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Posts posted by ojetbone

  1. Hello everybody.. I need your help..

    We received an RFE yesterday. stating that we were lacking documents (I-864A). A couple of questions:

    1. Who is the household member?

    2. Who should be answering questions #9 - #12 of form i-864A? Is it the sponsor or the intending immigrant?

    3. Do we need to include paystubs and ITRs again or the one we sent with the AOS packet is fine already?

    3. Where should we send the documents and the RFE back? What address exactly?

    Thanks so much in advance.. I really need your help.. I am clueless! :crying:

    I am not an expert but my wife did it for me.

    (1)The household member is any one living in the same house as you.( please ensure that you have proof of them living there)

    (2) Please remember that this form is on behalf of the immigrant. therefore it would be the household member who puts your details there.

    (3) The house member should also include three years of tax returns (please check the instruction for acceptable evidence)

    (4) on the pink RFE it will inform you of the return address and to sent back the original pink rfe back with it ( if I were you I would make a photocopy of it)

    I hope this give you some help

    Good luck

  2. My father in law wants to apply for his citizenship but he has difficulty reading and writing although he is from Jamaica and speaks broken English he did not attend school because in those days it was more important to farm the land( he is almost 60 years old and has been in the us for about 15 years.

    has any one applied for the exception under the category of literacy difficulties ? and if so what type of Medical professions did you see ?

    I hope some one can help


    No offense, but I find that odd, my grandparents, great grand parents and my parents (in their 60's) (all Jamaicans) all were expected to go to school at least enough to read and farm land also.... hopefully your IO does not find that odd too... those English exceptions are usually for non-English speakers not for literacy and Jamaica is a English speaking country.

    anyhow you can try to apply for citizenship exemptions, but they do them in the speakers native language and his is english. I don't think illiteracy counts as a mental defect.

    check out



    Exemptions from English and Civics Requirements

    Some applicants are exempt from the English requirements for naturalization based on their age and amount of time as a permanent resident. These applicants must still take the civics test.

    You do not take the English test if you are

    Lived as permanent resident in the United States for

    You still take the

    Age 50 or older

    20 years

    civics test in your language

    Age 55 or older

    15 years

    civics test in your language

    Age 65 or older

    20 years

    simplified civics test in your language

    Applicants with a physical or developmental disability or a mental impairment so severe that it prevents acquiring or demonstrating the required knowledge of English and civics, may be eligible for an exception to these requirements. To request this exception, you must file a Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions, Form N-648.

    USCIS provides accommodations or modifications for applicants with physical or mental impairments that make it difficult for them to complete the naturalization process. In order for USCIS to have enough advance notice to respond to accommodation requests, applicants are encouraged to state their needs on the place provided in the Application for Naturalization, Form N-400.

    firstly I like to thank both of you for your advise as I was completely unaware of these regulations, secondly I was not implying that Jamaicans of his generation did not go to school , I was just giving a brief explanation to why he was unable to read or write that all. (no offend taken )

  3. My father in law wants to apply for his citizenship but he has difficulty reading and writing although he is from Jamaica and speaks broken English he did not attend school because in those days it was more important to farm the land( he is almost 60 years old and has been in the us for about 15 years.

    has any one applied for the exception under the category of literacy difficulties ? and if so what type of Medical professions did you see ?

    I hope some one can help


  4. My wife and stepson are AOS from a K1 visa. Last week my wife received her biometric appointment letter. Her appointment is scheduled for March 31, 2009. I expected my stepson to receive his appointment at the same time, but so far he hasn't received it. In the past they received their biometric appointments on the same day for their EAD. I am not sure what to do next. Is there a number that I can call to inquire about this? Should I take my stepson to my wife's appointment to see if they will work him in? Any suggestions?



    I would first of all check your step son's previous biometric letters sometimes they are individual or for both the EAD and AOS ? not to ask the obvious but did you sent in all the forms in together or separate ?

    Mother and son applied jointly. When they received the letters for the EAD, they received separate letters and their appointments were on the same day and time.

    Should I take my stepson to my wife's appointment to see if they will work him in? Any suggestions?



    It is what I would do if the appointments are on a different day

    How old is the stepson? If under 14, the EAD biometrics may be the same as the AOS biometrics.... If I remember correctly, they do more things after 14

    He is 19.

    Have you checked the on line status of both their cases ?

  5. My wife and stepson are AOS from a K1 visa. Last week my wife received her biometric appointment letter. Her appointment is scheduled for March 31, 2009. I expected my stepson to receive his appointment at the same time, but so far he hasn't received it. In the past they received their biometric appointments on the same day for their EAD. I am not sure what to do next. Is there a number that I can call to inquire about this? Should I take my stepson to my wife's appointment to see if they will work him in? Any suggestions?



    I would first of all check your step son's previous biometric letters sometimes they are individual or for both the EAD and AOS ? not to ask the obvious but did you sent in all the forms in together or separate ?

  6. I'm an OPT student on F-1. My fiance and I are planning to submit the application for AOS next month, hoping that I will be able to get a new EAD card before my current card expires at the end of July.

    I have a question about medical exam. Is it ok for me to take the exam before we are legally married? We are getting married next month, but my appointment is a week before that. Also, should I put my new (my fiance's) last name in Form I-693 if it will be changed upon marriage?

    I'm getting really worried... Any comment would be appreciated. Thank you!!

    It is illogical to do the medical without getting married first unless you are on a k1 visa. your actions might cause a red flag. In my opinion it is better to do thing is a chronological order than back to front. :whistle:

  7. So today.... I was coming home from work and my hubby was waiting for me on the porch with great news!

    He received a letter from homeland security asking him to appear for his AOS interview on 4-21-09!

    Its hard to believe since we filed all the paperwork on Feb 9th 2009. So in 2 months, 11 days we'll be interviewing!

    I guess if they give us an approval on that day, we wont be needing the EAD or the AP!

    Wow.... I can't believe it!!!! I guess living in the boonies has some advantages after all... :dance:

    Is that fast or what?!

    congratulations! Good Luck with the interview :thumbs:

  8. Hello.

    HAVE YOU HAD THE BCG VACCINE(TB VACCINE)? WELL IF YOU DID THAT WILL MAKE THE PPD RESULTS POSITIVE. My husband's ppd came in positive but the civil surgeon understood that many countries like India, England, China administer the BCG vaccine which gives a FALSE positive. LOOK INTO THAT


    That my all point ,one government vaccinated you (BCG) in order for you to be immune from TB, the other government said we don't vaccinate our citizens therefore we have to give some experiment drugs in order for you to stay because of your vaccination ( to me this is border line madness and should be revised in my opinion ) I mean if my X- ray was positive you could understand. (dam) I might even take the drugs.

    Any way, good luck to all those who are yet to encounter this problem and remember try and research and educate your civil surgeon about your own results . As they said: knowledge is power :dance:

  9. I appreciate your opinion. I would like to clarify that I was born in the UK and therefore was automatically given the BCG vacination. I did explain to the doc that I would be positive. He told me that he had to follow procedures. the thing which has up set me is that according to this article i should have been signed off.

    I'm pretty sure I saw someone who had the same problem and managed to get around it. Not sure if they went to a new civil surgeon or what happened. Maybe ask in the UK regional forum?

    That was me in the USA, and we ended up going to a different civil surgeon that signed off the papers right there. It's a latent TB case and there is no reason why the CS shouldn't sign the form right on the spot. Although, he did suggest us to go see a pulmonologist to determine if anything else was required, but a latent case of TB is NOT AN ACTIVE TB, so there is no reason why he/she shouldn't release the form. That's ridiculous especially if your skin test comes positive, then go through the trouble to get an X-ray and that turns out to be negative, you are not infectious and that's what they are looking for in my opinon.

    the first CS we went to was a BIT*H. She wouldnt help us by suggesting places to get this stupid TB clinic clearance, couldn't speak english, was very rude... She pretty much showed us the door and stole our money, I am still PI$$ED about that! I spent the whole day researching and calling people and nurses. I finally talked to someone at the TB clinic in Nashua in NH USA where I live and she told me that they only see ACTIVE TB patients. they WILL NOT see us is he's (husband ) not infectious and with a negative Xray, there is no reason to go through all these hoops to get clearance. she actually suggested me to seek another CS. I did, and it was all taken care of within 1 hour. AMEN!

    Good luck!

    thank you one and all for you marvellous contributions, especially you (EtherealVocalist )I sure that this thead will be of great help for other people in a similar situation but for me unfortunately its too late I have already sent the sealed envelope. which states that i have positive pdd but a negative X-Ray and have been referred to a clinic for evaluation ( some times it can be a real bummer going through this whole immigration process especially when certain thing were un necessary and very expensive.) :crying:

  10. Do these Clivil Surgeons know what they are doing in regards to PDD testing ? I am from the UK got married to a usc (nice) I did my examination in Feb 09. I had a positive PDD result 20mm according to the doc, I took a X-Ray, the results were negative but my Clivil Surgeons insisted that i needed make appointment at the public health hospital for further evaluation. I have read several articles regarding the technical process for Clivil surgeons in which it state that :

    CDC and the American Thoracic Society recommend that foreign-born people in the United States who

    are recent arrivals ( within 5 years) from high TB prevalence countries, who have a positive TST

    (reaction of 10 mm or greater of induration) and a normal chest radiograph be considered for treatment

    of latent TB infection, regardless of age. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dq/508/cs.txt accessed 03.18.09 ( just in case

    any body is interested.

    I mean, this all seems like a money making scheme to me and an affective way to test new medication. :wacko::blink::wacko:

    If ppd test results positive(I dont know for sure how many mm is considered negative), even if x-ray result is negative, I believe you are advised and required medication most especially if you have not been through medication in your country of origin with regards to tb. Usually, the US Department of Health assigned the local or public health clinic to do the testing. If you go to a public health clinic, you are not required a payment. They perform the XRAY and PPD test on you and then they will determine if you need medication. They will ask questions like if you have undergone medication or not. If you haven't then they will recommend medication. This is not something to worry, they are just making sure the intended immigrant is not a danger (healthwise) to others.

    Just sharing my opinion.

    I appreciate your opinion. I would like to clarify that I was born in the UK and therefore was automatically given the BCG vacination. I did explain to the doc that I would be positive. He told me that he had to follow procedures. the thing which has up set me is that according to this article i should have been signed off.

  11. Do these Clivil Surgeons know what they are doing in regards to PDD testing ? I am from the UK got married to a usc (nice) I did my examination in Feb 09. I had a positive PDD result 20mm according to the doc, I took a X-Ray, the results were negative but my Clivil Surgeons insisted that i needed make appointment at the public health hospital for further evaluation. I have read several articles regarding the technical process for Clivil surgeons in which it state that :

    CDC and the American Thoracic Society recommend that foreign-born people in the United States who

    are recent arrivals ( within 5 years) from high TB prevalence countries, who have a positive TST

    (reaction of 10 mm or greater of induration) and a normal chest radiograph be considered for treatment

    of latent TB infection, regardless of age. http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dq/508/cs.txt accessed 03.18.09 ( just in case

    any body is interested.

    I mean, this all seems like a money making scheme to me and an affective way to test new medication. :wacko::blink::wacko:

  12. Hi,

    I am currently on H-1B visa seeking Green Card through marriage to US Citizen.

    I am residing in PA. I had a shot of BCG in UK when I was 12. So my PPD (TB skin test) came out positive. Chest X-ray was negative. Which of the following options would you suggest I go for:

    1) Call up Dr. Arnold L. in Texas and get another I-693 from him.

    2) Send the current I-693 which states PPD positive along with the prescription for 9-month treatment for TB. And not take the medicines because I do not want to damage or risk damaging my liver. Let fate decide wht happens in the interview. Whether they bring up the question about 9-month treatment or not.

    3) Get the QuantiFeron TB blood test done. This would prove that I dont have latent TB if the BCG is excluded. Send the test results with the current PPD positive I-693.

    any other suggestions are also welcome...does anyone know some doctor similar to Dr. Arnold in NJ, PA or NY???

    Thanks in advance.

    The first thing I will suggest to you my friend is to read the following documents




    I,too am from the Uk with a positive pdd test and negative Chest X-ray and have been recommended for further

    evaluation. You will find in these documents that, the civil surgeons are instructed that, a person from a low risk country of TB like the U.K.( I checked the the World Health Organisation web site), should not be sent for further evaluation if the retults are greater than 10mm.

    Here is another interesting article from the UK which I found in regard to US immigration of PDD.


    have a positive more than 10mm.

    However, I am not in the UK, I am in the US and it is all different here.

    Good Luck

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