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Posts posted by srac

  1. I dont understand, no i'm overseas and filed with the counselars office at the embassy. Me and my wife are coming over together, and my case is complete, nothing else is required from me, eg. the visa has been issued. I was just wondering if i would face any problems because when i petitioned i had intended on living at a different address which was written on the i-130 form. So do i need to contact my local US embassy so that they change the information on the pack that was given to us, eg. the final address, or do i just notify the officer at the point of entry in the United States, thanks for your help.

  2. I had a similar situation, what i did was had my sister write a letter saying that we plan on moving back temporarily with her, until we get a place of our own and she wrote her contact details incase they needed to call her and signed it. I'm a medical dr also and i wrote them a letter saying that i plan on specializing in the united states and that i was currently taking my united states medical license exams, well it worked out because my wife got her visa stamped on her passport. Try to figure something out similar to that and hopefully it work. They did at the time give me a paper explaining what a domicile is and that you have to be able to show that your willing to leave your current job and take your money with you etcc etc.. though i wasnt working at the time. Other things i've read when i was reading about that topic, is that the US citizen can actually go to USA first and then "establish a domicile" eg.. open a bank account get an address etc.. but I know thats a pain so try to figure out something like what i did eg. by writing a letter and have someone in america write a letter that your gonna stay with them temporarily etc.. and hopefully that'll work good luck!!

  3. Hi guys how are you? I filed for my wife through DCF and she has recieved her visa on her passport, we were originally going to ohio, but now we plan on going to michigan. The paper thats stapled on the pack that comes with the passport with all the information says that the final destination is ohio on it. Do I need to contact the embassy and tell them that we've changed our address where we intend to live in the US, or do we change the address at the point of entry in the USA. I just dont want any unexpected problems there. I have read somewhere that you change the address at the point of entry when the immigrant is getting the finger print done and the temporary 1 year green card stamped on passport, and that the address is change is just so that they mail the actually plastic green card and the social security number to it. Of course I know that one is required to fill out an online form on the USCIS website within 10 days of moving from one address to another. Though, I'm just wondering about what if you change your address before you actually go there. If anyone has an experience with this or has an idea please let me know. Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it.

  4. Hi guys, I'm a US citizen, maybe my case is a lil complicated but could use some advice. Thanks in advance. My questions arent about applying etc..cuz i already know how to do all that. Anyways ill go ahead and ask. I already contacted the embassy here in syria. They said I can apply from here i got the pack of papers and everything. The problem is that i have recently done my katb kitab and so we are officially married, i mean i've known my new wife forever years and years since childhood (childhood friends, best friends, couple) :). have tons of pictures, so i can prove this to them. The problem though as you all know is traditionally we dont live together until after the wedding, and we are not living together, and shes in our neighboring country lebanon. I already thought about applying from there but i cant cuz i cant get a permanent residence there only as a tourist, and no i cant get a job there cuz i'm a doctor and they dont employ foreign physicians in lebanon and so its not possible though i can apply from syria so i thought why not.. anyways she currently works in the american university hospital in lebanon, and its not like i can lie to the counsler that shes in syria permanently cuz when you fill out the biographical data it asks residence of last 5 years etc.. as well as where you've worked including presently. I wrote an email to the embassy but didnt get a reply about that.. so i'm worried now.. i told them were married but because shes working there that we decided that she would keep her job until the visa came out which is true, and that I go back and forth from country to country which is also true. I asked if possible i could petition here and the process would continue there like you know on the i-130 if you fill the right half with your spouse's address, but i said if not its ok as well we both can be phyiscally present during the interview etc.. i mean i really just wanna take her with me to america, i dunno why all this is complicated. Also so when going to petition i mean do you guys wear your rings on your left hand..cant i just explain it to them? that were married i mean we have the official paper work and everything, im just really worried about all this maybe for nothing, but i dont want them to deny me the chance of apply through the counselar cuz i know how long and painful the USCIS process takes over a year where it takes only 3-5 months here in syria :( ahhh help any advice??? thanks! Also what should 1 do about the support paper when that comes up i might not even get to that :( ahh.. i mean shes been working for a few years and can prove that and i have money in my account here as well and recieved a wedding present from parents i read about 3x the poverty line and with our combined assets were over that is that ok that one does not need a co-sponsor, thanks alot for your input..

  5. Hey guys, how are you? I had a question, lets say i file the i-130 for my wife, and at the time i was living in a certain address, and now i've moved.. what happens then?? If my mail is being forwarded to me at my new address does it matter? Or do i have to notify immigration? Of course it would be wiser to notify immigration, but will this slow down the visa process :(.. Also I had another question, what if i plan on coming to the US, opening a bank account getting an ID, and drivers license etc.. but will be staying at my sisters house, for a few months, then leaving the US for a few months and coming back again. Could I list my sisters house as my address since i would be living in it for a month or 2? Even though I'd be leaving the US for about 4 months or so then coming back again later.. she could forward me the mail, does anyone know if theres a problem with this? As listing my sisters house as my address, and if a sponsor should move, if there would be a problem, for eg.. if at the time of filing the i-130 i list my sisters house and my address but then, after it gets approved a few months later and i'm back in the US and have my own address.. for the i-864 form I put in my address then it wouldnt be the same address as on the i-130? Or should i just enter the same address to continue recieving the mail there? My question is does it matter about the address as long as i'm going to recieve the mail anyway? Thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it :) oh and i'm going to be using a co-sponsor don't know if that'll help but just saying.

  6. Hi guys, I wanted to know if i have an address in the US, and a US bank account and a State ID, do i have to stay in the US, the whole time that I'm applying for the CR-1 visa for my wife. I was thinking, that I would apply for her then I could leave the US and go back to the country she's in and stay there a while, for example a period of 5 months or so. Then come back to the US a few months before she's expected to come. I'm using a co-sponsor, and after the i-130 form would be approved, I could have my sister send all the paper work required at that time to NVC by mail, since she would remain in the US. Does anyone know if this is fine? That the sponsor leaves the US for a couple of months while waiting on the Visa to come out?? I mean i think it should be no problem, that the US citizen leaves the country right?? Just that the Inteding immigrant is not allowed to enter the country while their visa is being processed, if anyone has any answers let me know thank you very much for your help.

  7. Hi ROB C!!! I am looking for an answer to your exact question, i really really hope you tell me what happened to your case, because i want to do exactly what you did, i havent ever worked before and want to file for my spouse, and want to use assets alone, to fill out the i-864 requirements, we have about 60,000 dollars combined assets. Though a majority of it is in her bank account overseas, what did you do exactly and did it work because i want to do exactly the same thing and would be forever greatful if you can tel lme what i have to do. Eg. what kinda papers i have to send from the bank etc.. and what do i fill out in the i-864 form, like unemployed since and what do i write in the tax portion since ive never filed tax before, i really am looking forward to your answer and to finding out what happened because i really cant get a co sponsor and have only this option thanks for your help!!!

  8. Thanks for your reply push, but i have more than 15,000 when including my spouses assets, when combining our assets we have around 60,000 dollars..as it says you can use the intending immigrants assets in the instructions for i-864.. which meets the 3 times the 125% poverty line. Would that be enough so that we dont need a co-sponsor?? Do i have to ask her to wire her money from her bank account into my account in the US so that i could use it??

  9. Hi bobby thanks for your reply..but you misread what i wrote, i dont make 15000 its how much money i have in the bank im unemployed, plus its 3 times the difference if the person being sponsored is your wife.. the information im asking isnt available in the FAQ for the i-864...again would someone please be kind enough to help me answer the questions that i stated above, thanks again for your help...

  10. Hey guys how are you?? Just wanted to know if i can fill out the i-864 only using assets.. ive read before people have done this but havent come back to report what happened here on the forums. I have never been employed before, and just recently moved to the US a month ago, i'm a US citizen studied medicine abroad, and have never had a job before. My wife has been a nurse for the past 3 years, and our combined assets (both of our assets are money in our own individual bank accounts) is over the 3 times the 125% poverty line which is required..i just wanted to know is this good enough? Also, if so, i have 15,000 dollars of the required amount in my bank account here in the US, while the money that she has saved is overseas in her bank account. Is that ok? What would be required for me to do, just fill out the part on the i-864 about the intending immigrants savings account,and include a bank statement from her bank for the past 6 months or so? Or would it be better if she wired the money in her account into the account i have in the US? I won't be getting a job until way later this year when i start my medical residency..and really want to apply now, as it already takes 9 months at least to get approved it seems...Does anyone know of a case where the i-864 has been approved soley on assets..because i can't find a co-sponsor to help me out..but have the assets requirement... I also want to know if ive never filed tax before because i've never had work so i never had to what do i do in item 25 in part 6 of the form about "federal income tax form information", and what do i write in the part where it says unemployed since? Since i've never been employed...thanks a lot for your help, hope to hear from you soon.

  11. What if the sponsor(petitioner) wanted to use the intending immigrants assets and some of the petitioners assets to make up for no income would that be possible if you were over 3 times the 125% poverty line? For example if you had 55,000 dollars total in both yours and the spouses bank. And if your spouses bank account was overseas with the money in it, how could you use it? Would you have to provide a bank statement? Thanks for your help

  12. Maybe I'll try that, but usually they just give out general information as i asked them questions before.. i actually went into the embassy but they know nothing they just give you a pack with the same information that is online.. which is why i wanted to see if someone has gone through some of this stuff before and can give me real life answers...again thanks a lot for your help and if anyone has any answers please lets us know, because i know many people on the internet are looking for answers to these questions and can't find help...

  13. Thanks kenza for your quick reply! Well.. i already know all the information you stated.. but it doesnt really answer my question, i know about the co sponsor..but I'm try to do apply without a co-sponsor using assets only..the part though doesnt make sense about the household size i want it to equal to 2.. as its only 2 but if i add myself plus 1 that i'm married and the person written above it will add up to 3.. so the form doesnt make sense..thanks a lot for your help kenza.. anyone else have any answers for my questions above..

  14. I have about 15,000 dollars in my bank account that i recently made her in the US when i moved..but its only been a month.

    I just wanted to clarify because it wont let me edit what i wrote, that i meant that i just have 15000 dollar i brought with me when i moved.. the $15,000 dollars are a going away present from parents, to start my life..its not a salary or anything as it may imply the way i wrote it the first time that "made" it when i came to america, i meant that i made a new bank account that has only been open for a month...thanks again for your help.. and i tried calling USCIS, and they were no help at all.. they literally didn't know anything... its like have the form read itself to you... so i really really need your help guys, maybe someone who went through something like this doesnt have to be exactly the same but parts of it.. thanks a lot for your help again hope to hear from you soon!! Oh and 1 more part that i forgot to include, if she did transfer the money to the account in the US, would USCIS be suspiicious?? I mean if a sudden large amount of money appeared in my account.. i would think so, though i understand the money doesnt have to be in the US i just want the safest way and almost best way to approach this.. thanks agian..byebye

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