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Posts posted by mmanalo

  1. I've been to S&R too. The chocolate there is quite cheaper than the chocolate here in the states. Take for exmaple the nestle crunch bag here that costs around 4 bucks at Costco. Over there it only cost around 2.50. And think about all the pounds you would have to carry with you to the Philippines. There is only a 50 pound limit now per baggage checked in.

  2. I guess everything about my wife was a plus for her. I remember meeting her for the first time and I knew that this was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Her smile brightened up my day like no one else's. I'd find myself wanting to share all kinds emotions with her (happiness, sadness, etc.). Sounds corny, but she completes me. :)

  3. My husband and I filed through direct consular filing in the Philippines. So I got to stay with him through the whole entire process except during his interview when I flew back to the states about 3 weeks before. What I showed as proof of my domicile was: copies of my passports showing that I traveled to the United States back and forth, my unexpired driver's license, pics of me holding latest newspapers with teh date visible, my plane tickets and boarding passes. I can't remember if we submitted more things. good luck!

    jhcruz18, that was a good one. heheh I never heard this before. How exactly you proofed that you leave in the US with that photo??

    my sister loves to take photos. so she acutally got the headline and date in the picture with me. :) by the way, the consulate in the Philippines did ask my husband for documented proof that I was in the states. If you look on the Manila US embassy website, it is actually one of the things that they might ask to prove domicile. hehe I flew into seattle two days after the elections. so i took pics with newspapers with President Obama on them. :)

    i forgot to add, I took pics of me in places around Seattle too. The space needle, seattle public library and the United States Post Office. :)

    OK, I understand but next time you should specify that it was proof of presence in the US and not for living in the US. :) LOL!!!

    it was for both though. :)

    Nice one jhcruz! hahaha

  4. Hi jhcruz18. Pacquiao? You should go for it! Even if it is General Admission. Hahaha There is plenty to od around vegas. and I agree with the other users that you should stay off the strip cause it is really more expensive there than staying a couple of miles off the strip.

  5. This never ending boring thread lulls me to sleep. z z z z z z z z z z


    I know this has been said before, but I'm going to say it again, IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU SEE, YOU DON'T HAVE TO LOOK.

    This too, have been said before, don't get mad, IT'S JUST AN OPINION.

    Hahaha I agree. Well said! :thumbs:

  6. I AM HAPPY TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO'S VISA WAS GRANTED! (and envy them as well.....) and I am not against those people posting that their Visa was granted, that they recieved good news with their visa process.....

    BUT....will it be better if you can just post topics that can help other people who are waiting and almost hopeless people waiting for their visas? or other topic that can be useful while waiting for the visa? (example: What are things you need to know? to prepare? to expect?..blah..blah!)

    I know we are all happy for you...but will it make us feel better? I don't think so....coz as for my part it would make me feel more desperate to be with the Love of my Life...coz majority of the topic is "finally,received my visa", "have an interview schedule",blah blah....but what do they respond to them..."Congratulations!" that's it!

    Again,I'm just stating what i feel....hate me..i dont care.....but can we just be more helpful and useful here to others who are desperately waiting for their visa approvals? :whistle:


    Someone has major issues! Jealousy? Maybe. As VJ members we welcome all people. But I see that you just started your journey. And it is totally unfair that you blast everyone on this forum. So what if we wanna say congrats to people! Duh! They deserve it! This is a long process and people do get frustrated. But girl get a life, get a hobby. Be patient and wait. You are not even in the united states yet and you can talk like you have the world at your hands. That we the VJ family has to revolve around you. Opinion? Fine. But get yourself straight. Your opinion is as good as the facts that back it up. And there are no facts that you can prove. Stop sitting on you bratty and selfish and let me add envious little a$$ and do something while you are waiting. But don't rain on other people's happiness while you are at it. LOSER!

    PS. congratulations! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

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