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Posts posted by Rhiannercakes

  1. So I'm sure someone's been wondering if I dropped off the face of the planet or not~

    Sort of.

    I decided to take a break from the boards and will continue to until ROC I'm sure.

    As for updates...

    Husband got a new job as a range instructor at a well known shooting range called "Front Sight".

    We're moving to Las Vegas next month, so that should prove to be interesting.

    Hopefully I can find work there too.

    Other than that, nothing much really.

    Hello to everyone and I'll try to pop in occassionally!


  2. My mom called earlier saying it was 47 degrees C with the humidex yesterday where she is. She lives near Paris, Ontario.

    It's crazy, I dont even think we hit 80 yesterday here in Southern Cali.

  3. I really don't get the government.

    I go to my infopass and thankfully only have to wait 5 minutes to get called up.

    Told me they -could not- fix this. The DMV has to call them about the problem, wait for something from the USCIS saying the info's correct and... then yeah.

    The guy just would not budge on all of this, so I walked out angry. Again.

    Why can't the government be consistent...

  4. Yeah, it was downgraded.

    I was looking at the list of recent earthquakes and they've been having a lot since then. Some are only 1.2 or so but they're only 10 seconds apart.

    A bit freaky.

  5. I felt that earthquake pretty well.

    Freaked me out a bit because I thought it was a simple shake, then the house kinda went in circles.

    Glad I was sitting down. It was a 5.7

  6. My husband's been getting on my nerves a bit lately.

    I'm trying to help him fax something, I told him to use a coversheet. He keeps saying he doesn't need it, he doesn't need it, blah blah.

    I told him to do it anyway if he doesn't want his fax getting lost and I took a business writing class in grade 12 so he really -should- do it.

    Way too many little things are irritating me with him these days... he just has no drive to do anything properly.

    I need a job.

  7. INS has screwed me over. Again.

    I was at the DMV to get my permit, it was my 3rd appointment in which I finally got the right ID to actually get my permit.

    Of course, everyone was totally interested in my green card, so they took their time looking at it.

    She goes and puts my A# in, my maiden name pops up.

    She goes and talks to some people, talks to me again and said they have to call INS to see what's up. I go and sit down.

    About 10 minutes later I get called back up and told I have to go see someone at INS to get the name associated with my A# changed. They FORGOT to change it to my married name!

    So here I am, permit less and booking another appointment, my 4th one. And an infopass appointment.

    When will this end? :crying:

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