

    My father completed the I864A BUT we did not use his assets. I literally assumed that his pensions would be enough to cover a household of 5 (including my foreign husband) along with my salary, which is around $30,000. I included 3 years worth of my fathers taxes (2007, he made $68,000; 2008, it was around $17,000 and just last year, it was only about $15-16,000 which is only his pensions). I did not include any of his assets. Well, I received an email yesterday stating that my father does not qualify according to the poverty guidelines and another co-sponsor is needed. AGAIN, MY SALARY IS CLOSE TO $31,000 & I DID NOT INCLUDE MY FATHERS ASSETS!!! Which was probably stupid of me but I honestly thought I would be okay.

    Anyway, as you see they need another support. I honestly do not know who to ask or what to do. Does anyone think I can possibly just put my fathers assets together and just mail it to them embassy in Frankfurt. My father owns the house we live in, which is probably worth $150,000 to $170,000 and he owns his machine shop.

    If I use the house, should I just make copies of the mortgage documents???

    Please help I AM SO DESPERATE!! It has been over a year since I saw my hubby :(


    Why don't you just play it safe and ask your father to be the co-sponsor. At least you don't have to worry getting a RFE. The $70.00 only applies to you. You only have to pay it once.

    Thanks Dean. Wait, so even if I use my father, I wouldn't have to pay $70.00 (again) for his I-864?

    Is it true that I have to show some sort of proof that my father is a US citizen?

  16. I think you're fine! Lots of people leave jobs to travel or whatever, but you went back to the exact same job & salary, so you'll be good.

    I wouldn't worry :)

    Thank you very much! I hope you're right! Do you think I should possibly include more copies of my paystubs/checks or is 2 months okay?

    Thank you! I can't believe 53 people read this topic of mine but but only 2 people replied.

    THANK YOU!!! ;)

  17. I am an American Citizen who married my European husband in August. I came back to America, looking for a job only to be REHIRED by the last company I worked at (for 4 years) before I resigned last May- to leave for Europe.

    I was rehired with the same Salary as when I left, the same everything (benefits, vacation days. sick, etc.).

    I had the company make a letter for me (about a month ago), which states when I was originally hired, when I resigned and now, when I was rehired. It also states my salary, etc.

    I have made copies of 4 of my paystubs as well. I make more than the poverty level.

    Now, obviously I am the "main" sponsor and have completed the I-864. Do you think I should be "okay" because I was REHIRED by the company I left to go to Europe? I willagain mail copies of 4 of my paychecks and the letter from my company.

    Does anyone think I should have a joint? If I do use a joint sponsor....do I have to pay the $70.00 fee for my joint as well? Unfortunately, I do not have much family here in America but plan to use my father. The only think is he is retired and really doesn't receive much other than his Social Security but he owns his house and well, he is self-employed.

    What do you think? Also, please can anyone let me know if I have to pay the $70.00 again for my joint sponsor. Thank you so much!

    Since You where rehired at the same salary and you had the job for the previous 4 years and the income exceeds the poverty limty set forth on the affidavit of support, you should be fine with just using just your income. But you said he owns his house, so providing that he can sell the house and cash out decent equity, you should be fine.


    Yes, I will provide actually 4 years worth of copies from my taxes BUT the most recent taxes 2008....are only up to May 2008, which really isn't a lot (salary wise) because I left for Europe in the beginning of June to be with my hubby. I have typed out a letter as to why my most recent taxes are low, as well as, copies of my passport, which state the day I arrived in Frankfurt, Germany (the stamp I received), as well as, when I came back to the states. The letter my employer typed out also states the date, which I resigned (May 30, 2008) and again, when I was rehired.

    Do you think I should be okay with just being the "main" support? Like I stated I have 2 months worth of (copies) paychecks/stubs, as well as, that letter.

    I just really would like to do it myself and not bother my father b/c he has been in & out of the hospital, etc.

    What do you guys think?


  18. I am an American Citizen who married my European husband in August. I came back to America, looking for a job only to be REHIRED by the last company I worked at (for 4 years) before I resigned last May- to leave for Europe.

    I was rehired with the same Salary as when I left, the same everything (benefits, vacation days. sick, etc.).

    I had the company make a letter for me (about a month ago), which states when I was originally hired, when I resigned and now, when I was rehired. It also states my salary, etc.

    I have made copies of 4 of my paystubs as well. I make more than the poverty level.

    Now, obviously I am the "main" sponsor and have completed the I-864. Do you think I should be "okay" because I was REHIRED by the company I left to go to Europe? I willagain mail copies of 4 of my paychecks and the letter from my company.

    Does anyone think I should have a joint? If I do use a joint sponsor....do I have to pay the $70.00 fee for my joint as well? Unfortunately, I do not have much family here in America but plan to use my father. The only think is he is retired and really doesn't receive much other than his Social Security but he owns his house and well, he is self-employed.

    What do you think? Also, please can anyone let me know if I have to pay the $70.00 again for my joint sponsor. Thank you so much!

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