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Posts posted by goldylox

  1. To be honest. .... she had a problem when she was younger.. we both had psychotherapy and dealt with a lot of stuff keeping in mind she was 14/15 years old. ... now she is like any other 20 year old who's mum lives in the us and coping with life on her own in london..... goes to university to be a business analysist and accountant ... is a supervisor in tesco to pay her rent. ... which I am so proud of her. ... sad that marajana was found with that in her system but cest LA vie. .... she agreed to counselling and attending Aa meetings.. . So she is no way a lay about looser shooting drugs being alcoholic as people may be quick to judge .... she is a responsible young woman doing what she can without her mum. .... what were you doing as a teenager.....

  2. Yes we married before my daughters 16 birthday and filed for her when she was 19. ... so hopefully we won't have a problem. ... was wondering though if it was only the medical she failed will her case be held open till next year based on passing the medical then as she needs to go for regular urine tests till then and I also told her to get a counsellor to add to her case. .... does anyone know?

    I spoke to her today she seems a little better a d I gonna go home to see her Xmas time x x

  3. Thanks for getting back to me guys. ..... people who judge only judge because if there egos. .. I don't care bout those kind of people.... thank you for your honest replys. .... its all about finding a solution ;)))...... maybe its a blessing in disguise for my daughter. .. it hurts like hell but star member ur right just being here and supporting her is what I have to do....... her problem has surfaced and it can only do her good in the long term x x x

  4. HI guys

    i just got off the phone with my daughter. She failed her medical. We are so upset right now i just want to cry. I dont know what to do anymore. This process has had its toll on me.

    She went to Knightsbridge on wednesday. She was talking with the doctor and being the honest person she is she disclosed that she had a suicide attempt when she was 15, she is now 20. The doctor asked her about the last time she drank and used alcohol, she told them within the last few days. She said that they did a blood test. They will find marijanan and alcohol in the results. The doctor said that she didnt think she would be going to america. She gave her paperwork to have a detailed report about her suicide attempt and drug and alcohol usage from her doctor. I am scared because she has has a history of drinking. But she got over it. The doctor said that she will probably have to see a psychiatrist and go for urine tests for the next year at knightsbridge. Even if she had to wait a year she wouldnt be a minor anymore right and have to wait alot longer for her visa if she got one?

    I am just at the end i havent seen her for a year and a half. I have no idea what i can do to make it better or how to fix it. I cant loose hope but i dont know is that it guys will she get denied? if thats the case i have to go back to the UK. Just need some input cause i am not thinking very clear right now ......

    Thank you again for any help you give x x x x x x

  5. Hi guys

    I had an rfe for court records which I emailed and mailed. .. they would have got the reply 3 weeks ago this Friday. .there was no court records because it never went to court. apro advised me that any other reports would have the same info on them. So I mailed stating this.... which I was advised it was enough to support rfe .... I still waiting my patience is waning :(( fed up.com. .... ever time I call they say its under review and could take up to 20 days ..... just sooooooooo fed up. ...

  6. lol I am from scotland you should try a visit up the west coast towards Oban and Fort William ..... One of the most spectacular journeys ever ...... castles, lochs, mountains, highland cows and the odd man in a kilt with bagpipes lol ..... you will not regret the trip i promise :)) Oh and if you can a trip to Iona the island where all the kings of scotland are buried a very spiritual place :))) x x x x x AWWWWWWW i wanna go home looool

  7. Hi guys

    I called NVC on friday they said they were waiting for court records to close my daughters case. She has 2 cautions, one was for holding a fake ID and the other for beong drunk and disorderly.... She is 20 years old and my marriage took place before her 16 birthday. We applied for IR2 visa.

    I called http://www.acro.police.uk/police_certificates.aspx in the UK and spoke to a lady who told me that because it was only a caution there will be no court records to get. I asked her about the subject access report. She told me that there would be no more information on that report as there was on the police report.

    I called NVC back and the girl said that was fine to send an email. I emailed and mailed the following letter. Has anyone else had this problem? Is the letter enough? I wish this thing was over i havrnt seen her for a year and 4 months :(((( Any help would really help us thank you guys x x x

    NVC Case No:
    USCIS Case

    Petitioner's Name:
    Petitioner's Date of Birth:
    Beneficiary's Name:
    Beneficiary's Date of Birth:

    To whom it may concern:

    As per my conversation with Cindy at your office this morning at 9.25am. Cindy told me that you were waiting for Court records to complete our case. I called ACPO Criminal Records Office (ACRO) London 011 44 845 60 13 999. The 2 entries on Amani Chafiks police records were misdemeanors, only police cautions were given. She never attended court. Therefor there are no court records to be obtained. Any other evidence i could obtain from the Criminal records Office would have the same information as the police records already submitted for Amani Chafik. ACPO Criminal Records office told me if you needed any further information to call them on the above number. They are unable to send me a letter confirming this. They said that immigration usually call them if there is any further information needed. I have also emailed the contents of this letter to NVC on 7/11/2013.

    If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

    Yours sincerely

    Ruth Martin

  8. well after 9 months of life on an emotional rollercoaster i got my visa :))

    Interview on Monday, Medical record sent to Embassy on Tuesday and i got all my stuff today, Friday. Visa in passport, Big white envelope saying do not open (why oh why do they do that i want to open it looool but i know if its opened you forfeit your visa) and a cd of my chest xray no doubt also not to be opened.

    So my journey here is over ...... All i have to worry about now is packing, shipping, handing in notice at work, booking flight and shipping out .. I cannot express how valuable this site has been to me over the past 2 years .... And i know i will need it again when i get to the states ... To all of you VJ's i send you all a big hug and a big giant Thank You for all your imput, and also for keeping me sane throughout my journey x x x x x

  9. Well D day has finally arrived. I never ever thought i would get to this point ... i just got off the phone with my hubby big erik and i cried cause i am so relieved ... One thing i have learned about myself on this journey is that i am actually quite a drama queen loool.... i go to work every day and practice holistic therapies and advise people abut the benefits of peace and calmness and inner stillness ... and yet as soon as i hear the anything about american visas i loose all rationality ...... Just like to say thank you to everyone who helped me get this far this website has been instrumental in this whole process i have met some pretty amazing people here who gave me the best advice ever ..... Wish me luck guys x x x Hopefully i will get to meet Amy she will be there at pretty much the same time :))

  10. Guys thank you for all your replies ....I come bearing good news :)

    i have been to GP twice this week and my blood pressure is back to normal. She wrote me out a report and faxed it to Knightbridge. I went to have the scan last night at the private clinic. I needed 2 areas scanned so it cost me £200. The sonographer told me that there was absolutely nothing there apart from 2 tiny fibroids which is absolutely nothing to worry about. They will send results today.

    I can honestly say it has been the most hair raising week of my life.... I was so worried i cried on the way to the scan... Bless.

    So this morning i am so relieved that i am ok. And now feel so grateful that i went through it all because i can breath now and know that i am a healthy 40 something.

    My interview is on Monday morning. I just got off the phone to knightsbridge they said that the embassy should have my medical result on Monday afternoon, as the courier comes at 11am to collect results. I pray that it will be over on Monday.


    x x x x

  11. well i used my initiative loool forgot i had initiative......... I called up the Knightsbridge Doctors they told me that they need the results of the scan and any treatment that will be needed. Major bummer. I found a place in Waterloo called Vista Diagnostics that do private scans for £100 all above board, professional doctors and consultants. I faxed over my letter from medical, they said they will speak to the sonographer and call me back with an appointment and have my scan done in next few days :)) I will keep u posted x x x

    Just another day in the endless process of American Visa Land

  12. Hi Benuk,

    I would get the GP to do a letter saying what your normal bp is and that you have never had any problems ...... I took letter backing up other probs i had she accepted them and never got an rfe for any of them. If you have a letter you be fine dont worry, its just evidence. I am pissed off because i think she was just looking for problems that wernt really there. My doctor even laughed at it :) But it might cost me another 2 months to get it all done and dusted :angry:

  13. Hi All, (writing out the letter in case it could help someone else in future.

    I was wondering i got an RFE from my medical with 2 requests. The letter reads

    Dear Doctor,

    The above applicant attended a routine medical examination for immigration purposes and has been found to have the following:

    (doctor wrote 2 conditions)

    1. Raised Blood Pressure (anxious) 136/98 please repeat and forward results. Detail management if remains high.

    2. Abdominal mass below umbilicous deep firm mobile arising from pelvis. Please refer for US scan asymptomatic

    Could u kindly send me further information regarding above conditions. including details of any specialist care and investigations. currenty or previous treatment and likely prognosis.

    Please not applicant will be responsible for meeting any costs incurred.

    yours sincerely

    I have had my blood pressure checked twice since friday by doctor and is now normal/high he said there is no problem with it as it has always been a wee bit on the high side.

    I have been referred for a US scan which will take about a month.

    My question is....

    will i have to wait for the result of the scan before the Knightbridge doctor the reply. She didnt ask for results she just said refer for US scan.... (if i need the result will it worth having the scan done privately) approx another £200

    Or is that enough that my BP is normal and i have been refered for a scan and if anything is there i will be treated? (doctor even said after checking me out, its prob nothing to worry about cause even if it is fibroids you can live with them with no treatment.

    I was about to go and book a private scan but i thought i would ask you guys before i did anything :)) I have my interview on monday and another appointment with my GP on Thursday

    Thanks for all your help

  14. Just got back from my medical :dance:

    My appointment was at 10.10 got there at 9.40. Was really easy to find apart from it not being at No 4!! Its in the masion block on the corner.

    Went in handed over all my documents and was givem another questionnaire to fill really similar to the one you take with you. There was another guy there who had just travelled from Aberdeen. I am lucky it took me half an hour to get there from home :)

    Handed back my documents and was quite quickly called by the Radiographer who took me down the hall for my chest xray. He was a really nice happy chappy. I told him i was a bit anxious and was there anything to worry about. He said there was nothing he could see to worry about ... so my stress about him finding i had some kind of lung disease was put to rest. He took me to a little room and said that the doctor would see me shortly. I met a girl and her mother there who had actually won the green card lottery wow...... It really does happen to people

    About half hour later a doctor came and took me to her room .She was very professional and methodical.. She went through my documents with me asked some questions on my previous treatments which satisfied her. I was a bit concerned about my drinking history and depression. She barely asked me any questions on it. I think my letter from my GP addressed the issues. She did ask if i had ever harmed myself or anyone which i said no. She asked how much i drank and i told her the truth about attending AA and being clean and sober for for 17 years.

    She then took my weight, height and checked my eyesight. If you wear glasses take them with you. I then got on the bed and she examed my breathing, and then the next 2 things that freaked me out. My blood pressure was 136/98 i said i was nervous but she said it is extremely high and needs my gp to clarify for further treatment. She asked me several questions which i answered honestly. She then checked my abdomen where she found a lump, she asked if i had ever been tested for fibroids? I said no i was a bit shocked. She said that i have a abdominal mass which she thinks may be fibroids and that i need to go and have a scan to check it out if i need further treatment. These 2 things totally stunned me to be honest.

    She then took my blood test from my hand as she couldnt get a vein in the arm which she said was for HIV/Syphilis. She told me to get dressed and she filled out the rest of the paperwork and took it to reception.

    At reception the receptionist was really lovely. I paid my 210.00 bu card and she gave me all my documents back, my receipt, vaccination document which i will need when i get to America and the dreaded letter for my GP. She said that once they get the fax from the doctor my medical notes will be sent to the Embassy and that i can go ahead with my Interview next week without them.

    All in all a pain free experience. Now i am worried about the blood pressure and the fibroids .... like how long is this gonna take now ... So i took the rest of the day off work and looked it up on google and decided that i will prob have a heart attack, stroke or worse in the next few weeks loooool...... Another stress. On a positive note whatever they found i am happy really they found it because i can do something about it now. Anyone know how long it takes for a scan on the NHS these days? Or time scale dealing with High blood pressure .... I am now worried about going to my interview and what will happen now that i dont have my medical stuff :blush:

    Hope my wee review helps. I think the NVC should offer stress management or therapy for anyone going through their long long visa applications lol

    x x x x

  15. Well the time has finally come .... I am off for my medical in the morning : :crying:

    I got all my papers together



    Police Report

    Vaccination history ... Hep A 1&2, Dtap, MMR 1& 2, Men C, Flu Jab

    Medical questionnaire

    letter from doctor saying i have been clean od alcoholfor 17 years and mild depression i am of no harm to anyone

    Letter from UCH saying my mommogram is clear (had lump in breast last year)

    Smere test history stating i have been clear for past ten years (had operation for cevicle cancer :(

    There is nothing else i can think of at this point :) I also found a thread where Nick Nich had said to get the doctor to record Vaccination history so i have it in the States to save alot of trouble and money once i get there :) thanks Nick

    Wish me luck ... i will post my experience tomorrow when i get back from work :)))


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