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Status Updates posted by Ram&Tam

  1. insha'Allah will be over there for ramadan, but not to move

  2. masha'Allah may you have a wonderful life and everything going good for you.

  3. wow sounds awesome!!! wish you all the best!!

  4. nice picture, hope things work well for you soon!!!

  5. greetings from oregon! we should get together some time in the future insha'Allah . how is everything working out for you folks? take care

  6. hi hany, just asking a quick question don't you have to live in the country several months before you can do a DCF? maybe i should do that in amman. thanks tam

  7. Hi checking seeing how your doing? hope all is well

  8. welcome and enjoy the group!

  9. alhumdollah that is fabulous insha'Allah he will be with you soon!!!

  10. masha'Allah how precious is your little one.

  11. welcome and wishing you the best of luck that things will go by fast

  12. so any news on the interview.

  13. glad everything went so fast for you insha'Allah he will be here soon!

  14. i sure hope things workout for you soon. don't get discouraged.

  15. insha'Allah things will go fast for you!!!

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