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Bryan+Nelia 4life

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Posts posted by Bryan+Nelia 4life

  1. yeahh ..soo scared to buy ticket when i dont have my visa in hand....my next step is to have the cfo seminar...so after that one i can buy a ticket to be with my husband atlast!

    good luck to u and evrybody here too

    god bless u guys!

    Well were gonna goto CFO tomorrow so you can go with us if you want! Im going to the airport around 3pm to get Nelia, she had to goto Butuan to pack her stuff and give away whats shes not taking. But we may chack out some bars tonight if you wanna come!

  2. i dont understand.my c.o told me evrything is in place visa approved.no more document needed.so i can have my visa in hand today.i will just wait for my name called in release area window 37.after i get there they told me that i need to pay the air21 becasue they will send me the package.huhuhu...i told that guy no need to pay the air21 because my co told me that i can get visa today.but he insist that i need to pay the air 21...so i tried window 31 for visa pick up.but they turn over me to window 38 but still she told me i need to go back window 37.huhuh...i ask aain if my visa is release but he told me i need to the air21.huhuhu....

    so no choice but to go there and pay.and that guy told me that 10 working days..huhuhuh

    im soo worried my plane will leave jan.15 evening..huhuh

    how true it is ?

    my hotel is just in bocobo st.in bocobo hotel.

    tell me your idea about this.thanks for the future response.

    Hey congrats on yer Visa! We are also in Casa Bocobo! Were going to leave thursday if we can pick up our Visa. We basically went threw the same thing minus the air21 desk thing. They told us they would call us and tell us when its ready, but that was last thursday that she passed so I dont know what thier story is. We had a friend who had her interview jan5th and recieved it Air21 on the 8th in Cebu! So you cant tell me it would take longer to pick up your visa then for them to mail it. Unless Air2 gets special handling and they process it faster, but that dosent make logical sence if your asking to pick it up in order to shave a few days.

    What did you tell Air21 to send it to the hotel? If you wanna hook up and hang out later lemme know


  3. They will let you guys in, as long as you have your blue passport and her case number, then it will be no sweat. My dad did the same thing, they said you can pick up the visa at the embassy the next day but they'll call him on what time it will be ready, but I told my dad to just go to the embassy than wait for the call. Sure he did, and his visa was not ready yet, but since he has to leave that night ( he showed his ticket and his visa will expire the next day) then they were forced to have the visa printed and was ready by 12 noon.. :) Had his cfo at 1 pm and had his flight at 10:30 pm via PAL..

    Goodluck!! :)

    Blue passport meaning my US passport? Ok thats kool, im thinking its ready and just sitting there but knowone bothered to call?

  4. Yes you can pick up the visa BUT NOT right after the interview. You have to wait a few days for the visa before you can go to USEM to pick 'em up.

    (thread hi-jack) So if I can plan a long enough time around her interview can I bring her back? (/thread hi-jack)

    Better chance of you guys/your fiancee passing the interview and also being able to pick up the visa if you attend the interview.

    NO guarentees for either tho.

    Case by case basis.

    Yes, exactly right - no guarantees but if USC attends interview and requests visa pick up there is a good chance to be successful. I attended my fiancees interview and we picked up visa 2 days after interview.

    So USC has to be there for pickup? (i am going to interview) Just curious though. Also how do you know when its ready for pickup?

    It depends in the consul if they will let you pick up the visa or delivered by air21, my husband is not with me when i done my interview last friday. The embassy will call you if it's ready to pick up.

    Well our Consul said sure no problem and wrote on a purple card, then told us to go to another window for instructions to pick up. There we filled out the card with our phone numbers and the man told us to wait for our call to come pick up. I asked him if he knew roughly when it would be ready and he said he didnt know. I said it should be faster to pick up then have delivered Air21 and he agreed. This was last thursday, now its tuesday and no phone call yet im getting a little concerned because we are flying out on thursday. ( I know i shouldnt buy her ticket till visa in hand but the flights are quicky getting sold out and I really dont want to leave her here to fly by herself) However we will go back to embassy to see if maybe its ready for us, I just hope tey let us in.

  5. Congratulations!

    My interview date will be on January 19. Please pray for us to get the pink slip! :thumbs:

    i'll pray for u...be confident im sure everything will be ok...goodluck! if u need any help with anything PM me

  6. Congratulations!!!

    It's nice to hear someone's success story, honestly i am anxious and worried. Our K1- journey is about to start. Any advise?

    How did the interview go?


    Thank you! I was very worried myself, as I had some evidence of support issues but they didnt even look at anything but I-134 and tax returns! As far as interview, I think it was a breeze. We got there about 6:30 for our 7am interview so that kinda put us a little further back in the que. We went to the first window to submit the 3 docs and get our number assigned.

    About half an hour later our number 7008 sent us to window 27 for the pre-screener. She was a Phil woman and that made me nervous (I have heard that usally the pinoy pre-screeners are grumpy) She asked for our support docs and asked me to sit on the chairs near the window, which I guessed was so she could ask Nelia questions without me helping. She asked her when we first met and Nelia looks at me as if she didnt know, I was like oh no this lady isnt gonna like that. Well she answered ok and they continued in Tagalog. She asked for a few emails and photos, which she then returned to us and said to remove the ones of us kissing. I included 4 or 5 of those because I figured they were good evidence, but the lady said they were inappropriate? Go figure. Then she asked for any greeting cards our letters, ok no problem as we have about a dozen cards. Sorry maam these need to be put back in the envelopes they came in! Panic starts, I hoped they didnt ask for envelopes because alot of the cards I sent to her were in boxes with other gifts so no indivisual postage on mine. Whatever I didn't relize the lady said prepare them for our final interview as the consular will ask fo them. I told Nelia that is her opinion just like the photos of us kissing. So anyways we fixed them up as best as we could. She told us to go sit and wait for fingerprinting. I thought the lady was mean but Nelia said she was actualy kinda nice. (they spoke in tag so I didnt know what they were saying oh well.

    Didnt even sit down they called us to fingerprint LOL were standing there trying to organize our cards into there respective envelopes (what little ones we had). That was very simple process, go back and wait on blue chairs.

    Wait about 30mins for interview, door 28. We followed a friend we met during the process she came out and smiled and told us approved so we felt relieved! Went in and sat in front of an American white woman, she was cheerful and greeted Nelia. She had her raise her right hand and swear to tell the truth yada yada. She then asked Nelia a few quetions about me, like where does "he" work and who is "your" petitioner and when did "he" propose? I spoke up and said "he" is me btw because it didnt seem she knew who I was lol. She laughed a little and said she knew. She said well congrats and welcome to the US, that was it! she didnt ask for nothing nada zip! She said proceed to Air21 and pay for delivery, I told her we would like to pick up the Visa as we will be here in Manila till our departure. She wrote something on a purple card and told us to wait for our number to be called for instructions on picking up your Visa.

    The funniest part of the whole thing was the little amount of evidence they wanted to see. Nelia was actually mad that they didnt even ask to see her engagement ring! We prepared so much evidence it was sick. I guess it was better to be prepared for the worst, then fall short on something. I also think double and triple checking accuarcy of documents is important too. I really did a nice job on the I-129f portion and I think that definetly made thier job easier which in turn made the whole process easier.

    Sorry for the long winded reply but I guess this was a good spot to post about our interview lol. Once again I would like to thank VJ and all its family for all the help getting us threw this. We couldnt have done it without you.

    So cheer up and be confident, fill out everything acurately and the rest will fll into place.

    P.S. I made up a list of things to prepare for interview with anything usefull I found here on the forums, its sort of a checklist to make sure you have everything you need. PM me your email and I will send it out to anyone who needs it!

  7. you didnt get an immigrant discount cause K1 doesnt considered as immigrant, anyway CONGRATS :thumbs:

    Well thx for congrats, but the PAL agent told us it was due to it being peak travel season. Kinda sux that a one way ticket is the same as round trip. But hey at least this part is over! :thumbs::dance:

  8. We got threw are interview yesturday with not a hitch and passed! Im glad im here with her in PH though it seems se woulda passed without me. We will fly outta here for Vegas on the 14th $1300 for her from PAL with no immigrant discount :(

    Thanks for everyons help here as I theres no way i coulda did it without you!

  9. Yup I got robbed $1524 to fly PAL on Jan3rd, but its worth it if I can bring my bebe home with me.

    Wow! Robbed is not the word I'd use :blink: but I understand....

    Yah i guess im a little spoiled though, I coulda probably got cheaper by flying to LA first then Tapai, and finally Manila. But man I hate changing planes/airlines and having to recheck bags, and waiting on overlays, or having to run your butt off because theres little time to make next flight. PAL Las Vegas is one plane with an hour stop in Vancouver and I do enjoy there food too!

    I hear yeah! What I like is Pal fly’s non-stop from Honolulu and the last 3 time they put me in Business Class free....Ohhhh that was so nice they treat you like a king. Check out Hawaiian Airline they have a non-stop from Hawaii as well, at lest you can stretch your legs and get some fresh Hawaiian air!

    Poop that sounds awesome I wish I seen this beforehand lol...

  10. Yup I got robbed $1524 to fly PAL on Jan3rd, but its worth it if I can bring my bebe home with me.

    Wow! Robbed is not the word I'd use :blink: but I understand....

    Yah i guess im a little spoiled though, I coulda probably got cheaper by flying to LA first then Tapai, and finally Manila. But man I hate changing planes/airlines and having to recheck bags, and waiting on overlays, or having to run your butt off because theres little time to make next flight. PAL Las Vegas is one plane with an hour stop in Vancouver and I do enjoy there food too!

  11. Ditto... They just want to make sure you earn enough to support your SO when they enter the country, whether you do that working 1 hour or 80 hours and whatever your "official" status is... You show steady income and are with the same company... You should be fine

    I am hoping this is the case, but if you derived income some weird way like professional gambler. You would probably have a tough time getting a letter from your employer.

  12. Just a thought, do you have a common name? I know sometimes there is some confusion with getting people mixed up. If they thought you were a different person prior to your arrival they might already plan on you being put in AR till they know for sure. Also if there is something questionable on your case the consul might try to rattle you to try to get you to say something incriminating, full knowing your already going to AR. I'm not trying to scare you or anything just maybe it will help you figure it out faster. I do wish you Good Luck with your AR and if everything is true God will light your way.

  13. Finally guys after all the heart ache the stress the ups and downs of our jouney is going to happen on thursday.

    anone flying Hawaiin airlines at thursday at 750pm look for grace the most excited woman on there i think lol. i don't like her flying into hawaii first but couldn't pass up 220 dollars less as we wil need that money for other things. Plus it was the only flight going out thursday at was avalible unless wanted to pay 1000 and over 2 transfers. i didn't want that for her.

    So again thanks to all of you guys throught the missing Taiwain clearnce, to the waiting of the visa to helping with the paper work and plane issuies and advisement.

    Once she get here and we have some down time, i told her she is going to do some reports on her medical exam and visa journey as maybe somebody behind us will be going through the same rollercoaster as we did.

    Now onto the other part of the journey, wedding and change of status.

    THANKS AGAIN VJ you rock

    Robert and grace thursday night finally.

    Hey im here in Vegas too, Nelia will be here (with some luck) around the 14th of January, Maybe we could meet up or something.

  14. I think they'd look at your total salary made more than anything else. You've been there a long time so I don't see how they'd view it as temporary.

    Well i can show how much I make, with paystubs, W-2's and tax returns and a journal of all my tips. Im just hoping they wont say denied without giving me a chance to present all my evidence.

  15. I'm currently employed with the same company for the passed 3+years, but my status with the company is on-call (I was full time, but I had to take a medical leave of absence for 5 months and was rehired as on-call) . I work anywhere from 24 to 40 hours a week depending how busy it is. With the recession being what it is, it is very hard to get back to full time status with our company. I make close to $50,000 a year so Im way above the poverty line. My concern and question is will they frown on my on-call status? Or is there primary concern the income level? I read on the I-134 instructions #3 Whether the position is temporary or permanant. Might they view on-call as a temporary position? Like I said I have been with company over 3 years now and 2 since my LOA.

  16. My fiance' has her medical on Monday and she is worried because her friend is in town (lol her period). I told her that is not a problem but she thinks they will make her reschedule. Can you tell her not to worry guys?

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