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Posts posted by ashenflowers

  1. I know everyone's sick of separate posts for RFEs when we should all know what to do, but it's always nice having that personal touch.

    I got an RFE today, and I gotta be honest... I don't remember what I sent way back in May.. It was finals week at school, and I had other stuff on my mind.

    The RFE states that most of the evidence we sent was too 'new', and too close to the date of filing, which I can understand I guess. I don't really know what else to really send though. This seems like such a waste of time!!!!


    Here's what we CAN'T send:

    • Driver's license with matching address -- he never changed his address on his card...
    • Life Insurance or Medical Bills -- never had any that I know of... but I think I can send health insurance from his old job)
    • Affidavits -- Don't ask. We just can't.
    • Photos -- I think this is dumb evidence anyways... and regardless, there aren't actually any photos of us from 2012 or 2011... We could send old ones, but what's the point? There's no proof of when they were taken, and I know we've sent a butt load of pics with other files
    • Joint Utility Bills -- everything was only in his name
    • 401K Plans -- He has been unemployed for a year and a 1/2 out of the last 3 years... and I have only been working part time. We don't have a 401(k)
    • Joint Travel Documents -- we haven't traveled together by air at all (too expensive)

    Here's what I'm sure we already sent or I CAN send again:

    • Copy of our joint lease renewal agreement -- but I was added on to the lease very late.. not til 2011 (moved in 2010)
    • 2010 Joint Tax Return
    • 2011 Joint Tax Return
    • Joint Car Registration -- Maybe? I dunno how to find old copies, though I can try to look it up
    • Car Insurance Records
    • Joint Credit Card -- Kind of.. it's just a Costco Amex
    • MORE bank statements

    uhhh that's about it guys. Probably still not enough... Any ideas?

  2. lol Ashen, only you are as pessimistic and cynical as me when it comes to immigration :P Hopefully your green card will just mysteriously show up in the mail one of these days. But i hear ya..i barely sent enough evidence ( in my mind at least) as well i think le sigh. i only sent like 4 bank statements, and only the first page with each of our addresses listed..not the whole dang things. no affidavits, no pictures cuz we are lazy and never take any. no cards..cuz well no one sends anything to us or they forget to even put our names on em. since the day after i mailed it i'm sure i'm getting an RFE. oh well, worse case..we move back to Canada and rent this place out.

    Pssh.. you do recall the things that have happened to me along this journey right? No I-94 at POE, misplaced my medical, a year and a 1/2 of unemployment.. etc (though I don't think I've mentioned that last part). lol I could go on, but I'm keeping some of the issues personal. But I'm just ready to move on with my life, and this is holding me back. That's all I'll say about that. hah

  3. Why do you think you'll get an RFE? They are slow...

    Just from what I've seen, it feels like I didn't send enough evidence. Only sent a couple bank statements instead of 31945715 years worth.. lol .. didn't send pics, or affidavits, that kind of thing. Also, I'm pretty sure the photocopy of my green card somehow got lost in the shuffle and didn't make it into the envelope, though I double checked (I was going through finals at the time so might not have been focused).

    Oh well..

  4. Past 7 months processing now... Getting pretty anxious and annoyed. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get an RFE, so I wish they'd just get on with it... :(

    I have to move in 2 weeks also, and was really expecting to have this done by then, but now that's doubtful. I'm sure things will be lost in the mail.

  5. CSC processing speed has dropped by 50% since July. Look at the data: http://dashboard.uscis.gov/index.cfm?formtype=15&office=2&charttype=1

    Pull up the same chart for VSC and you will see that they have not dropped their completion rates.

    No wonder VSC is catching up with CSC.

    Great... That was really depressing. I really need to move at the end of January, and now I might not even have it by then according to these trends..? fantastic.

  6. It seems no matter which office you filed at its at least an 8 month wait atm. Last i knew they were working on March at CSC and vermont was a month or two slower :(

    April filers at CSC are more than 60% approved. They're about the 6-7 month mark, so average I guess. No May approvals yet though, which is worrisome. :wacko:

  7. It's looking pretty bad for us guys. There's been a major slowdown in CSC approvals after mid August and it seems to be getting even slower. I don't think we'll hear anything until mid-November. Hope I am wrong.

    I was expecting mid-November anyways. November is 6 months from May, so it's not really out of the ordinary. Earlier would be nicer, but getting my hopes up has not proved me well lately. lol

  8. I would just have your greencard out and show that but bring the original letter in case they ask you (i can see them asking) about the extension/expiry.

    Treat the extension letter with the care and respect of your passport/greencard so you don't lose it. If you get stuck in Canada longer, you would need it to get back in after the expiry of your card.

    If you are flying through Pearson, def leave extra time to go through customs. When I went through on my extension letter they made me go to secondary and I spent an extra 45 minutes in there waiting my turn.

    Good points. I know I won't be stuck in Canada longer since I have to get back to my job the next day, and also can't afford to change flight plans really, but you never know. And that's good advice for anyone else traveling close to their GC expiration anyway.

    For me, I fly into Detroit, and my parents come pick me up and we go across at Windsor via car (it's just under an hour's drive for them). :) It saves hundreds in airfare, literally, since the flight is within the US.

  9. Here's a question. My green card expires 8/9 and I'll be returning from my trip on 8/1. Should I bother bringing the extension letter, or will I be fine anyways? Will they let me cross back into the US since it's within the expiry anyway? If I do bring the extension letter, is a copy of it ok, or do I need the original? Just seeing the potential to lose it while I'm in Canada, and if I could just not bring it that would help. haha

    Also zenaxe, I'm going to Southern Ontario :) Splitting time between a small town called Tilbury, and London, and Mississauga/Toronto. :)

  10. I had my biometrics done this morning, as scheduled. Was in and outta there within a 1/2 hour! Love that.

    Now I wait. Good to hear that people are having good luck crossing the border in the mean time. After a year and a 1/2 since my last visit, I'm finally heading home again next week! EEEEEEE!!!! :dance:

  11. Ashen, do you mean for once things are going good in your immigration process? lol bout time things finally went the right way for ya. :) You have had entirely too much BS with the whole process.

    Oh god, I know right? Missed my stamp at POE, lost my medical, etc etc. And this time I'll probably get an RFE for missing a copy of the green card though (at least this one is actually MY fault... lol).

    There's been a lot of BS going on overall really... haha I'm about over it! Crossing my fingers I at least get a 10 yr card in time for Christmas. That'd be a nice present.

  12. I got my Bio letter too :) Appt dated for 7/9. I was a little worried cause I just got a new job (yay!), and was hoping I wouldn't have to take time off. Turns out it falls on what is randomly my day off that week. lol Woot! I have to drive to a different town about 45 mins away to get it done so it's a bit of an ordeal. I think I'll turn it into a road trip since I have to be there at 9am and will have all day to myself afterwards :)

    I was also a little concerned because I have a trip planned, but I don't leave til the 18th, so this is perfect. It's nice when things fall into place.

  13. Someone had to say it. Guys, this is the CANADA forum. So disappointed in lack of nhl discussion :bonk: LOL Unless I just missed it.

    Anyways, being a LEAFS fan, and being in California, this was pretty epic. I couldn't help but cheer for this adorable little SoCal team who barely even made the playoffs, and hadn't won the Cup since they were established in 1967. Yes... 1967, the year the Leafs last won the Cup! Sad. Also the year Fanshawe College (my former school) was established, so natch I wore my Fanshawe hoodie tonight with 1967 blazed on the front ;)

    Point being, I really missed watching hockey, so I'm glad it was won here so that I could feel that hockey-loving energy around me again. :thumbs:

    edited to add that literally 1/2 of the Kings are from Canada. A fact that I generously pointed out to an American classmate who's a Kings fan. ;)

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