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Posts posted by queen01

  1. To shut all the doubters up, and that includes the US consular officers in Cairo, Queen (are you really . . . gasp . . . from a royal family?), I too would suggest you move to Egypt for a couple of years. If your marriage is still going strong afterward, you could directly apply for an IR-1 visa via DC, don't have to adjust status and don't have to remove conditions either.

    Why don't you run this by your fiance and ask him if he would mind living with his American wife in Egypt instead of the US? You would be able to mingle with his family and friends, learn the culture and the language, and it would be an experience you will remember as long as you live. Best of all, it would erase any doubts that your relationship is real and not guided by your fiance's desire to immigrate to the US at all cost.

    Please report back and let us know his response. Doubters will assume that he's going to drop you like a hot potato, but you can prove them all wrong. Go for it?

    Wish you the very best for your future.

    No Im not royalty, Im just Queen because my fiance says Iam the Queen of Egypt. :) We have discussed my moving over there and his mother and father are always asking me to go sit over there with them and forget this nonsense. Immigration agent told me Egyptian families teach themselves to be hypocrites and fake liking you. I have spent 60 days straight with my fiance and family and I do not think you can fake liking somebody for such a long time. We keep in touch over the webcam and we cry together because we miss each other and I am talking about his mother. I know they love me just like I love them and I am welcome in their home if I want to live there. No, he would not drop me like a hot potatoe as we have alrady discuss this and maybe thats what we will end up doing. When I am over there, they buy me clothes so I can fit right in with the rest of the family. What do you think? You think it may be fake? pls. answer

  2. lets face it,with this age gap and your first try with the embassy,it seems like cr-1 is the best optipon.

    i personally would move to egypt for one year,no longer,get married and gather evidence and try for a cr-1.in middle east marriag has a higher sense of priority compared to engagement.its a bigger deal,people still look at it as a life long commitment,so i think that would give COs enough to approve you within the next try if you get denied this time.

    i know how hard AP can be,but hey youre not denied.

    my point is,understand where the COs and consulate are coming from.unfortunately some middle easterns think once they move to america it will be like heaven,72 virgins waiting to serve them,without them having to work a day or have a worry,thats why consulates use long APs and denials to seperate people who are in it for the greencard from real couples.

    If I move to Egypt for a year that means I would loose my job. Then they would have another excuse being that I would not be able to show I can support him and he would not become a burden to the goverment. :) That would be another issue they would raise.

  3. I agree, I am in a similar situation as you right now. I am older than my fiance', we are just starting out this process and it appears it is going to be a much longer and harder road than I thought. There are no guarantees on any marriage and it is difficult enough the way it is to be so far away from the one you love and to also have everyone judging the relationship based on a number. Good luck to you.....

    Good luck to you too. My application was not denied, it was just ignored. The only time I heard from the agents was to tell me that if I wanted to be with my fiance then move to Egypt and good luck. They just kept our paper work until after 20 months later they sent me letter that our time expired but I was welcome to apply again.

  4. almost every middle eastern man AND woman goes through AP.age difference is irrelevant

    Yes I understand lots of women get taken. Does marriage come with a guarantee? I work for the court system and I get hundreds of divorces coming thru my desk and sometimes they have been married 1 month. Difference is they the same age and nationality. I have seen divorces of people who do not even speak the same language. Is this fraud on UCIS? I have seen people come to the court house to get married, decrepid old men with 18-20 year old girls. The man can not even walk by himself. Is this fraud on UCIS? Just because I marry a person of my age and nationality does not give me any guarantee as to the lenght of my marriage. I trust my Arab fiance more than I would trust one of my same nationality, religion, etc. The only thing that is guaranteed in life is that you will someday die, other than that nothing is guaranteed.

  5. calling it discrimination against women is bull ######. im sorry but it is.they have nothing against a woman,or even an older woman.the truth is middle eastern men by nature think the younger the woman the better.its a cultural thing and has been going on forever here,so of course its going to raise red flags and questions when a young man goes against his " nature " and gets married / engaged to an older woman.

    lets not forget to a CO,EVERYONE is committing fraud based on different grounds,age is one of them.if youre so sure of your relationship,frontload and go in with the mentality that you want the visa and you will get it.maybe try looking at it from unbiased point of view as hard as it is?

    PS: im the middle eastern end of the deal so trust me,i know what im talking about

    I know our relationship is real but what can you do when the embassy in egypt will not look at your paperwork, they ignore your calls, emails. I was told that if I wanted to be with my fiance, I would just have to move to Egypt. Which I do not mind because I really like Egypt, but Im stubborn and I dont feel I should leave my country, my job, my friends and family based on 2 peoples opinion. I have written letters everywhere but since 2009 all I have gotten is silence from everywhere. We were not asked for anything, no questions, nothing at all but yet they kept saying we were in AP.

  6. Could somebody explain to me how can immigration officials discriminate so bluntly and openly when a woman is older than the man? I see all the time how older men are allowed to marry younger women and bring them to the USA with no problem, but when it comes to older women and younger men they either deny the application or just ignore the application until the time expires. When you apply for the first time they see your birth certificates yet they take your money, then when it goes to your fiance's country they ask you to pay all this fees for medical, visa, etc., when they already know they not going to issue a visa. Is this legally stealing? For 2 years you just get ignored and. They give your fiance 2 bogus interviews because all they ask is if you paid to get married or if they payed you. Not even look at your papers that proof your relationship. I know for a fact lots of couples that are the same age and they just get married to come to USA. Just like I see all this 83 year old men marrying 18 year old girls. Pls the only person they fooling is the smart agents of the immigration dept. Men 60 years older than their spouse, yeah I believe that, or 40+ years older. Anybody out there with the same problem? I would love to hear from you. Im from USA my fiance is from Egypt.

  7. Has anybody had any problems with a K1 Visa because of a big age difference between the couple? Being the woman way older than the man.

    Yes and if u were smart u would stop it now ..........he wants the green card !

    Thanks for your advice. My guy is not that kind of person. what we have is real but i was just wondering if that would be a problem with the visa people not that we have any doubts about our relationship.

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