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Posts posted by lovesStrawberry

  1. Well what exactly did you bring to the first interview?

    Hi amykathleen2005! We brought a lot in the first interview - Lease agreement, joint bank accounts, tons of pictures, sworn affidavits from relatives and friends who can testify about our marriage, property acquired in the Philippines which are joint and both on our names, etc. We got a lot. I think the problem is that we are so nervous on the interview, IO interpret it in a different way. So, do we need to produce another set of evidences?

  2. Dear VJs,

    We received a letter today that we are requested to appear for a AOS Second interview which I believe the term here is "Strokes Interview". We are disappointed about this for we believe that during our previous interview we submitted overwhelming evidence to prove that our marriage is genuine. Now, we don't know what to expect to this coming interview. What documents does we need to bring? Do we need to produce another set of evidences? More pictures? What are the possible questions? I've read some posts here that even sex positions are asked. Anyway, any help will be very appreciated especially from those couples who had undergone the interview. Thanks.

  3. We are very devastated on how our AOS Interview turn out. We got all the documents and requirements. We are both nervous and I think the IO misinterpreted it.

    IO didn't mention anything or documents we need to submit to further support our application and said that we can hear news one month from now.

    My husband and I are very sad about this and we don't know what to expect. What should we do? What should we expect?


  4. Thanks guys. It is one of our worries because due to our financial, economic problems and adjustments that a newlywed couple needs to undergo, we just barely make it by paycheck by paycheck and keeping our head above the water. My hubby meets the income requirements although we got no savings at all.

    I got no job and can't start looking because I'm still waiting for the EAD or the green card itself. *sigh* I hope this will not be an issue to the AOS Interview. :(

  5. I filed April 29th and I can't wait until I find my EAD in the mail! I am the kind of person that can't wait and need to do something, so I have already applied to a job and been accepted... Training starts July 12th, and they told me I can fill the I-9 as soon as I have the permit, and that they hope it is before training starts, or I won't be able to work there...

    I haven't been able to work or study for a whole year and I am going CRAZY! I am checking my mailbox everyday with my fingers crossed...

    Like someone else said in the forum... what I hate about this whole process is not knowing ever when and what's gonna happen. They just sent me the letter to have an interview for AOS August 3rd, but in the website it still says "initial review", so I know I can't rely on it telling me when I have been approved for the EAD or if it has been sent yet.

    What about you? You got it already? Does the website work for you?

    I absolutely understand your feelings. We are undergoing same situation and it really drives us crazy. I haven't been working since last year and doing nothing, sitting at home drives me crazy. I've been depressed about it but I'm holding on because of my husband support and understanding. We have an interview next month and I haven't heard anything about my EAD or AP neither. I've been waiting for it too but we are also thinking the mobility factor since I also need to get a driver license. So many things to do but I can't do anything about it. Don't risk working without PERMIT. It will only jeopardize everything your husband and you had sacrifice and waited for. Just wait for awhile and hold on. Hoping all the best for all of us!

  6. Dear VJs,

    Our AOS Interview is fast approaching and I'm wondering if I can solicit advice from those who had experience it.

    By the way, to have a brief information, I entered US through K1 Visa, got married and filed AOS.

    In terms of documents to prove residency, we've got the following:

    1. Bank Joint Account

    2. House Lease Agreement (we are sharing and renting accommodation with my in-laws, my in-law own the house)

    3. Pictures

    Are these documents will suffice?

    *Cellphone Bill or any other house bill can't present cause it is on my in-laws name. Giving also in consideration that I've been here in US for almost 3 months so I can't purchase or credit anything.

    *My husband got a temporary position at work, so he got no Medical Insurance so we can't also provide that document.

    Any advice on what else we can provide at the moment?

    Advice and help will be very appreciated.


  7. What happen if you're K1 Visa has expired and you're AOS papers are still on process? Obviously, you will be OUT OF STATUS. What action will you take since you don't have any valid Visa?

    On the other hand I've applied a California ID but will also expires next month once my K1 VISA Expires. Can I renewed it even with an expired K1 Visa? At least in benefit that I have a valid US Identification.


  8. Hi, Everyone!

    I don't have yet my Permit to Work (EAD) and I'm still waiting for it. Meanwhile, I wanted to solicit advices and pointers on what path best to take.

    I'm an IT with NO Extensive Experience and I've learn that I need to get certified to get an IT Job here in the US.

    First question - Where can I take classes for that? Review class or something. I'm living here in Fremont, CA and I don't know where to start.

    Before I came here, I had NO Work for a year. I've work in Dubai, UAE for 2 years and I needed to resign and go back home to file for the Visa. I'd been busy preparing and gathering all the papers for it and my place where I live has limited to NO JOB to offer and I needed to go to the City to look for one and during those times I can't afford to rent a place and live there. So I end up bored and unemployed.

    Second question - What should I put on my resume to at least explain why I didn't have a job for a year. I know I will got a bad impression on having that record. What are my chances of getting employed? I know that its a tough world out there especially that the ECONOMY is depressed and UNEMPLOYMENT Rate is one thing to bear in Mind.

    Third Question - Should I take another path of career like studying as a Nurse. I've been curious about it and I'm confuse now. I know it will take a while and will COST ME A LOT but does Medical has much to offer compared of being an IT. It's a silly question but I'm looking for advices.

    Thanks so much. I'm hoping someone can shed me some light.

  9. My husband and I are wondering how long usually it takes to process the AOS?

    We've sent the AOS package with the EAD and AP Packages last April 13, 2010 and until today, after a week, we didn't hear anything from them.

    How long usually the process takes?

    How about EAD, does it usually takes a while? How long? I'm looking forward to work to help us financially and I hope I can receive it in reasonable time line.


  10. My husband is accomplishing the said form but got stuck and confused about the following parts:

    Part III - Question Number 10 - Enter the number of immigrants sponsoring on this Form from Part 3, Items 8 and 9. We know we should answer - 1 - which is ME (his Spouse entered in K1 and filing the AOS but got stuck on the below parts.

    Part IV - Question Number 21

    Part a - Enter the number you entered on line 10 - which is 1 and it refers to ME

    Part c - If you are currently married, enter 1 for your spouse - which is again ME

    So total he counted me thrice and it confuses us because of the instructions that clearly state don't count ANYONE TWICE.

    So What Part should we put 0 or what should we put for those questions.

    Hope anyone can help. Thanks.

  11. Hi Everyone.

    We are so excited and happy that finally we got approved but wondering when I can have the visa on hand. We are planning to at least fly to the US before my fiance birthday on the 21st and hoping that we can receive the visa this week. Anyone who had experience on the delivery of the visa outside Manila, I am living in Visayas (Calbayog City, Samar).

    I've track through Air21 website and it still had the same status as I last check last week - SIF received by Air21.


  12. To all of the Members who've shared their valued inputs, assistance and knowledge to us, we are very grateful to all of you..

    It's been a bumpy journey for us but everything is all worth it. :thumbs:

    My Interview went so quickly and smooth and hoping to received the visa soon for me to reunite with the man I love. :dance:

    Thanks everyone!!!

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