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Posts posted by shyam1

  1. Hi Ant.

    I understand where you are coming from, still I respectfully disagree with you. First, I want to mention that the judge was not out of line. He didn't scream at anyone but gave that guy a bad look and invited that person to step out of the courtroom. The man with the kid was not the guy who was taking the Oath but a guest of someone. They decided to bring their child with them which is fine if that kid would have been quiet. That kid started talking and moaning and then crying. His voice resonated over the judge's and everybody turned their eyes from the judge to the man with the kid. The judge looked at the man a few times before telling him to step out, kind of saying to him non verbally to try to keep the kid quiet while he was speaking to us about the privilege of becoming an American citizen and serving the country. If that kid would have kept quiet or his dad would have calmed him down, no one would have had any problem with him being there.

    I do realize that people with children have a different way of thinking but with all do respect I think you are making too much out of having your kid there with you. Yes, they won't remember the event if they are too young and if the parents really want their kid there with them they can have him/her wait outside with the nanny and then, at the end they can still take pictures together and have wonderful memories. The Citizenship Oath is an event for the people who are there to TAKE THAT OATH, not for their families and friends. Respect has to be shown to the judge and to those people and selfishness and self importance has to be left at the door of that courtroom. The Citizenship Ceremony in itself it is NOT for one person but for ALL the people there, for you, for me and for other 200 or so persons. This only happens ONCE in a lifetime and everyone there has the right and has to have the privilege to HEAR what the judge has to say and not a baby talking or crying.

    You don't know me and you don't know the judge and plus you weren't at my Oath ceremony so you don't know what happened and what it was like. I am telling you the judge was not out of line and no one there believed so, except probably the people who brought the baby. Also, i don't believe that telling people to leave their toddlers home is out of line or disrespectful or makes me or anyone else a baby hater. Not at all. It is a matter of respect for the event in itself, for the US courtroom, for the judge and for the rest of the people there.

    You are entitled to your opinion and I respect that. Still encouraging people to bring their kids is NOT an advice you should give the people here. Thx for understanding...maybe:)

    Your are almost 100% correct in your replies--however, you might want to consider not having children of your own---and then you will never have to worry about it...

  2. lol that's funny. How about we bring the kids(all 12-20 of them) and the kids friends from school, the grandparents, the mentally ill person next door and his mentally ill buddies from the hospital and i'll also bring my best friend because it would mean so much to me if it will be there to witness...he is also trained to behave and not bark at people or bite them unless i tell him to. His name is Bonnar and he's a good boy :). Please don't discriminate towards my friend, alrighty? tz tz tz :yes::no:

    Wow, you seem to have some issues with this children thing. Its' clear that you don't have any kids of your own. Did you have a bad experience at your oath ceremony? I agree it can be annoying to have a screaming infant in that situation, and parents should be responsible, but there is nothing wrong with parents wanting their children with them. and comparing "mentally ill buddies" and making comparisons to a mental hospital in terms of bringing your own children seems a little...over the top... :bonk:

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