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Posts posted by misterjay26

  1. this question is related to another posted recently... my wife just got her first green card 5 months ago. she's thinking about visiting her family in a couple months. question is.. is there some kind of restriction that you can't leave the U.S. within the first year of getting your green card? could she lose the green card if she leaves the U.S. before the year mark?

    a friend in the same situation told us this, yet i haven't been able to verify it online.. so it seems like a myth. it would kinda suck if she had to wait for october to come around til she can visit her fam. anyone know or can provide some resources??

    ps from the earlier post it sounds like as long as she's not away for more than 6 months she'll be fine.


    pps thx for the replies guys. wonder what my friend was talking about when she told us this.

  2. this question is related to another posted recently... my wife just got her first green card 5 months ago. she's thinking about visiting her family in a couple months. question is.. is there some kind of restriction that you can't leave the U.S. within the first year of getting your green card? could she lose the green card if she leaves the U.S. before the year mark?

    a friend in the same situation told us this, yet i haven't been able to verify it online.. so it seems like a myth. it would kinda suck if she had to wait for october to come around til she can visit her fam. anyone know or can provide some resources??

    ps from the earlier post it sounds like as long as she's not away for more than 6 months she'll be fine.


  3. So looking through packet4 for my wife's immigrant visa, it says I should include in the application packet ¨U.S. visas previously issued: If you have obtained any type of U.S. non-immigrant visa (for example, tourist visas, student visas, work visas, etc.) you must bring those with you to your interview.¨

    She got a non-immigrant tourist visa in 2008. So, exactly how do I ¨include¨ this visa? I mean, exactly what document/info do I submit?? Thx

  4. apply for the tourist visa. you can find the info on the us embassy/consulate ecuador webpage. although im not an expert, i traveled with my ecua fiancee in november to ¨meet the parents¨, and after sending in the forms, waiting a couple weeks for them to be processed, & just a 10-minute interview she was approved (of course, im pretty sure we had good luck).

    i dont think the fact that ur married hinders ur chances of her getting a tourist visa, it only provides futher proof that this is a serious relationship. make sure to provide photos to substantiate the rel`ship & marriage cert if ur married by then. some tips. . have a guarantor - a close family member of urs in the US with lots of assets to cover her liability of becoming an illegal alien while there. for instance, my dad is fairly wealthy and im sure this helped at least a bit. include a copy of the round-trip airline tix. and solicit the help of a congressman/senator from ur home state, to persuade the officer into approving it quickly.

    good luck

    Hi my name is Lee.

    I will be getting married to an Ecuadorian next month. We will be living in Ecuador at first and plan on making some visits to the US in the near future with the long term plans of her becoming a resident of the US and to live here.

    Without starting the immigration process for her to become a resident of the US and have her just go with me to the US for a visit, what kind of Visa would I need to have the best chances? And any tips to improve my chances?

    Thanks Lee

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