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Status Updates posted by Nlove

  1. Yeah, when you come back from Egypt I'll text you a few pics on your phone. YES YOU ARE NEXT!!! I can't wait to see YOUR bundle of joy. It's like falling in love over again.

  2. I had her! 6 lbs 12 ounces. Everything went well. Dec 30th at 7:53pm.

  3. Well you enjoy the rest of your stay there. I'm sure hubby is very glad to be home!!

  4. Wow a whole month! You still have some time left!! However, I can understand you wanting to return. I hope you had a wonderful Holiday season there. We have snow in NC so I can imagine the snow in IL.

  5. Wow you in Egypt?! I want to go there. Egypt has some of the most breath-taking sites. We had planned to go to Nigeria for Christmas but life has a way of changing plans sometimes. How long will you be there? We do have a name which will be revealed during the naming ceremony.

  6. Shawna how you doing? Hope you doing well. I have 2 weeks left. Hope she comes sooner.

  7. Hope married life is going well. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  8. Congratulations! I am happy for you and your husband.

  9. That's good. Hope everything goes well. You have alot of patience. It's been a while since you last seen him. I'm expecting. Find out what I'm having on Friday.

  10. Hello, Long time. Sorry it took me a while t get back with you. I haven't been on here for a while. Everything is going good. How are you?

  11. Hope your process is coming along well :)

  12. Hey Kem. JUst wanted to say hi!

  13. I'll send you the recipe today ok!

  14. Hello Shawna, How are you doing girl? Things are going very well my way. Marriage life is an adjustment. It is true when they said marriage is about give and take..AND UNDERSTANDING. All the same I thank God for everything.

  15. How did things go on your husband's interview? You came across my mind tonight. Send me a message.

  16. Thank you so much. God is in control.

  17. Hey Shawna, Yeah my Nubian prince will be here in three days. Can't really say I'm excited, weird I know. I'm thankful to God that things went well. Wow it just seems so surreal right now!

  18. Nlove

    Congratulations Sam, I didn't know wifey has arrived! Hope everything is going well for you all!

  19. You should be getting a date soon!

  20. Thanks for the congrats. How is it going for you? Are you at NVC yet?

  21. Any new updates Aya? Hope you doing good!

  22. RIGHT ON!!! That is great Erica!! I'm happy for you! I knew it was coming soon. Your in my prayers!!

  23. Oh yes I'm preparing for his arrival thanks!!!

  24. I'll post the experience at the embassy this week sometime. Thanks!

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