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Posts posted by Anthony-Kristy

  1. Hi!! I saw you wanted to have my checklist, as I sais befire they did bot ask for anyhting but it is good to be prepared that what I had, when i was in Juarez people were saying it is also very good to to have any recipts of money transfers if you have them. If you have more questions I'll be more than happy to help. As marce told you it all depends on your case of you have no illegal entries or police reords you have nothing to worry the whole deal is mainly about waiting and stress. When's your iterview???

    Good Luck!!!

    Carta de cita

    Copias de las formas DS-230 y I-864

    Copias de los impuestos de los ultimos tres años de mi esposo y de su comprobante de pago de los ultimos 6 meses

    Original y copia de las ambas actas de nacimiento y del acta de matrimonio

    Original y copia de la ultima sentencia de divorcio de mi esposo

    Passaporte original y copia

    Original y copia de Certificado de No antecedentes penales ( en la carta de cita dice que no la necesitamos pero mas vale tenerla en caso de que la requieran cuesta 54 pesos y se obtiene en la Procuraduria del estado y toma alrededdor de una hora para obtenerla)

    Dos fotos

    Noa 1 y Noa2

    recibos de pago de las cuotas AOS e IV

    Cartilla de vacunación ( es la que llaman la cartilla rosa, se obtiee en cualquier centro de salud y las vacunas son gratis me pusieron tetanos, difteria, Sarampion, rubeola y hepatitis, las que no estan disponibles son influenza y papiloma human, es posible que aun con la cartilla en la clinica decidan que nos las tienen que poner pero talves tengamos suerte y acepten la cartilla)

    Fotos (antes, durante y despues de la boda)

    Mails, Conversaciones de msn, y mensajes de texto

    Testimonios de personas que asistieron a la boda

    Papeles del seguro donde soy bemeficiaria

    Recibos de los anillos de compromiso y de bodas

    Copias del pasaporte de mi esposo con todos los sellos de sus visitas a mexico

    Copias del estado de cuenta de su tarjeta donde muestra actividad en mexico

    Itineraios de sus ultimos dos viajes a Mexico

    Thank you very much. my interview is set for the 3rd of September. i am a little bit nervous but from the experiences i have read on this website it has made me feel better. this list will help me out a lot. thanks again for your help.

  2. First of all guys relax, really is not as bad as we all think, the waiting is annoying and all that but is alright you will all do alright.

    I'll try to answer to your questions in the best of my possibilities ok?


    At the consulate I only payed 8 dollars for the DHL delivery, nothing else. The visa was payed for already, we payed it in the NVC process, I think is the IV payment, I'm not sure. I only had 8 dollars in my wallet and like 110 pesos which i borrowed to a girl who didn't know about the DHL fee.


    Bring everything you have and can bring, copies of everything you already sent I would also recommend you to bring 2 new passport pictures, they asked me for 2 and I had them because I wasn't sure if i had to have them or not. In the mall in front of the consulate is a business who fills forms and takes pictures, I heard the filling forms part was super expensive, but the pictures were ok, 65 pesos.

    In that window they are gonna ask you for everything that you didn't submit originals to in the NVC part and your Medical exam results. They ask you about the date they have to see if is correct address, phone number, etc.

    Pily made a checklist of the documents she brought with her and sent it to me, is in spanish, if you want I can IM to you.


    If your case is easy, like you don't need waivers nor anything like that yes the package you'll get will be a brown kinda yellowish folder which you are not supposed to open your passport and two letters, one from social security and the other one about your visa.

    But if your case is more complicated they may ask you to go pay to DHL and you'll get your waiver instructions i guess, when i went to pick up my DHL package there was a guy outside almost crying because he thought he was gonna pick up his visa but it wasn't his visa, I don't know what it was but he was really upset about it.

    Interview being on friday.

    I guess it would depend at what time your interview was, I got my passport stamped on a friday and there was a lady who had her interview that same friday in the morning and got the passport to get it stamped the same day.

    Its kinda confusing because the envelope that they give you tells you to go to the bridge from Monday thru Friday, but the latter says the bridge is open to stamp 24 hours 7 days a week so I don't really know.

    My guess on your case is that it'll depend in if you get your package with your passport the same day or not DHL works saturday so maybe if your interview is at noon you may get it the next day or something like that.

    I hope my answers helped you a lil' if you need anything else don't doubt to ask.

    And really is not as bad as you may think, if your relationship is real you have nothing to worry about, although is good to be prepared.

    Best of lucks

    Thank you very much for all your info. If you can IM to me Pily's checklist of documents i will appreciate it. Thanks again.

  3. hey you guys!!! well my interview was on the 15th,i got there 15 mins before my appointment & the guards let me right in.I had no idea what to expect, there's a waiting area, outside, (this was unexpected) a bunch of chairs outside with a light roof, it makes good shade, & i'm glad i was there in the heat than in the cold, well that day was 107 degrees but the shade was pretty helpful. & yep, just like everyone says, look at the screen. It will make you sleepy!! finally after 45mins, my number appears & i get to go inside, the lady who took my docs was pretty polite,& she spoke only spanish, she wrotte the abreviation CHIH on my application, well, i think its abreviation for chihuahua, but lets face it, government agencies have their own accronims, I started to get nervous, she told me to go wait in line to get finger printed, I dont know why she didnt do it herself, because the line was about 20+ long, my appointment was at 2:15 by the time i got to that line it was 3:15 by the time the stupid line was over it was about 4:15m so i got moved to the next day. at 6:45. It was a hasstle because, the consulate dosent open till 7 & by the time my number appeared it was 8:30. the very nice lady who had my file, asked me 2 questions, when did you first enter the u.s & when was the last time you left the U.S. she said, Oh okey, well you qualify for a waiver, signed & checked 2 blue papers & gave me the instructions sheet on how to file a waiver accordingly, she said, have a good day that is all for today. it took all like 7 minutes!! so, i got my waiver appointment for september 23rd. for now i'm just hanging around. there's not much to do here in juarez, if you dont have family here it could get pretty boring!!!

    anyone else around here waiting for their waiver appointment?


    I have one question, this problaby has been answered before but what is the list of docs that you gave the lady on the first window? just want to make sure i am taking the right docs to the interview. if anyone can help i will truly appreciate it.


  4. To all VJ guys...

    Here is the final draft of the NVC document. I have added the NVC's crazy RFE message too here. I encourage everybody to use this version 1.5 and discard all my previous versions.

    If you follow this path, you can get out of NVC in one month time :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

    Good luck to everybody :star::star::star:


    i am new to this and don't really know how to manuever around this site. this is probably very easy but how do i get to see your draft for the NVC document?

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