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Posts posted by DIARD

  1. Just to update: We sent our RFE package on December 10th (took awhile to get everything together) it included:

    Tax statements for 2011, 2010, 2009

    A letter from our rental company stating that we still lived at our address even though the lease expired in 2011, and that we were on a month to month tenantcy since then (Also attached a copy of the lease to this letter even though it was previously sent)

    Letter from our bank saying that it was a joint account plus 6 months of bank statemnts

    Letter from our son's therapy company stating that my husband has been at every session in our home - 30 hours, 5 days a week since they started in July 2011.

    Misc mail showing both our names

    Affidavit from my mother

    I also wrote an explanation on why we didn't have more joint financial information and additional issues with our remote geographical location. I think the bolded ones were what they were looking for. We received his approval yesterday 12/21/12. Thank you all for your help and support.

  2. unfortunately you can only send what you have. you can order your tax transcripts from the IRS in lieu of tax returns. any mail delivered to both of you at the same address? pics with your families? plane boarding passes for travels taken together? your work's emergency contact list, with your husband as your emergency contact? copy of your DL and of his driving permit showing the same address?

    My husband is my beneficary at work if I die, they send my last checks to him. I can get a copy of this as well as him being the beneficary of my retirement 401 - but I have only worked there since February of this year. His permit does show our address. I may be able to get a letter from our landlord statng we still rent at the same address as shown in the lease (which USCIS has already). I sent them a lot of pics of us and him with my/our children throughout the last 3 years.

    Do you think the IEP/special education records and letters would work too? They come addressed to both of us and our son's iep plans etc show us both at attendence (Meetings were held at our residence and the paperwork reflect this too). Also his Autism therapists require us to sign everytime they come - which is 5 days a week for the past 17 months. My husband has signed most all of them, as I was at work. I think I may be able to get the therapy group to write a letter stating that they have come and my husband has been present everytime since June of 2011 to present.

  3. I have read a bunch of post on the subject of RFE but could use a bit of help. I don't want to submit and not have enough to make USCIS happy. My husband filed to ROC in April of this year. We sent:

    Joint tax returns for 2011

    Birth certifcate from our son

    Copy of our joint lease agreement for our rental

    copies of card sent to us from relatives and friends on both sides

    Pictures of us together for the past couple of years including my sisters wedding where my husband was the best man.

    joint bank account information

    2 sworn affidavits (One from our sons special education teacher that comes to the house once a week for the past 1 1/2 years and one from my daughters Girl Scout/Sunday school teacher that sees us and the kids at least 2x a week for the past 2 years)

    We do not have any joint credit cards or loans. We do not have medical or life insurance. He only has his driving permit so he is not on the car insurance yet. All of the bills are in my name because I just transfered the account to the new address when he moved here in 2009. We do not have any joint accounts like sam's club or costco, AAA or even netflix.

    From reading the forums it looks like I should have sent all the tax returns and I can do this (2009, 2010 and 2011). I can also send all of the joint account statements but the account was only opened in April of this year. We didn't co-mingle funds until then. I am the only one that works outside of the home, he stays home with the kids. Because he doesn't drive yet, I do all of the shoppng and bill paying too.

    We do have lots of paper work going back to July of 2011 from our Regional Center because our son has developmental delays because of suspected Autism. We have IEP letters, plans etc that both of our names, signatures and our address. I can get a letter from the ABA therapists that show that My husband alone or myself and my husband were present at all of the sessions our son has had(20-30 hours a week since last year)because he signs a form everytime they come to the house.

    We have mail, junk mail and magazines in his name that show our address but not anything joint.

    I am at loss of what else to provide. Please help if you can.


  4. You can call DOS and ask them if they've received your checklist response and if an interview date has been assigned. The number is 202-663-1225. Press 1 then 0. .... Is this the number you have called?

    Hmmm, but they're not enquiring about their packet 3, since London hasn't logged receipt of the petition file. Packet 3 won't have been sent yet...

    DOS will also tell you if your packet from NVC has arrived in London and if your packet 3 has been printed. (That's how I found out our packet 3 was printed, beofre we received it in the mail)

  5. My fiance has dumped or given to charity shops and friends most of all the knik knak kind of stuff. I brought back guitars and a keyboard my last visit as luggage. As for the big stuff, he put it in the paper and has sold the washer/dryer. The living room suite hasn't sold so he called second hand furniture stores and is getting quotes for them to pick up and buy it. Hopefully he will have that gone on Monday. Some friends of friends have purchased some of the other stuff like tv stand, fridge etc. His brothers are taking his computer, monitor, computer desk and chair. So all that will be left on Monday, hopefully is his suitcases, a couple of guitars his brother is going to store until we can get over for a visit and bring them back as carryons and a wardrobe he hasn't been able to off on anyone.

    He leaves early Tuesday morning so he wont be sleeping Monday. I can't wait till Tuesday!

  6. Hi gang!

    I am a bit confused.. about to send off my I-134, etc. to my fiancee in England for her interview.

    I am of course the sponsor, and my dad will be the co-sponsor... he lives with me.

    He doesn't have a birth certificate (he was born in Germany), but has a certificate of Naturalization here from the US District Court.

    Can I just send a copy of that? (I notice people here stating they are sending original birth certificates) ...I am confused if a copy of his Certificate of Naturalization will be enough :wacko:

    I am sending a copy of my birth certificate also (short one i guess), and my passport ... as they are part of the copy of our entire I-129 petition

    I am trying to learn from everyone else's experiences here in this thread, so as to avoid any sort of delay whatsoever.

    I would be eternally grateful for any feedback or help with my confusion!!

    Thanks to you all in advance! :)

    There was a copy of my birth certificate in the original petition, so my finance had a copy at the interview but he wasn't asked for it nor did he give it to them. He gave them the I-134, tax returns and bank statements for 6 months plus my divorce decree which shows child support my kids receive.

  7. Hi everyone,

    Hope you're having a great Friday evening. I'm putting my documents together to send to my fiance for his interview. I made quite a few copies of pictures of the two of us together. What is the appropriate number of pictures to send? I don't want to send so many that I annoy the embassy, but yet I want to send enough for them to know that we've spent lots of time together. How many have other people sent to their fiances to take to the interview? Thanks in advance for your advice!


    I sent 6 plus ticket stubs/passport stamps for the visits since we filed the petition and my finance said they didn't even ask for any or look at them.lol

  8. ####### r u talking about farmer boy??? :wacko:

    I do not "have a dog in this fight" (the eloquence of your prose astonishes me) -- I do have a problem with eternal whiners that are prompt to claim "FRAUD" as soon as their marriages are over for a multiplicity of OTHER non-immigration related reasons.

    Then again, your line of thought is exactly that: uni-linear.

    Thanks for playing.

    hey there city girl,

    you do have a dog in the fight (betting on your own resources).

    i have a problem with whiners who deny that immigration fraud occurs when it is so widespread.

    i also have a problem with people saying that they were "abused", but that their new boyfriend is perfect, and they want to stay in America because they have so much effort invested in getting here.

    anyone who has worked with real victims of domestic abuse knows that they do not form trust object transferrence relationships quickly after separation from a genuine abuser, and that they want to be free of all things associated with such a person. i have seen very few posters on this board with this pattern of behaviour asking about how they can keep their immigration benefits. i have seen lots more posters who do not evidence a history of genuine abuse asking about how they can keep their immigration benefits.

    I don't agree with this. I was in an abusive relationship for 3 years, have the scars to prove it. Met my ex husband less than 3 months after getting out. We were married 16 years. It didn't work but wasn't because of physical abuse.

  9. I think people should be able to rant. They always seem to get put down when they do though. This process is a stressful one, that is for sure.

    I also don't think that most get on and glout though. The waiting etc gets to you and when things finally move along you just can't wait to share. Also I think just because a process might look seemless for some, doesn't mean it is. We have had numerous problems that I haven't shared on the forums, the last one being that they sent his visa before they received his medical. Though it was 't that big a deal. it was a stressful fiasco for an already stressed out fiance. He is finally in possession of 2 do not open envelopes. I am so worried they are going to lose his medical and we will be forced into another $400 medical for AOS. Oh well, like someone else said you just have to go with the flow of US immigration.

  10. Oh, Indian Cadbury triumphs ALL other Cadbury's including UK/USA. I take about a ton of chocolate bars everytime I go back to the US.

    :D It's funny isn't it. It's definitely what you are used too. My american friends love their hersheys but my argument is that if they were brought up on cadbury's then they would have a different opinion.

    I used to think that but I have become convinced that Brit food is the best and US food is horrible - all of it, without exception. It isn't anything to do with what we are used to. I am talking about supermarket food rather than Restaurant food

    My USC wife lived in the UK for a year and she pines for Brit food. Including Brit curries from India and Pakistan and the tribesmen of the Khyber...

    I mean have you seen US eggs ? Looks like a small sick pigeon has laid them some years ago. In the UK they are big and brown and fresh and yummy. Bread ? yuk and expensive. Currant teacakes ? Don't exist. Cheshire cheese - nearest is Florida at $zillions a nibble - I used to drive 70 miles to buy a piece in Florida.

    Morrison's black pudding ? Don't start me on beer. A lot of chicken is faintly reminiscent of chicken so I eat a lot of that - otherwise spuds - even then it's hard to find those that taste like spuds. I don't know what the soil is in Idaho but it can't be like the rich black loam of Blighty

    I go back to the UK every 12 weeks and I take a melamine plate and knife and fork and I empty Morrison's and pig out on Brit food in my hotel room.

    Then I come back to the US and take my triglyceride pill and eat sugar with sugar on again mixed with molasses and a lump of pig fat with a tiny streak of meat (bacon). The cheese is like a bar of soap in texture. Crumbly Lancashire sir ?

    I think the quality of the grub is terrible and I am so surprised the population are not revolting

    Yoghurt and canned fruit for tea....

    I'll give you the cheese, but I think most of the rest depends on where you live. I was born and raised in California and I think we have the best produce around. I also lived in the midwest and I personally thought the food there was horrid at first but slowly got use to most of it. Still, I wouldn't trade my farm fresh locally produced fruit, veggies, meats, eggs, tortillas and sourdough for anything I ate in Britian (ok maybe the cheese and the fish and chips.lol) All kidding aside I think it comes down to what you are use to or grew up on.

  11. Hello all my fellow VJ'rs :) I have wonderful news!!!! John's interview has been moved up successfully from originial date of 1-4-10 to 11-25-09 at 9 am!!! I received a reply to my email this morning at 6:07 am CST.

    If anyone else needs to know about moving their interview date, you can call the Embassy and they will give you a code and direct email address to the consulate to request the change.

    They noted in the email: "We have rescheduled the appointment for 25NOV at 09.00. Please ignore the appt letter for Jan.




    This is it!! Thank you for all your support and Prayers, We are now just 9 days away from our itnerview. God Speed!!

    That is great news! Good luck next week

  12. Wendy, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get your December interview and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. You truly are an amazing woman and you deserve every happiness x x x

    Thank you Amanda

    "Good lunck Wendy and John, i hope this works out for you, make sure you let us all know and im sorry to hear about your sister"

    Thanks Lesley

    Wendy I hope they can move your interview up for you. I wish I would have known before you sent in your packet 3 I would have told you to write a cover letter explaining why you wanted your interveiw sooner. I happen to see another vjer mention that so we did a cover letter explaining my pregnancy and its complications (placenta previa), asking for a quick interview. We got one for 2 1/2 weeks later. Im sure it was due to the cover letter.

    So anyone reading this, if you have circumstances like mine or Wendy's and need a quick interview, write so in a detailed cover letter when you send in your packet 3. It could speed the process for you.

  13. I hope we get our interview soon.. we mailed the packet to the embassy with all the DS forms on 10-28-09.. How long are you seeing this take.. about 3-4 weeks for an interview??

    GOT APPROVED! :-) At 12:30am today....I will post the story+ review later, but between handing in my documents at 10:15 and for my interview at 12:20 it felt like forever....Bring a cushion or a coat to sit on :-)

    Congrads!! Very Best of luck on your life together...

    We got our interview date within 3 days of packet 3 being put into the embassy system. The interview was for 2 1/2 weeks later. We did follow advice from Dyfed and wrote a cover letter with our packet 3 letting them know why we needed a date quick though. You can call DOS to see if the packet has been put into the system and if an interview date has been set.

    Also congrats to nickandkayte for the approval!!

  14. I will remember to do that Gemmie. Im glad that they didn't cancel the interview as they changed the medical being done to before and he couldn't get in until today. Luckily they approved pending medical.

    I am glad that we ar sliding in under the baby coming. I was worried about it.

  15. Im glad it didn't effect my finace's interview on November 3rd. He called for a medical and couldn't get in till November 5th, then we received an interview date of November 3rd. We tried to change the medical for the 2nd or at least the 4th because of the travel distance but they wouldnt do it. So he has been in a motel in London since Monday night. Anyway they approved him pending medical.

  16. Im glad it wasn't denied, just means a litle bit more of a wait for you. The waiting is the hardest and I know you have had more than your share. Its funny how stupid things we do as young adults can come back to bite us. It seems all a bit silly for a small childhood prank. Let us know when you get everything sent in and visa in hand!

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