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my choice

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Posts posted by my choice

  1. Your OP was very desperate. I have never felt that desperate about my marriage and I have never, ever felt the need to post asking for advice about it on a message board. My first course of action is always to talk to my husband, so far that has been the end of the matter, problems solved on every occasion.

    There are sensible places to go for advice. My advice was not based on any preconceived idea of whether your marriage would or would not work, but your subsequent 'resolution' does not show you to have learned anything, hence my post.

    You should of course do whatever it is that makes you a happy and whole person. I wish you luck, genuinely.

    I am guessing you didn't take my advice :)

    Good luck with your marriage.

    I will work on my marriage, just like everybody else has to work on theirs. There is alot of good in my husband, and yes there are somethings that I won't be doing any longer.

    I am not desperate enough to call a psychic!!! And no relationship is perfect and to say it is well share with us all the happy pill that both you and your spouse is taking. You yourself can't say that you never been so angry with your spouse that you wondered what in the world did i do? If never then good for you.

    Your poor mom, is she ok now?

    Sure is.. my father died very suddenly 14 yrs ago. Her prison sentence ended that day. She is now happily married to a man who treats her like a queen and all those years of abuse have been redeemed for her. :) She's an amazing lady.

    That's so nice to hear, that she is now happy and in a great relationship. Wonderful.

    Ms Voodoo queen would you like if I contacted your 800 number and paid you for advice?

  2. Sylvia-n-Joseph's advice is spot on from what I've read and have had a few attorney consults tell me... You should never cancel/withdraw a K1 petition even if you've married. A good attorney will respond with a rebuttal to the K1 that will include your marriage information - the attorney should be addressing 2 things - the K1 return and the new I130.

    You do NOT want to set up yourself in a situation where you've created a misrepresentation.

    At the end of the day, it's up to you on whether or not you want to use an attorney - there are loads of sources for information both here on vj and other internet sources. If money is an issue, legal help may be available to you thru other sources at a minimal rate. But with all of that said, even a small slip up, especially after a returned petition, can lead to a longer wait at the minimum - or in the case of some misrepresentations the need to file waivers, bars, etc etc.

    I realize that for many people throwing around $1500-$2500 or whatever is a lot of cash. Trust me, it hurts to be writing out that check, I know!!! And I know Morroco is notorious for returned petitions, but I would not screw around with a returned petition. You have a HUGE strike against you already. HUGE. And, as sad as it is to say, you may have a storybook relationship - a great match etc etc...but from a legal standpoint, for whatever reason [and maybe nothing more than the CO waking up on the wrong side of bed] you have a record that states it didn't pass the test. And trust me, from someone who knows, it is heartwrenching to have some 3rd party who doesn't know you or your relationship randomly crush your dreams...it's been months for me and I still cry over it.

    Find out all you can, research, get in touch with your elected people - see what you find out. If, after all of that you feel comfortable doing all the paperwork - great. For me - even though I feel like [after filing the I129 and a year of research/vj/attorney calls/badgering my elected peeps liasons] I'm sort of well versed in this and typically feel ok with forms, personally I don't want to screw things up more than they are.

    I get the rebuttal, and have no problem doing so because I know that this relationship is real, and there was plenty of evidence and I welcome whatever the consulate has to say. But what you are saying just doesn't make since. If my petition is no longer valid what exactly am i trying to defend the authincity of my relationship? It's been 2mos and they still have not sent my paperwork back yet.

  3. I am guessing you didn't take my advice :)

    Good luck with your marriage.

    another middle eastern man with contempt for women moves to America.

    this wolf should hunt carefully. some big dogs around here won't tolerate his smell.

    I would take my middle eastern husband any day over a man that treats me like a piece of meat.

    You and your self-esteem. By now you should know you are a woman; and like such, you have a low place in society ;)

    :luv: u

    I'm not getting your comment.

  4. I am guessing you didn't take my advice :)

    Good luck with your marriage.

    another middle eastern man with contempt for women moves to America.

    this wolf should hunt carefully. some big dogs around here won't tolerate his smell.

    No offence but I would hate to tell you what they have to say about orientals. So I would back off the nasty comments about my husband's culture. I don't hunt, I wouldn't consider myself a wolf but if that is what you call yourself then that says alot about your upbringing.

  5. Stephen just called me (6:45am - March 23rd 09) and told me his visa was DENIED? He said they told him our relationship WASN'T bonified, can you imagine! He said the interviewer had the nerve to ask him WHY DIDN'T HE EVER GET MARRIED (because he's 50) before, Stephen replied "because he never met his SOUL MATE until now (meeting me)." He said the interviewer told him that he feel Stephen TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME (LIKE I DON'T HAVE A FREAKING MIND OF MY OWN TO MAKE MY OWN DECISION).

    OK, enough of me ranting ... If I ever needed Vjers, it's NOW, WHAT DO I DO NOW? Do I contact my Congressman (they just opened an office in my town)?

    So sorry to hear this happen to someone else. I wish you the best of luck.

  6. I am so tired words and describe it. Let me just say that my husband and I filed a k1 and it was returned to the USCIS, for what reason i don't know. We had tons of evidence and i had taking numerous trips there to Morocco. Well after that happen I went to Morocco and got married, and since refiled a CR1 petition. In the mean while I find myself getting frustrated more and more each day. And I am wondering did I choose the right person. He likes to go to the cafe and and watch television, he works on and off and I'm tired pure tired of it. I am to the point I really don't want to take another trip over there and I feel like just waiting this one out and what happens happens. Each time that I go I bring 3 bags full of items for his family. Let me tell you he has a large family. I've spent over $20,000 between the 5 flights and Items that i purchased to bring with me.

    My husband has a temper that i descovered after the marriage, and his home was not in the best condition the last time i went. I feel like the family is used to me, so the real thing came out and let me tell you i did not like what i saw. The blanket that i was sleeping on stunk like mildew. There was mildew all in his room, and he had the I don't give a damn attitude. His aunt that is usually so nice acted like a pure ######. Can you believe that I pay for this aunts youngest daughter to attend a private school? His adult female cousins made me feel real uncomfortable as well. I don't speak Arabic but i can read body language. When i told him about what i was feeling he tried to make it like i was reading to much into things but i do not believe i am. Oh here is the good part. There is another woman living in the home that i don't know who she is and all i know is that she is not a family member.

    I am drifting away from my husband and the sad part is that I just got married. Truth be told i don't even feel like I am married. We went to the Adul and that was it. It was an unplan trip. But he wants me to come back in the summer to have the celebration. He had the nerves to tell me that the wedding would cost $30,000 dirhams to have a wedding on a farm. That is when red flags came to me. I asked myself is this man trying to con me out of money? When i let him know I am no damn fool then all of a sudden the price went down to $8000 dirhams, and we will split the cost. I don't know how much longer i will stay on this site because i am not sure i will be keeping this relationship. I know i got married there in Morocco but I really don't feel married at all. He enjoys going to the cafe everyday, and works on and off. I work 2 jobs and then I come straight home, and there at the computer waiting for him. Well yesterday was it for me. After having a hard day at work and going to the grocery store and rushing home he had an attitude about why i was not on the computer. I was enraged, and i would not speak to him on the computer or the phone. Infact I have no desire to speak with him today. I am really thinking about withdrawling my I130 and he can figure out how to get the marriage annulled because frankly I am done.

    Ok I can tell that you wrote this post when you was angry and more then likely tired. Looking at the time that you wrote it. Now are you angry with your now Husband when you wrote this peace? Did the two of you have a disagreement? Becaise an enteligent woman like yourself that can afford to fly over to Morocco 5'x's and not have to bum off of these men family tells me that you are very independent. Now if we are going to be honest about all of this. The men and woman want to leave what ever 3rd world country they come to because they seek a better life if they want to tell the truth or not I will.

    So to hear some woman say don't send them money is a bunch of bull ######. Half of the woman on here trying to marry american men or more then like mail order brides that were born in a shack, orphanage, ####### house and their mothers are the Maddams selling their daughters out for a box of cegirette. We see the movies, (I love you long time for $5 dollars) So no one should be here judging this man. My home town in Morocco it was raining really bad ans so some of that hard rain affects the home. Yes and a odor came in but it was not like he left you there by myself did he? I am sure the answer is no so my dear I suggest you tell the story like it is whey you are telling it. I hate the fact that Moroccan men will look bad buy what you wrote. I am not saying there is no truth in the other part that you wrote. I am from the ghetto so I would have to kick somebody Arabian's #### if she was in my mans house and then ask questions later. People don't try to act dignified in here becasue half of you are here commenting fraud and figuring out how to comment fruad. Since the navy ships left I guess they use the internette to catch a sailor.

    Keep paying for the little girls school. Her mother may be a skank but the little girl can't help it at all. The older cousins this is how you pay them back. The one that acted nasty give the others one something more speacial then what you give them better yet give her a stick of gum tell her put it in her mouth and keep her chops shut. Well his Aunt, trust me when i tell you I would never eat anything else from her as long as you both should live., and it won't be long eating from a she devil.

    Tell the truth if you been there 5'xs you know that he has done some good in order for you to keep gong back. So next time tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help you Visa Journey LOL. I bet the two of you were making up and confessing all of the love you have for each other.

    PS. Look at your other post. Don't you find it strange all these people responded to the negative one real quick and you hardly got any answer from the other ones at all. makes you think. Some people want to feel like My relationship is better then yours child like mentality. I would not post nothing up like this because I think you were angry and the truth be told you are maddly in love with each other. The man wants his woman in front of the computer. Girl have the man here don't knwo where their woman are at because they are in some club, and the woman can't find their man. He makes up lies like I am helphing my family or hanging out with friends or i had my cell phone turned off baby. Just the simple classic line. Worse one is that if you open my heart all you would see is you. This part is for all you judgers without digging and trying to find out the entire story. Go a little gental next time and aske two sided questions. People are in a state of mind that needs us to help them think logically. So Ms Married lady don't drop your petition keep pushing forward. Think of all the positive theings that happen in your relationship :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs: .

    Thank you Moroccoluv, you mad alot of since. Yes there is a great deal of good in my husband. I did have a horrible time when I went there this last time. It was an uplan trip. When our petition got sent back to the USCIS i went to Morocco 2wks later and married him. The gifts that I brought was from my heart, but I have put the breaks on the gift giving. He never asked me to bring anything at all. Neither did his family. I did experience rudeness from his Aunt though. After my husband read the post I did he finally got how I was feeling so I am happy to say he understands. Yes he spent money on me. He took me on a fabulous vacation and spent plenty of his own money the 4th time I was in Morocco. Not to mention that he did purchase me Channell earrings, and a Channell Charm. After reading your response Morooccoluv I will be very careful of what it is that I post if i post anything anymore. I doubt it very likely. I am fortunate to atleast have a professional career that me sending money did not break my account at all. I am only doing what I would expect for my husband to do for me if I was in his situation.

  7. You need to try to see why the petition was sent back. I think you should call the USCIS to find out what is going on. You know if you hired this lawyer he should do that in the fee you already paid him. I must agree lawyers will rip you off big time. I paid $2300 and he did nothing but fill out the paperwork!

    The USCIS has no idea why it was sent back at all. It has been almost 2mos and they still have not received it from the consulate yet.

  8. Ok after my I129F was sent back to the USCIS, the CO not giving a clear reason as to why really, other then laughing in my fiance at the time face and telling him she was sending it back. Well can't cry over what is done. So 2wks after our paperwork was sent back I took a trip to Morocco and got married. I filed the CR1 paperwork, and then I decided to consult an attorney. The advice he gave me was more for a rebuttle. I didn't understand because there is no rebuttle, I started a completely new petition. But yet the attorney begged me not to withdrawl my fiance petition eventhough I have a CR1 pending. It doesn't make since to me at all. How could I move forward with a fiance petition still making it's way back to USCIS from Casa, and having a spouse petition pending. The Attorney wants me to fight the fiance petition. Does this sounds like he is trying to milk me for some cash? Don't get me wrong I got some really good information from him however, some othat stuff he was saying did not make any since at all. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :wacko:

    You cannot file a CR1 petition until and unless your previous petition is 'closed' with USCSIS. The consulate sent your petition back, but did you receive a Notice of Intent to Revok (NOIR) from the service center that initially adjudicated your petition? In effect there are now two petitions, one a fiancee visa and the spousal visa petition pending with USCIS.

    Please read the "Returning Petitions to the United States via 221g" thread that is pinned at the top of this forum...it is quie long, but it gives a lot of very valuable information for your reference. Your attorney is wrong if he is advising you to fight the denied/retuned fiancee visa petition. Now that you've married, it is no longer a petition you qualify to file, you're married. But you do need to deal with that initial petition. Did you tell the attorney know that you've now married and filed a new petition, the I130?

    Yes I did tell him that. This is why i believe he directed me in the wrong way for capitol gains. He begged me not to withdrawl my fiance petition.

  9. I am lost is there some secret that helps your paperwork get touched or approved faster when you file both CR1 & K3 paperwork for your spouse?

    Do you have to send all the proff with the K3 documents that you sent with your I130? I know that there are no additonal fees but what about the evidence. Do they use the evidence that was submitted with the I130?

    Correct me if I am wrong but the K3 visa you still have to file more documentaion when you come here to the states; where as the CR1 you are completed with your paperwork for a couple of years anyway.

    If someone could please tell me why they file both that would be of great service to me. :whistle:

  10. Ok after my I129F was sent back to the USCIS, the CO not giving a clear reason as to why really, other then laughing in my fiance at the time face and telling him she was sending it back. Well can't cry over what is done. So 2wks after our paperwork was sent back I took a trip to Morocco and got married. I filed the CR1 paperwork, and then I decided to consult an attorney. The advice he gave me was more for a rebuttle. I didn't understand because there is no rebuttle, I started a completely new petition. But yet the attorney begged me not to withdrawl my fiance petition eventhough I have a CR1 pending. It doesn't make since to me at all. How could I move forward with a fiance petition still making it's way back to USCIS from Casa, and having a spouse petition pending. The Attorney wants me to fight the fiance petition. Does this sounds like he is trying to milk me for some cash? Don't get me wrong I got some really good information from him however, some othat stuff he was saying did not make any since at all. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :wacko:

  11. Guys

    After one year and 20 Days and 3 phone calls to a Senior Florida senator I received today on Saturday this beautifull e-mail.

    see you in citizenship


    The last processing action taken on your case

    Receipt Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXX


    Current Status: Card production ordered.

    On March 20, 2009, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

    If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status results listed above, or if you have not received a decision from USCIS within the current processing time listed*, please contact USCIS Customer Service at (800) 375-5283.

    Congratulation many blessing.

  12. :( I wonder what you will do to get through this hard journey... I agree with Madame Cleo, better to BE alone than to live alone while with someone. I wonder when you will take as good care of yourself as you seem to take care of others.

    Sending peace and love your way.....

    Thanks for the comment. I do love myself a great deal. I have always been a giver, and I truly don't mind giving to those that are in need. But when I see it turning to greed, that is when I put all the breaks on.

    Broken Hearted.

  13. sorry to hear what happen to you. It break my heart whenever I read someone who got heart broken even she/he honestly love her/his partner. For what I read on your post if you still love yourself get rid of him. He is not worth loving by a good woman like you. It's hard at first I've been heart broken before but u need to forget him. There's someone much better for you. You deserve to be happy, treat good by your man and respect you. Besides he's the guy why he let you used your money not only for hiself but for his entire family members. I know you give a lot of effort, love and cost u a lot of money but it's not too late for you to withdraw his petition. I have read a situation like yours here. She marry and get petition for her guy but when the guy got his Citizenship in US he left the girl alone and go with other girl. As I can see on your husband he don't care and respect you. What worst he can do when he's already USC... Still it's on your decision but I still hope and pray you make the right decision. We deserve to be happy... You deserve to be happy. God will guide you through this journey...your not alone He's watching you:-)

    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Hello Fellow "VJ'ers"

    Over a year ago, I was excitedly waiting for my beautiful wife (Karina) to get her K-3 VISA approved at the Bogota Embassy and move to the USA to live happily ever after. BUT, during the time period from our wedding date of 5/18/07 and the approximate interview date of 8 - 9 months later....many things just did not seem "kosher" from a love and marriage point of view. So, I will attempt to tell you a little about the situation...then, tell you what I would have done differently. IF WHAT HAPPENED TO ME saves one of you fellow VJer's from a huge mistake...then, this post will be worthwhile reading for you.

    (I don't remember what "name" I was using on this forum but I think it was "Craig&Karina" or something...Monokoke28 will remember me. I posted several times and related stories of situations which made me suspicious of my wife and her true intentions.)

    I fell in love too quickly. Meeting a prospective spouse on January 1st and getting married on May 18th ... just 4.5 months later was really stupid on my part. But, I swear to this day... I was crazy in love with Karina! Anyway, 4.5 months and three visits to Colombia is NOT sufficient time to know someone as a person...certainly not enough time to make a lifetime commitment. But, love is blind, deaf and stupid ... sometimes.

    Pay attention to everything your fiance'/spouse "says" BUT... particularly pay attention to the way he/she ACTS! It is said that "Actions speak louder than words!" Believe it... their actions will tell you what is true and what is not!! ACTIONS...not words make the difference in a marriage/relationship. IF something does not "feel quite right," trust your instincts! Do not allow your heart to overrule your brain...as I did!!! Do NOT sweep this "gut feeling" under the rug and eliminate your suspicions because you think there is a "cultural difference" or "misunderstanding." Permit me to tell you something.... THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE IS THE SAME IN EVERY LANGUAGE OF THE WORLD!

    IF your brain is telling you to go cautiously and investigate everything....PLEASE LISTEN!!!!!

    During my short marriage (we're now divorced) I discovered my wife lying to me a number of times. Also, I found that she was spending my money which I was sending (to support her and her daughter) on fun, frivolity, clothes and going out on the town. I was very generous with her...because I wanted her to be happy. But, my money was to be spent on necessities...not frivolity. I found it very unusual that when I called her on Saturday or Sunday mornings at 11am, 12 noon or 1pm...she'd still be sleeping! I had to ask myself..."Why would a healthy, active, 31 year old woman be sleeping until those hours every weekend?" Answer: Because she was going out on Friday and Saturday nights and partying until the wee hours of the morning!!

    Fortunately, I made friends with some people at our wedding and kept in contact with them by way of the Internet. Once in awhile, I'd get a comment from them saying..."Oh, I saw your wife at a nightclub last night and she was drinking, smoking and dancing ... and, when I left the club at 2:30am...your wife was still there." Of course, I spoke with my wife about it and she didn't deny being there...but, she did deny being out past midnight. (She knew that the friend of mine had seen her...and, she claimed that the man/woman was just trying to "make trouble" between us.) Or...another time...a friend told me, " Craig, I saw your wife on the motorcycle that you bought for her...and a guy was driving it."

    Another time when I was there on a visit, my wife got drunk and we had a "discussion" which prompted me to shorten my visit by a week. Something told me to change my password on my savings account that we used as the means for her to receive her monthly budget money...(presupuesto). It was a good thing that I did because upon my arrival at the Bogota Airport, my cell phone text messaged me that an attempt had been made to remove $1000 from the account...and a minute later, $900. So, that little voice inside that tell you things....LISTEN TO IT!!! Of course, I called and informed her that I suspected she might make a run for the money and that I'd changed the passcode! She was contrite and apologized saying, "It was an action of rage and I'm sorry!" Sure, it was an action of rage...but, what IF she'd gotten the money????? Then what would have been said or done????

    There are several more instances of lying and mistrust that I posted about that I will not relate in this posting. But, the final straw was when I found out that she had a boyfriend...a boyfriend that she had for a number of years. How did I find this out? Wellllll....I am not really proud of this but I had to resort to some subversive tactics. I gave her my old laptop computer so we could talk more often and see each other every night on MSN Messenger. On that computer was a spy program which allowed me to see, read and retain EVERY piece of correspondence, conversation, e-mails, etc. which came from that computer!!!! Well, it didn't take long for me to read several intimate e-mails between Karina and her boyfriend!! Honestly, that didn't feel very good and I didn't like it one bit!! The last one, I will always remember because it said, "Remember that I love you very much and I know that in the end we will be together and very happy. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!" That was just about a week before I was to take Karina to Cartagena for our "second honeymoon." That "honeymoon" was anything but a happy reunion!!!

    Karina's interview was scheduled for February 12th or 15th, 2008...I don't remember the exact date but... upon passing through Bogota on my way back to the USA, I made a personal visit to the U.S. Embassy and delivered a "Withdrawal of Petition for K-3 VISA" for Karina and her daughter. Then, I FAXed it another time...just to be completely sure that my wishes were honored. So, just 12-15 days before her scheduled interview, her plans and dreams went up in smoke!! Once my withdrawal letter and FAX were read by the Embassy, her file was pulled out of the rotation and sent back to the USA forever. Sooooo....I "dodged this bullet" by about only two weeks!!!!!

    For the next few months, she attempted to win my favor with promises, e-mails, pleading and tears... professing her "love for me." I almost relented and changed my mind as I went to talk with her another time during Easter Week, 2008. But, she treated me badly in front of her family and I knew it was over. The last day I saw Karina, my beautiful Colombian wife was Easter Sunday night of 2008. Her family was appalled at her actions and they disowned her and banished her from the family!!! Initially, I thought this was a "little strong reaction" but later my sister told me that "the family must know more about her than you do....and, they were probably sick of her using other people for her own benefit.

    It must be "true love" between Karina and her boyfriend (Carlos) because I found that she was pregnant in May, 2008 (1 year after our marriage) and she just had a baby boy at the end of February, 2009. Our divorce was final in August, 2008 and she was already 3 months pregnant at that time. Thank God that I had enough sense and trusted my instincts enough to put a stop to the charade BEFORE she made it to the United States!!! For those of you who don't know it...YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for your wife and family that you bring to the US on a K-3 VISA...for a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG time. BEWARE OF A WOMAN/MAN WHO ISN'T GIVING YOU THE RIGHT "SIGNALS" AND "FEELINGS" IN YOUR MARRIAGE OR RELATIONSHIP.

    Again, I urge you to build your relationship on love, respect and trust. BUT, be realistic and sensible. Do you really think a beautiful 30 year old woman is going to fall in love with a man 25 years older than her? Do you think this woman who has lived in poverty all her life will love you if the chips are down? They have a perception in many foreign countries that U.S. Citizens are ALL MILLIONAIRES and their lives will be immensely improved by marrying one of us. Wake up and smell the coffee my fellow VJ'ers. One final comment...IF they get pregnant and claim it is your child...do a DNA test for proof!!! Many of these women are not beyond getting pregnant to "reel you in" because you are a big delicious catch for them!

    What would I do differently: 1) Take more time and not rush to marriage. 2) NEVER marry the woman in "her country" and bring her here on the K-3 Visa!! A MUCH BETTER course of action is the K-1 Fiance' VISA. Give yourself 3 months to get to know the person and live together. In that three months....OBSERVE and test them and find out who they really are and their character.

    Please don't think that I am painting all foreign women with the same brush. I am simply telling you of my own personal experience. I'm not bitter about what happened...ok, maybe a little bit...but if I can save one of you from making the same mistake, this letter is worth it!!!!


    Captain Craig

    United States of America

    Atleast you open your eyes really quick. My eyes are open and I am not liking what I am seeing. My gut is telling me that something isn't right at all. He puts it on the stress of us being apart. But I am not too sure. All I know is that I will be taking my time sending in any paper work that is requested of me. I am not in any rush. I will be 100% sure that his intentions to come here is because he wants to spend a life time with me and not for a green card that would eventially lead up to his citizenship.

    Thanks for sharing

    Broken hearted

  15. Wait, I just re-read the OP and have a question.

    It says you got married already but you state: "The blanket that i was sleeping on stunk like mildew."

    I may be reading it wrong but were you not sharing a bed with him and thus a blanket? Or was he sleeping on a moldy blanket and not caring?

    Yes he was sleeping on a moldy blanket with me and not caring. If i had it to do all over again I would not have gotten married.

  16. I am so tired words and describe it. Let me just say that my husband and I filed a k1 and it was returned to the USCIS, for what reason i don't know. We had tons of evidence and i had taking numerous trips there to Morocco. Well after that happen I went to Morocco and got married, and since refiled a CR1 petition. In the mean while I find myself getting frustrated more and more each day. And I am wondering did I choose the right person. He likes to go to the cafe and and watch television, he works on and off and I'm tired pure tired of it. I am to the point I really don't want to take another trip over there and I feel like just waiting this one out and what happens happens. Each time that I go I bring 3 bags full of items for his family. Let me tell you he has a large family. I've spent over $20,000 between the 5 flights and Items that i purchased to bring with me.

    My husband has a temper that i descovered after the marriage, and his home was not in the best condition the last time i went. I feel like the family is used to me, so the real thing came out and let me tell you i did not like what i saw. The blanket that i was sleeping on stunk like mildew. There was mildew all in his room, and he had the I don't give a damn attitude. His aunt that is usually so nice acted like a pure ######. Can you believe that I pay for this aunts youngest daughter to attend a private school? His adult female cousins made me feel real uncomfortable as well. I don't speak Arabic but i can read body language. When i told him about what i was feeling he tried to make it like i was reading to much into things but i do not believe i am. Oh here is the good part. There is another woman living in the home that i don't know who she is and all i know is that she is not a family member.

    I am drifting away from my husband and the sad part is that I just got married. Truth be told i don't even feel like I am married. We went to the Adul and that was it. It was an unplan trip. But he wants me to come back in the summer to have the celebration. He had the nerves to tell me that the wedding would cost $30,000 dirhams to have a wedding on a farm. That is when red flags came to me. I asked myself is this man trying to con me out of money? When i let him know I am no damn fool then all of a sudden the price went down to $8000 dirhams, and we will split the cost. I don't know how much longer i will stay on this site because i am not sure i will be keeping this relationship. I know i got married there in Morocco but I really don't feel married at all. He enjoys going to the cafe everyday, and works on and off. I work 2 jobs and then I come straight home, and there at the computer waiting for him. Well yesterday was it for me. After having a hard day at work and going to the grocery store and rushing home he had an attitude about why i was not on the computer. I was enraged, and i would not speak to him on the computer or the phone. Infact I have no desire to speak with him today. I am really thinking about withdrawling my I130 and he can figure out how to get the marriage annulled because frankly I am done.

  17. I am protesting...I want this issue pinned! :protest:

    Petitions Returned to the United States

    More and more this is how Morocco is handling visa petitions, and it does not matter the amount of proof of relationship you provide. We need a central place to review/share extremely important information to help ourselves and others going through this issue. Possibly even prevent this from happening to others in the future.

    I will gladly create a legible, credible, and searchable compilation of all immigration guidelines surrounding petition return/revocation, research, etc. if VJ would commit to pinning this issue for us. Even if it is only in the ME/NA forum...PIN IT PLEASE?????

    (F) ~Kiya~ (F)

    My story was so so sad. All the evidence in the world and they still sent my papers back to the United States. Please if we can get something started I am on board with assisting with whatever help is needed. You may be the answer to my prayers. I am really good a researching.

  18. Hello All.

    I got married in January of 2007 and got my Conditional Green Card in June but my wife and I are not living together since October 2007. The reason is because she when abroad to complete a school program to graduate from college and she had to stay away for 9 months; at that time we stayed in contact but i have no much proof of that since she called from public phones also we used to chat online a lot, after she completed school and graduated she came back in June of 2008 and stay for three months during the summer and left again for another program so she has been gone since September of 2008 until now, also she is planning to stay for one year since she got a Government contract job for that country.

    Now that I have to apply to get my conditions removal, I'm afraid to get denied since we haven't spent the majority of our marriage together

    Here is the list of documents I have

    Our Bank statement

    Apartment Lease

    lots of pictures

    If anyone here have some advise Will be Deeply Appreciated

    thank you so much

    I'm not trying to be mean but it sounds like a contract marriage. Are you serious? Who in their right mind is going to believe that your marriage is real?

  19. Ok, so I met this nice sweet girl, and she is living in Kenya. I don't suspect anything bad, but I have read so much out here about marriage fraud that I get kinda scared. We met online in the spring of '08, spent a week together this fall, and the rest of our contact has been on the phone or on Yahoo. She is definitely the kinda girl I can fall in love with, but I am full of doubts from things I've read out here. Is there anything to look for? Then there is the support affidavit that one would file, and if I was a target for fraud, I get stuck with the bill for 10 years. What do I look for??

    Go with your gut feelings. In life you have to be careful, sometimes we have to take that chance at love.

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