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Posts posted by NillandNan

  1. Just got email from Bangkok Embassy. Nan's interview is set for 7am 31 August!!! She is freaking out, as am I. :wacko: I am flying over tuesday next week after a retirement ceremoney next monday down in Anchorage. I can not believe it happened that fast. we just mailed the Pkt 3 off last Friday! I am freaking out now! :dance::wacko::dance::blink::wacko::dance: Holy Cow! It is happening!

    Best of luck to everyone else!

    Neil :D

    Are you stationed out of Ft. Rich or Elmendorf?

    I am up in Fairbanks at the moment. When I get back I will have a week and then we are heading down to either Hickam or Wheeler aaf... not sure were they want me yet.

    usagroom- I am glad to see you kept my spirit alive with the truck posts while I was away. I hope your stuff gets pushed along as quickly as ours has.


  2. Just got email from Bangkok Embassy. Nan's interview is set for 7am 31 August!!! She is freaking out, as am I. :wacko: I am flying over tuesday next week after a retirement ceremoney next monday down in Anchorage. I can not believe it happened that fast. we just mailed the Pkt 3 off last Friday! I am freaking out now! :dance::wacko::dance::blink::wacko::dance: Holy Cow! It is happening!

    Best of luck to everyone else!

    Neil :D

  3. Hello Gang,

    I have been gone for awhile, looks like a lot has happened.

    Hope all is swell for the group. Looks like a lot have gotten NOA2's, and/or RFE's (NOA2 soon to come) Progress is always a good thing. :thumbs:

    Our visa rep just submitted packet 3 last week... so we may find out the interview date in the next week or so (fingers crossed) As soon as I find out, I will be heading over to see Nan, and wait for the interview. Still seems like it will never happen...

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!


  4. uscis_estimates.gif

    God, I hope that's somewhat accurate. Ummm....So, I think this process is putting a strain on my social skills-aside from the fact that I hardly ever go out with friends anymore, I've been catching myself referencing all of you and VJ more and more frequently :P Oops.... Probably NOT interesting to anyone else. Also-just found out one my co-workers went through K-1 process 8 years ago (she met her husband while studying abroad as well and they are still happily together), and it only took them 4 months from the day they mailed the package off to POE. That was all before 9/11, etc, etc, but I'm ridiculously jealous.

    Four months!? that would be awesome! I bet reqular tourist visa's were much more easier to get back then as well. Damn you 9/11.

  5. I'm sure if it shows you make the guidelines who cares? I donno.....i think we over analyze over here, as long as you are in black and white what they want, why go round and round wondering? If we have the money, have the documents showing it, then should be bing bang boom.

    Dont take me as being insensitive but we get a bit over the top in these forums. Have the stuff and run with it, thats my style in life in general.

    Jeesh Allie you're so insensitive! haha I have gone round and round in my head with all of this, and I decided this very thing a while back. I almost want a 221g at the interview, because it cuts your interview short, and all you need to do is produce what is required, and your done. No more B.S. Amen Allie. :thumbs:

  6. Neil... how did your bank handle that request?

    This sounds kinda snooty, but I have a personal banker that handles all my financials, I just called her up, and she brought a letter with all the pertinent info to my office the same day. Personal bankers rock! She maintains my accounts for me, i.e. keeps my checking at a certain level, and if I have to much she moves it over to savings, which has a higher interest rate, and she also monitors my savings levels, and when I reach a certain point she rings me and puts me into CD's. But she knows I always want a certain amount of liquid cash available for my horrible spending habits... Land rover parts, and parts for my bike... And Nan just quit work so she can prepare for the interview, and organize evidence etc., so she does wires for me as well. Wow I never realized how much that lady does for me.

    I just want the next four weeks to be over so I can be with Nan... :crying: I miss her cooking.

    wow I need to proof read before I hit post next time... you can read this version if you wish to avoid my grammatical errors...

  7. Neil... how did your bank handle that request?

    This sounds kinda snoody, but I have a personal banker that handles all my finacials, I just called her up, and she brought a letter with all the pertinent info to my office the same day. Personal bankers rock! She maintains my accounts for me, i.e. keeps my checking at a certain level, and if I have to much she moves it over to savings, which has a higher interest rate, and she also monitors my savings levels, and when I reach a certain point she rings me and puts me into CD's. But she knows I always want a certain amount of liquid cash available for my horrible spending habbits... Land rover parts, and parts for my bike... And Nan just quit work so she can prepare for the interview, and organize evidence etc., so she does wires for me as well. Wow I never realized how much that lady does for me.

    I just want the next four weeks to be over so I can be with Nan... :crying: I miss her cooking.

  8. All quite here... Almost too quite.

    Well, I got a quick question. After looking at the last few couples timelines that have received and interview date lately, I have seen this trend. 10-14 days after packet three submission the interview date is received. The interview date has been roughly 30 days from the date of notification of interview. Is this a safe assumption, or are there some goofy numbers floating around out there from the last two months? Spill the knowledge if you've got it.

    Just trying to forecast my holiday time around Nan's possible interview date. I hope to be there for it and then at least a week after just in case. Any words of wisdom are appreciated.

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend.



    Bump... Bueller? Bueller?

  9. Hello,

    Thanks for the April 2009 topic! We are still learning all about this visa stuff.

    My name is Doug. My Fiancé Jessie is coming from Vietnam.

    If i am reading the statistics right, all us April 2009 filers should have our interview by November? Am I right? This would have us with our loved ones in the USA by the Holidays?!?!?!?!?

    What do you guys say?


    welcome to the April CSC club house. As far as your timeline goes, it is up to you, and your specific embassy. You could be seeing an NOA2 in the coming months, shows you recieved NOA1 on June 11th (usagroom-that makes him illegit in our club, but he did file in april, CSC just took their sweet time. Plus his signature block has Samui, so I vote him in.) After that it depends on your case again as it goes through NVC... Mine was stuck there about a month for additional processing... But most breeze right through. Then it's off to your embassy, and how it depends how fast they work. Some give interview dates quickly, and others not so much. I recommend looking up your embassy, and seeing if they have the packet 3 requirements digitally (BKK did...) And maybe you can begin the process of packet 3 collection now. Depending on all of those variables, it is plausible to have Jessie with you stateside by the holidays... Best of luck to you both!

    Your signature says Koh Samui... That is my home away from home. I will be back down there possibly around the same time as you... Drinks are on me if Nan has her visa by then. :yes:

    usagroom ROBOSAURUS rocks! Thanks for the laugh brother. :rofl:


  10. More Aprillers approved NOA2, at least 5 now!

    CONGRATS Ebrech N Persona and Ponka!!!

    We got our Noa2 !! all people in april your gonna get it soon too


    Ditto on the congrats!

    attaya_girl - Yes Nan is back in Bangkok as of this morning, she got the papers we needed, and hopefully the end of this week or begining of next, we will submit all of it for the interview date. I just hope we find out the date soon, so I can plan accordingly.

    Now I am in GA, and dreading the next four weeks. But after that I get to see Nan again!


  11. Hello fellow VJer's,

    I just wanted to join the April 2009 K-1 Filers. I submitted the paperwork for my fiance on April 1, it was received on April 14, and I received NOA on April 16. I keep feeling as though I'm missing an important piece of information regarding this entire process because everytime I log on to the U.S. Immigration website to check our online status there has been no change just the same old message "received and pending". This is normal right? I mean it can be months before our package even gets touched right? If anyone has any additional advice for me I'd surely appreciate it. Thank you.

    At the moment I am working abroad in Iraq supporting our U.S. Military troops and my contract ends in November 2009, so I'm praying that we will have SOME word of even something before then. The only joy I have about this entire thing is that my job affords me a vacation every 4 months (since I work 7 days a week/12 hours a day) allowing me the opportunity to see my love. I touched him for the first time in person March 2009, and will be going back August 2009. Now if only there was word of some kind of action being taken concerning the status of his Visa it would be wonderful.

    Good luck to everyone who's holding on.



    That status is normal... I have gad my NOA2 for some time now, and mine still says the same thing. But do look for a "last update" change. That is a "touch" on your case, and a good thing. means you might get your NOA2 soon.

    Are you familar with the rest of the process? If not read the guides as they help millions...

    Best of luck to you.

    In other news Nan just called me, she said her paperwork will be done tomorrow, and she will be heading back to Bangkok wednesday. Might get packet three off early next week. Fingers crossed. :star:


  12. All quite here... Almost too quite.

    Well, I got a quick question. After looking at the last few couples timelines that have received and interview date lately, I have seen this trend. 10-14 days after packet three submission the interview date is received. The interview date has been roughly 30 days from the date of notification of interview. Is this a safe assumption, or are there some goofy numbers floating around out there from the last two months? Spill the knowledge if you've got it.

    Just trying to forecast my holiday time around Nan's possible interview date. I hope to be there for it and then at least a week after just in case. Any words of wisdom are appreciated.

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend.



  13. :dance: We got our K1 Visa!!! :dance:

    But I wanted to share our interview experience. (I posted this to the embassy review section.) It was not easy but I figure that my job in visa journey is to have all the combined problems s***piled on me so others can have an easy route. Check out my USCIS delays as proof.

    Vicky (fiancee) supplied originals of passport, Birth certificate, ID card, house ID, name changes, and huge pile of proof of evidence to Thai embassy workers and was eventully interviewed by the young blonde lady on Wed am July 15.

    Interview questions were initially easy. Where did you meet?, when?, how many times I visited? and then they started in on a really strange tangent and they asked for more information. 1) documents for name change after a divorce and before the new Thai ID card was re-issued with her previous maiden name. 2) Documents for my divorce.

    Problem: 1)Thai National ID card name changes after divorce from married name back to maiden name can happen without std forms and receipts and thus are not available. 2) I was never married! and thus I can't supply divorce papers! Amazing.

    They gave us back our supplied documents above and a white slip of paper stating the problems above (form 221) and said to come back next Monday between 1 and 3pm with these documents in order to receive an OK for the Visa.

    Big Note: you don't have to necessarily wait for the next Monday or Wednesday. It is possible to go back on ANY Monday or Wednesday from 1 to 3 pm to resolve problems with paperwork. Form 221 states this also. Also Note: the original interview is with the Thai fiancee only...BUT follow up interview with the further proof required from 221 can be with BOTH BF/GF or Hsb/Wife. This can be a big help with these instances considering language and tag-team efforts.

    I/we are very happy that we returned that same day instead of waiting for the next week. I really think that my stares of disbelief and stern furrowing of the brow helped convince them that they were crazy in assuming that I was married. In their defense I can say that their logic was: you have children, you are 48 yrs old, therefore you must have been married, right? They also said that I had a passport application somewhere in my history where I listed a spouce...however they could not and would not show me what the hell that was all about?!! Sounded like a poker bluff to me. Eventually I was able to sign a piece of paper in their presence that stated that I was not nor have I ever been married before and that made it all OK.

    Again I don't think that if I hadn't been there, it would have been able to be resolved...at least not for a few weeks and without possible legal intervention.

    Overall I think that the BKK interview system is slipshod at best. Maybe they deny or request additional info in order to discover fraudulent cases...ie. bogus cases will drop out under extra scrutiny. (But in my case the extra scrutiny was bogus.) :wacko:

    I think that approx 16 interviews were scheduled on Wednesday morning. By early am 3 girls were absolutely denied...questions were asked but no figerprints and no request for extra info. We saw 3 girls who made it through the interview but recieved form 221 for more paperwork. And finally on the next Friday when approved K1/K3 visa were handed out @ 3pm, there were only 6 girls with visas. My fiancee was one of these 6! :kicking:

    PS. I'm on a crappy laptop and may only have a few chances to respond to other questions until I get back to US on Sunday...but I'd be happy to do so if others are interested in the screwy BKK interview routine. :thumbs:

    Congrats John! :dance:

    Sounds odd with all the extra questioning. But at least you got it sorted quick. Do you know why the other 3 girls were denied?


  14. Canada has Twinkies AND managed to remain a colony!
    Isn't Canada part of the northern US, or is it western France? :P

    I haven't even begun looking at wedding cakes or anything yet..... ok... so that just prompted me to head to cakewrecks.blogspot.com (do not go there unless you have an hour to waste getting lost looking at bad cakes... HAHA)

    http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/2009/07/love-is-in-air.html <--- check that one out... the importance of finding a GOOD baker... LOL

    Wow, my heart breaks looking at that site.

    You have no idea how much that ###### pisses me off.

    Anyone have any touches today, besides us? :luv:

    Congrats guys you will most likely see your NOA2 in the mail in a week. Have you started gathering your stauff for packet 3 submittal?


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