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Rick Ross

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Posts posted by Rick Ross

  1. Keeping in mind that child support is a financial formula it is not just that the absent parent pays simply because they are absent. Both parents are paying into what is predetermined to be the amount to take care of a child. It’s just that as the custodial parent they take favor and will calculate payment as daily expenses (food, clothing, shelter, etc). Because it is a financial formula if you are married, you may have to share in this expense (may - because you can establish a marriage without shared expenses) and both incomes are considered in the formula. So essentially the wife is paying though she had nothing to do with it. This is also why sometimes it is not beneficial to file for child support. Somewhat to what Sus was saying, if you have someone who gives a little but you are making more than they are then it could be determined that the bulk of the contribution will come from you and you will end up getting penny’s from the other parent and in making them angry or having an order they may stop giving you even the little that they were giving you before the order. Family court is always a mess to mediate….I hate it.

    I was waiting on the lawyer to show up....Hey J2!!!

    Hahaha, Hey KK, now you gonna make me have to give a disclaimer....

    Disclaimer: Please note I am in no way offering legal or expert advice. I am only responding to the post of this and other forums as a fellow vjer, where my posts are only meant to be taken as amateur in form of friendly submission regarding the question/concern as publicly presented.

    For legal advice, please retain the assistance of an Attorney.




  2. Rick sorry to hear you were having trouble with your oldest.... It is draining to say the least! I am so glad someone can to the teenage drama! I don't know it seems like when they reach the age of 13 they just lose their minds and do a complete quick change!!

    No don't say this my baby turns 13 in Sept!!!!!!! :crying:

    Dada trust me at 13 they start thinking that they are grown... Nip that Shi$ in the bud RIGHT away!! I learned that lesson with my 19 year old. My other 2 know that I will not tolerate the drama so they don't even pull it. I mean they may try from time to time but I give them the LOOK and they know to go sit down somewhere.

  3. Philly - sorry you are going struggling with the boys. Hopefully they will get it together soon.

    My daughter's father was a professional hustler and criminal so owing child support or working was the last thing on his mind. I still filed. By the time he got his life together...he owed me so much money. He's finally started working and paying...took forever but it's paying off now that my daughter will leave for college in another year. If he's not caught him by then...he still gotta pay.

    thanks Shemmy,

    Dang, that sounds like my Baby Daddy LOL. I filed for support of course day one it was years before I saw a dime. then they started garnishing his wages when he worked for the city, then the $ stopped! So he was in arrears and then all of a sudden he filed his taxes and I recvd whopping check for arrears!!!! That happened a few times then he stopped filing taxes DUMMY!!! I had to actually got to the state building a few years back to speak to an enforcement supervisor because I would call child support and they would issue a warrant then he would pay 25.00 and be released and not show up to court! just pitiful..... I plan to make it my main goal to bring him down in 2009! :yes: because he just keeps having children and neglects the ones he has I am not having it!

    Do we have the same baby daddy? With mine....I just sit and see whatever happens happen. I refuse to fight with him

    anymore...ain't worth it. She saw him last weekend at his mother's house and she walked right passed him. He said it was hurtful...oh well. I believe in karma.

    I think we all have the same BD.. Mine does the same thing!! But I'm like you Philly.. He's going DOWN in 2009

  4. So it boils down to making the mother/father who didn't pay face a punshiment. Okay fine. But the whole objective of supporting the child financially is thrown out the window. I'm so not saying there shouldn't be any punishment. But I'm looking at more of the objective..here. The single mother/father needs the financial help too.

    Question: After the child reaches 18 yrs is back child support still required?

    I think so but once they reach 18 doesnt the money go directly to the child? Also if the child goes to school doesnt the parent have to continue paying until 21??

    Dada, My eldest son is 19 and his father just started paying support when he was 16. Now that he is 19 the payments still come to me however I give the money directly to him.

  5. That is the Federal Law in every state for Child Support

    Here u get to sue the dad no matter what. So what if he doesn’t have a job he still has to pay something and then they give him a certain amount of time to get a job. If not he gets locked up, his driver’s license can be revoked and it goes on his credit. He sits in jail for a while and then they let him out to find a job and if not well back to the slammer buddy…

    If you take him back to court, the Judge will enforce it.

    I have issues with this and maybe because I don't have kids...but I've seen it done to other people. Actually a mother. See in Florida in order to get any public benefits..insurance/welfare for child you are caring you. You must file child support on the parents.

    I just don't see how locking them up, revoking his/her driver's license is even going to "help" (using that word loosely) get a job. It's like a lost cause. Now they have a record...and can't drive to work...which means the likelihood of them finding a new one is going to be harder. So they already aren't paying..I'm sure they are not worried about no credit score.

    Then the effect on the child...I mean now are they really going to try to be in their life now. Shoot...they will be in jail half the time.

    There has just to be a better way to enforce child support.

    Just my view on it. I admit it might be because I haven't experienced this.

    I agree with you KK... I mean him going to jail is not going to bring the money that is owed to my children to them and neither is talking away his drivers license or adding it as a negative impact on his credit report. I think that if they had a jail system or a detention facility that held them and made them work until their debt was current this would teach them to pay their darn support!

  6. Morning Ladies

    Its a crazy day today again at work but I am trying to catch up again LOL.

    I think my teenage boys have lost their minds! WE got into a big fight this morning and I ended up taking the cable box, PC, Xbox and PS3 and phone out if their room and Hubby padlocked the Fridge! They have become out of order with their smart remarks, nonchalant attitude and slackness! I'm like what deh raas yuh got your period or something? Anyhoo I guess these are the ages when they really show their a$$es Teenagehood is a hot mess, but they won't defeat me! I will just stay in prayer and with Hubby's support I will get through it! :star:

    One good thing, my new washer was at my door @ 7:45 this morning! :dancing:

    Dada I live in PA and never been to the Burg :whistle:

    Lawny sorry I just your message, and yuh dash weh?

    Philly.. Trust me I know exactly what your going through!! I have 3 teenagers 19, 16 and 14! Thank God that the 19 year old moved out because we did not get along at all. He thought that since he was 18 that he could do and say what he wanted and I had to remind him who was the boss. The whole thing got very tiresome and habitual.

  7. Sorry DaDa...but this whole time I thought you lived in a cool city like Philly!!!

    Just threw me off when you mentioned Pittsburgh. That explains the reason you want to move.

    I guess I'm kinding speaking before I have even had a chance to go to Pittsburgh. I'll be there for one day/night in September.

    Girl if I lived in Philly I would have been hooked up with Philly and Regal by now. No girl I'm stuck in Pittsburgh and looking for way out. The city thinks were coming back with the new casino and such being built and our economy and job market are doing pretty good but its the whole city as a whole. I think I have just grew tired of it and I want out!!! I want more for my kids and I am so sick of the snow!!!

    Married Lovers came out June of 2008. So, I am going to assume she still is.

    I might have to get it for old times sake..

    u are still getting snow down there :blink:

    No!!! :rofl: the snow has stoped but yesterday it was cold...

    It's cold as heck here too DaDa

  8. my ex husband, the donor, is a super jerk.. The bum does not work so he will not have to pay me child support and the system here lets him get away with it..

    Uhh hun.. See u need to move to Pittsburgh. Here u get to sue the dad no matter what. So what if he doesn’t have a job he still has to pay something and then they give him a certain amount of time to get a job. If not he gets locked up, his driver’s license can be revoked and it goes on his credit. He sits in jail for a while and then they let him out to find a job and if not well back to the slammer buddy…

    Dada.. they do the same thing here but only if the mother is receiving government financial assistantance and since I don't I don't matter and neither does the 24K he owes me from the 5 years we've been divorced!!! if only I had that me and da pickney could go live in JA!!

    Never heard of it. I do want to read Sista Soulja's {sp} new book. I plan to get some books to read on my vacation in Miami.

    Are you speaking of Midnight KK?? If so it was just alright to me. Nothing even close to her Coldest Winter Ever...

    Yeah...that's the book. So it wasn't as good as the first one???? Oh now. I was looking forward to reading it. I will probably still read it though.

    I guess I could wait on the pdf. :whistle:

    No still read it I think you will enjoy it just dont expect it to be anything like A Coldest Winter Ever. With a Coldest Winter I couldnt put the book down it was soo good and kept me on the edge of my seat but with Midnight. Well I kept reading waiting for the juice to come and honestly it never did. There were some good points but not nearly as many as Coldest.

    Ladies you know who was my first favorite author... I'm LMAO just thinking about it... Jackie Collins. Whoo did I love me some Jackie Collins and I think I started reading her in high school. I'm not sure how I came across the book but somehow I did and before you knew it I read every series and I used to look forward to her next book. I haven't read her in years. I wonder if she has any new books out but she had it all. Sex, murder, money and lies. You couldn't ask for anything more and her sexual scenes were off the hook back then. I loved how she was vulgar and she didn't sugar coat it by saying he thrust his throne in my secret garden. Naw that broad brought it to ya like he stuck his bleep in her bleep. I was like ok go Jackie!!!! But that was my girl.

    Oh and another one Zane!!! Why hasn't she came out with any new books by herself that has only one story in it. She was on a role I don't know what made her start writing short stories with other authors. She was doing it for a while and I thought she was going to stop but she is still going. It's like enough already!!!!

    I love Jackie Collins. Lucky Santangelo is one of my favorite characters of all time. I so want to be ballsy like her!

    Me Too!!! That bytch was bad wasn't she!!!!! Do you know if Jackie is still writing??

  9. Never heard of it. I do want to read Sista Soulja's {sp} new book. I plan to get some books to read on my vacation in Miami.

    Are you speaking of Midnight KK?? If so it was just alright to me. Nothing even close to her Coldest Winter Ever...

    Yeah...that's the book. So it wasn't as good as the first one???? Oh now. I was looking forward to reading it. I will probably still read it though.

    I guess I could wait on the pdf. :whistle:

    No still read it I think you will enjoy it just dont expect it to be anything like A Coldest Winter Ever. With a Coldest Winter I couldnt put the book down it was soo good and kept me on the edge of my seat but with Midnight. Well I kept reading waiting for the juice to come and honestly it never did. There were some good points but not nearly as many as Coldest.

    Ladies you know who was my first favorite author... I'm LMAO just thinking about it... Jackie Collins. Whoo did I love me some Jackie Collins and I think I started reading her in high school. I'm not sure how I came across the book but somehow I did and before you knew it I read every series and I used to look forward to her next book. I haven’t read her in years. I wonder if she has any new books out but she had it all. Sex, murder, money and lies. You couldn’t ask for anything more and her sexual scenes were off the hook back then. I loved how she was vulgar and she didn’t sugar coat it by saying he thrust his throne in my secret garden. Naw that broad brought it to ya like he stuck his bleep in her bleep. I was like ok go Jackie!!!! But that was my girl.

    Oh and another one Zane!!! Why hasn’t she came out with any new books by herself that has only one story in it. She was on a role I don’t know what made her start writing short stories with other authors. She was doing it for a while and I thought she was going to stop but she is still going. It’s like enough already!!!!

    Zane is the Sh$%!!

  10. he will laugh either way.. im telling u, this tx accent have me messing up the words even if I think im saying them right LOL

    That TX accent me and Zee was just talking about that last night Quana. I told her the only bad thing about moving South is the accents. My oldest asked me the odda day. So when we move I will have to start calling u momma instead of mom?? I told him if he does I will pop him upside the head. The momma thing drives me crazy!!! I told him a lot of people will say he has an accent He was like but I don’t. I told him you will to them.

    DaDa, I'm sorry but people from PA have an accent as well!! LOL..

    (As she crosses her arms across her chest) No we don't.....LOL

    Yes Love you do!!!

  11. Roxie...they loved him on Oprah.

    He's been on there 3-4 times discussing the book.

    It's a best seller because of Oprah. I saw one show with him on there and the questions the ladies asked..I was like OMG!!!

    Do you'll think it will make a best seller?

    Already #1 in its category.

    I'm not a Steve Harvey fan but he's definitely

    laughing all the way to the bank

    Not when everyone is downloading it off of the web (PDF).

    I would personally never download a book on PDF. Everyone I know read the book bought it. At this point, it doesn't make a difference...he already is made tons of money and it is a bestseller.

    LMAO... I will!! Anyone got it? if so PM it to me!!

  12. Hey all, I just got home and logged on for a second - too lazy to quote -

    So thanks for the photo compliments, and congrats Island on Jr.'s approval - set the wedding date yet?

    I had to log on and do something and I am about to go crash - I just came home from the wake of My Mom's best friend since the 5th grade - Like my aunt - So sad, she had a brain tumor that was diagnosed about 2 years ago. She passed while I was in JA - It broke my heart to see her Husband - He got into a motorcycle accident on a Weds, and was put in the hospital - he insisted that they release him Fri am, and she passed that night. Then his brother passed on Sunday. Plus, yesterday was 2 years since my Dad passed.

    My mom and I are taking turns getting teary - so I think I am going to go find a sappy movie to watch with her and crash out.


    I'm so sorry for your loss.. Your family and friends are in my prayers.

  13. Ladies - please, please be careful saying the father (donor) is absent. They rejected my daughter's application 3 times and I work here :o . My daughter was 16 but was 15 when I submitted the application...it was a mess. They are cracking down on children's passports.

    I guess it all for the best interest of the children...and pain in the baxide (word of the day) for the parent.

    I agree KK, and we actually have had an OKAY relationship the past 3 years we've been separated... but it's getting worse now that I am engaged. I think he thought I would come back one day :wacko: and he is finally realizing that ain't happening :no:

    bwoy.. they chat bout crazy baby mama's but these baby daddy's are something else.. i do feel sorry for them tho.. i would hate to still want someone that doesnt want me.. :blush:

    my ex husband, the donor, is a super jerk.. The bum does not work so he will not have to pay me child support and the system here lets him get away with it..

  14. Ladies - please, please be careful saying the father (donor) is absent. They rejected my daughter's application 3 times and I work here :o . My daughter was 16 but was 15 when I submitted the application...it was a mess. They are cracking down on children's passports.

    I have his passport already Shemmy :thumbs:

    I just thought I would still need a permission slip from his father every time I take him out of the country...

    Mi aff mi pickney passports already too.

  15. he will laugh either way.. im telling u, this tx accent have me messing up the words even if I think im saying them right LOL

    That TX accent me and Zee was just talking about that last night Quana. I told her the only bad thing about moving South is the accents. My oldest asked me the odda day. So when we move I will have to start calling u momma instead of mom?? I told him if he does I will pop him upside the head. The momma thing drives me crazy!!! I told him a lot of people will say he has an accent He was like but I don’t. I told him you will to them.

    DaDa, I'm sorry but people from PA have an accent as well!! LOL..

  16. [quote name='DaDa' post='2987344'

    Dada, we naw tell u...u afi galang 'til it come tu u

    O.k. so she not only wont tell me what baxide means but now she throws another word on me galang ( u know I'm trying to pronounce it )... Hey RR if you figure out what these mean let me know will yuh...lol

    DaDa.. I knew what baxside was but Trelawny messed me all the way up with GALANG.. #######????

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