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dereka e dulcim

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Posts posted by dereka e dulcim


    Hey, what do you mean by "your" letter here. I already have an account with USCIS, but in order to check on the status of my application, I need to receive the NOA to get the receipt number. Is there some way around this? THANKS!

  2. Hello All,

    My now wife came here on a k-1 visa. She tore her ACL skiing and will need to go back to Brazil to have surgery since she has much better insurance with her family health plan there... the cost of the plane ticket pales in comparison to the cost of doing the surgery here.

    We are about to file for AOS but we want to get the AP document as soon as possible so that she can have the surgery and recover by the time she is eligible to work here. Does anyone know the details on how to do this by going to the USCIS field office? I read somewhere that we should file the I-131 normally (with the I-485). Then, we make an infopass appointment with the local USCIS office and bring the I-131 receipt, which I guess is the NOA when they receive our packet, and two passport photos.

    Can anyone confirm this?

    Does anyone know what the repercussions would be of my wife being home in Brazil having surgery when the AOS interview is scheduled (I've read the interviews are being scheduled pretty soon after filing these days). Would we be able to reschedule?

    Thanks so much for your help!

  3. Oi pessoal!

    Foramos aprovados!!!!!! Aconteceu na dia 17 de Nov. na verdade, mas eu nem tinha tempo para botar as novidades aqui pq estamos tão ocupados preparando!!!

    Eu botei uma revista da entrevista no Embassy Reviews aqui no VJ se quer ler. Foi tudo tranquilo.

    Boa sorte para todo mundo!!

  4. Derek, the consulate probably already has the paperwork for the denied tourist visas, so it would probably be best to go ahead and say that she was denied a tourist visa, and explain the reasoning (probably insufficient ties).

    Before deciding how to answer the question about work, I believe you need to look into licensing issues. There may or may not be reciprocity with the license, and I would guess there probably will not be (because laws and education requirements are so different in Brazil as in the US). More than likely, she will have to sit for your state's bar, which could be denied if she was not educated in the US and doesn't possess a JD. I don't know whether or not she has to have work authorization to be admitted to the bar, or to sit for the bar. In either case, she won't be able to practice as a lawyer without admission to the bar even if she has work authorization. Googling something like "(your state) state bar" will help you find out who she needs to talk to regarding the bar. It might be that in order to practice in your state, she has to go through law school (though she may be able to go into an LLM program instead of the JD program), or she will have to try to sit for the bar in CA or NY and try to get reciprocity through that.

    (Unlike Derek, my Portuguese is absolutely wretched!)

    Thanks K and L!

    We are definitely going to mention the tourist visas if they ask, so my question wasn't really about that. It was about a specific question on Form 257a. Question 14 asks if she has ever been refused admission to the US. In an earlier question it asks if she was ever denied a visa. Because they ask this question separately, I imagine that question 14 refers to a refusal at the POE, but I wanted to be sure.

    As to the question about occupation, we were more interested in how to answer the questions on the form than how to obtain a license to practice law in the US. One of my colleagues is Brazilian and is familiar with the process. Dulce ended up writing on form DS156 question 32 that she plans to work in the US, but does not have a speficic employer in mind yet. Hopefully this works, but I'm still open to suggestions! Carolina e James, tal vez este te ajuda.


  5. Valeu pessoal!

    Eu sou Derek, o Americano (como pode ver pelo meu sotaque digital), e a Dulcinha é a Brasileiritcha. Só lendo este blog me deu muito saudade dela... :crying:

    Eu tenho duas perguntinhas sobre uns formularios que eu acho são especificos ao Brasil.

    Um é no formulario 257a, pergunta 14. Diz "Foi lhe-recusado entrada nos Estdos Unidos?".

    A Dulcinha foi negado dois vistos de turismo que ela tentou tirar para me visitar. A pergunta refere ao isso, ou só se fosse negado no POE?

    Segundo é a pergunta 32 em formulario DS156. Eles perguntam se ela está planejando em trabalhar cuando vem para os EUA. Se ela disse sim, tem que dar o nome da empressa para quem ela vai trabalhar. Pois ela está planejando em trabalhar aqui sim, só que depois de casamento e tudo então não tem emprego ainda. É melhor dizer "não"? Pois em outro formulario (DS230 pergunta 22), pergunta a ocupação dela no EUA, e ela botou "Lawyer", pq ela é advogada no Brasil é o plano é ela trabalhar nisso aqui. É uma problema se as respostas das duas perguntas não concordam (dizer advogada em um e não emprego no outro?).

    Desculpe escrever sobre perguntas tão chatinhos, mas eu sou detalhisto e queremos fazer tudo direitinho. Também eu sei se tem alguem que pode nos ajudar, é vocês!!


    Dereka e Dulcim

  6. oi gente, adorei esse cantinho aqui pras brasileiritchas!

    O meu processo já está no Rio e minha entrevista é di 17 de novembro! tou super ansiosa e fiquei lendo aqui quando vcs falavam sobre procurar mails pra imprimir e tal e agora é a minha cara tb!!!

    Alguma dicas para meu grande dia, meninas?

  7. No, you can't change that. Only the consulate in Rio de Janeiro handle immigrant visas.

    Even if it was other kind of visas, you are entitled to go to the consulates in your jurisdiction. For example: I live in Maceio, so I can only apply for visas in the Consulate in Recife. Unfortunately that's how they work. Good luck!

    Thanks Mrs. Disney. I think I found out after I posted this that only Rio does the immigration visas. I did not know that you could only go to consulates in your jurisdiction though. My fiancee lives in Fortaleza and applied for tourist visas at both Recife and in Rio... she did not say anything about not being allowed to go to Rio because it wasn't in her jurisdiction.


    Sorry for the caps, but I am actually screaming! We just got the approval e-mail today. I am visiting my girl in Brazil so we were hoping it would come while I was here so we can celebrate together. Now we'll wait for the paperwork to get mailed to her and then work on the next steps.

    I hope all those Mayers still waiting get approved soon and feel the happiness we are experiencing now! It seems that the K-1s are getting processed in less than 4 months, so if it takes longer for you, I would reccomend talking to your Senator.... just a thought because this is what I was going to do as soon as I got back from Brazil!



  9. We are waiting for the NOA2 still. However, I am wondering if it is possible to change the location where the interview would be. On the I-129F, we put down Rio, but now it looks like Brasilia might be the better choice. Does anyone have experience with this? My thinking is that it would be better to wait until the package arrives at the consulate in Rio and then we ask them to send to Brasilia. What do you think?

  10. I am preparing all the document I will need to send with the I-129f Petition.

    Some questions about the G-325a:

    -What do I (the petitioner) put in the box titled "This form is submitted in connection with an application for:" I think it should be "x Other: I-129f Petition". Is this right?

    -What should my fiancee (the beneficiary) put? Should she put "x Other: I-129f Petition" when we submit the I-129f and then put "Status as Permanent Resident" for her interview? Or put "x Other: I-129f Petition" for all her G-325a forms (those for the petition and the interview)?

    -Lastly, has anyone else had a problem fitting the year (eg. 2007) into the space given on the form when entering the data in the computer? The space on the form I downloaded from the USCIS website does not have sufficient space so the date gets cut off.

    Birth Certificate:

    I know it is not necessary to send the beneficiary's birth certificate, but I would like to just to avoid an RFE if they have any questions/doubts about her name or anything like that. Because they do not ask for this document specifically, I imagine it is fine if I send a normal copy, as opposed to a certified copy. Should this document be translated? Must it be an official translation?

    Also I am curious if she will need a certified, translated copy at her interview in Rio de Janeiro. Or if a certified copy and a non-certified translation (or no translation at all) would be sufficient. Apparently certified translations in Brazil are like $100 so it would be good to avoid doing that if it is not necessary. Of course, if it is necessary for her interview, I will have her do it right now and then send me a copy for me to include with the I-129f.

    Question about RFE:

    If something is wrong with the forms and I get an RFE, do I have to pay the fee again and resubmit, or just make a correction? I guess it doesn't really matter since I am not planning on getting an RFE but just in case....

    Proof of relationship:

    -Can I send a copy of a CD containing pictures of us together with the petition? Do they accept this? I could print some out as well, but I think a CD with a thousand or so pictures of us together is pretty convincing evidence!!

    If they do not accept this with the I-129f petition, do they accept CD's or other digital media at the benificiary interview in Rio de Janeiro?

    Sorry for the long post! Hopefully other people will find the answer threads helpful just as I have found many other posts to be very helpful! I am very excited!!! :star:

  11. I have a K1 visa in my passport (you can find my embassy/interview review in my timeline) and, prior to that, I had FOUR B2 visa denials. Three out of four times, they didn't know I had a boyfriend/fiance in the US. He was the person (or once his mother) I intended to visit, though), who I had listed on my DS-156. They asked no specific questions and I therefore provided no specific answers. The last time, we had our K1 pending, so we were honest about the purpose of my trip (both of us attended the last B2 interview) - we said I wanted to go to the US during my days off, to simply spend some time with my fiance. This particular denial was outright related to the K1. Others were a lot more random, mostly related to bad luck.

    During our K1 interview, the previous B2 denials were mentioned, but they actually served as proof of our relationship.

    Thank you everyone for your responses! I feel much less anxious now. I agree, that the B2 denials will serve as proof of the relationship. Once she said she was visiting my sister and the other time my mother I believe.

    So our approach will be to say that they did not ask her specifically if she had a boyfriend in the US, so she just told them who she wanted to visit (my sister and mom) so that she could get to know them. She will also say that she wanted to visit me, even though I was not mentioned in the D-156 or interview.

  12. I am new to this forum, what a great site! After reading through the forum I have answered many questions I had and come up with lots of others! But I digress...

    My fiancee is from Brazil. I am a US citizen. We met in July 07 and fell madly in love. We lived together for seven months in Brazil. After that I had to return to the states and the plan was for my girl to visit me. She tried twice for the B-2 Tourist Visa and was denied twice.

    I have read other posts on this topic and was pleased to hear that the B-2 denials should not affect the K1 visa. However, during the interviews, my fiancee did not mention that she had a boyfriend in the states. After reading that having a boyfriend/girlfriend in the states means an automatic denial, we decided it would be best for her not to mention this.

    My concern is that they will have notes on her previous interview (I know they do keep notes on Visa applicants) and they will see that she did not mention a boyfriend in her interviews. So, she will either have to say that she ommitted this fact (lied! :whistle: ) in her B-2 interviews, or that we did not actuall know eachother back then.

    My sense is that it would be best to be honest if the subject comes up in the interview.... but of course to not mention it if they don't ask! Does anyone have thoughts on the best way for us to approach this? Should she say that she did not mention me because she knew it would mean automatic denial? We were not planning on getting married, just having her visit my folks and hometown... which we will have to do now with a fiancee visa.

    Thanks for your help everyone!!

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