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Posts posted by ~ameriptian~

  1. I am not sure if this is the correct forum, but admins feel free to move this topic if needed.

    I am an LPR who is currently eligible for US citizenship. I have been married to my husband for almost 4 years (been together for 6 years). He has 2 children from a previous very short marriage. He has had sole custody of the children since they were infants. The biological mother abandoned them and never tried to contact them until she learned my husband and I got married (they were 5 & 6 at the time). The courts awarded her visitation rights in 2011 and she still was in and out of their life. She subjected them to dangerous situations and put them through a lot.

    She has been out of contact with them for quite a few months now, and recently contacted my husband and said she would like to sign her rights over to me and said she knows it is best for them. I already consider the children my own. They have called me 'Mom' since my husband and I were engaged by their choice. There is no doubt in my heart, that I'd want to legally adopt them.

    My question is can I adopt USC children as an LPR?

  2. I received an RFE late April and have till July 12th to respond. I had made plans since the beginning of the year to travel June 20th - July 25th. I have the RFE response packet ready to send back to USCIS. HOWEVER, I am afraid if I do send it back now, I might be requested to attend an interview within my travel days.

    My husband is going to travel to the same destination July 10th and we will back together on the same plane. He suggested that he mails the packet by July 1st, just in case we receive an interview letter, we would be able to make it back home within 3 weeks or so. I am not sure if that is an ideal solution since I (LPR) am the primary applicant for my ROC application and I am not going to be present in the US at the time he suggested.

    Should I mention my travel plans in the RFE cover letter and explain why I chose to send the response back right before the deadline was up? Should I call USCIS give them my travel dates and let them know my willingness to go for an interview before or after my travel dates?


  3. Ameriptian: LOVE your username. smile.png Anyway, I am not sure if RFE will hurt you when traveling...probably not. You GC extended for one year, and RFE is not equal to denial...that just means they need more ####### (excuse me for my french) in order to decide whether to accept, or deny your application....so I don't think that should be a problem...but I am not sure...let's see if others chime in and reassure on this...

    Thanks! :)

    We have been planning for this trip for over a year and thought we would definitely have the approval by now...

    I'm definitely looking for more input!

  4. I received the RFE letter on April 16th (too little financial proof sent in the original packet) and have till July 12th to respond. I already have the response packet ready to send back to USCIS. I had planned a trip to Egypt travelling on June 20th and will not be back until July 25th. My husband (USC) suggested that he sends the RFE response packet on July 1st, so in case if we have an interview scheduled, it would not conflict with our travel plans... I am afraid if we wait too long to send the response back, USCIS might give us a hassle, We have the packet ready, it is just the timing that is worrying me....

    Am I even able to travel back with an RFE present in the process?

    Any input would be appreciated.


  5. I received the RFE letter on April 16th and have till July 12th to respond. I had planned a trip to Egypt travelling on June 20th and will not be back until July 25th. My husband (USC) suggested that he sends the RFE response packet on July 1st, so in case if we have an interview scheduled, it would not conflict with our travel plans... I am afraid if we wait too long to send the response back, USCIS might give us a hassle, We have the packet ready, it is just the timing that is worrying me....

    Am I even able to travel back with an RFE present in the process?

    Any input would be appreciated.


  6. We filed our ROC application in September 2012 and received an RFE about 2 weeks ago requesting more financial evidence. We have the response packet ready to mail off tomorrow.

    My husband I have planned to travel to Egypt this June and we didn't have the slightest idea our ROC application would be delayed by an RFE. We still would like to keep our travel plans, but don't want to chance missing an interview date in case we are sent a letter for one. I called USCIS Customer Service but they were not much help. They basically asked me to have someone check the mail while I am travelling and if I need to come back from an interview, then to do so. I honestly do not want to cut my visit short. I am more than willing to attend an interview (if we are called for one), but would much rather do it before or after the travel dates we carefully chose.

    Should I include the travel dates in an RFE cover letter and show my willingness to attend an interview if required? Do I need to include a timeline of our marriage or just keep it short and sweet and provide the evidence they need? Would it be a better idea to just make an info-pass appointment?

  7. We received an RFE letter about 2 weeks ago requesting more financial evidence. We do not own or rent our current house (living at grandmother's spare house until we buy our own later this year). We printed out: bills in both our names, bank statements from two different banks (both are joint accounts), void check with both our names on it, our accidental insurance policy. Is that enough? [we don't have joint credit cards, joint ownership of car / house, auto insurance policy, etc.]

    We also included: birth certificate of our newborn baby, passport application for the baby with both our names and signatures on it, a notarized letter from the grandmother explaining the situation, another notarized letter from a neighbor and a friend, 100+ pictures of us with family and friends both in the US and Egypt, emergency contact cards at my step-son's school showing my information as a first emergency contact, a ton of greeting cards from friends and family on different occasions.

    Do we need to include some of the evidence we already sent in the original packet?

  8. Hello,

    I married my USC husband in 2010 and have been meaning to register my marriage with the Egyptian government through the Egyptian consulate in the US. I called the Egyptian embassy in DC a few times and they haven't been much help at all. I'm hoping I can get the answers I need here to my questions below.

    1. What paperwork do I need to send the Egyptian Embassy to get my marriage (which took place in the US) registered with the Egyptian government?

    2. Do I need to send anything to DOS?

    3. I changed my last name to my husband's last name. Do I need to change my last name on my Egyptian passport and ID? If I don't, is that going to create much hassle in the future?

    4. We welcomed our firstborn baby daughter in October of this year. I need to start paperwork on her Egyptian citizenship. What paperwork do I need. Can this be done through the embassy in the US or does it have to be done in Egypt?

    Any input would be much appreciated.


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