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Posts posted by messi2009

  1. dont worry and relax u open a big fire a lot of poeple here they will say bad a coment

    best thing that u can do talk to ur husband seek for consulation with him try to work thing with him if possible atleast try i dont know really whats going on between u and him but like u said u have ur greend card and poeple will judge here not give u advise the best thing try thing out with ur husband before u make descion in ur life

  2. Hi guys i just field for my divorce today and i suppose to hear something from the court soon and i recieved letter from immigration court also and i will have master hearing in june and about my I360 no update or touch or nothing they still waiting for other file from other agencey

    hey guys i cant affored to hire attorney for my court i tried evrything possible no succes anyway pray for me at the court Thank you

  3. Thank you kawala for ur help i hope will u get ur approval soon now i will go ahead and file the I485 and I765 few weeks ago i went to stuiped attorny who told me that i cant apply for I485 or either for I765 and he said that because i am in removal proceding lol

    Relax Now :dance: .

    Forget Removal proceeding .now Vermont service center accepting your petition for process as a victime of domistic violence .now the vsc send you prima facie mean that you are preapproved and illigible alien of USC SPOUSE . the director will hold your case until they recieve your record your file .your previous petitions from NBC (National benifits center) .where your file is located since you and your spouse file the I-130 AND 485 OR I-765 in that office not vermont ,now vermont need that file to know your previous documents with your spouse .relax the letter u get for denial and removal proceeding is removed since you file i-360 that mean u protect your status befor removal process began at court .u said u are not in systeme then everything is ok now .you should colect everything u have here or your home with familly like widding pictures or any info concern residence or good faith mariage also abuse and all papers more evidences u send .more chance to get approval from Vermont .also try to find neibers ,friends or relative who know u and must write affidavits about ,abuse ,good faith mariage ,good moral charachter and residence with ur spouse .all those affidavits called ,Credible evidence and the vsc should accept those eveidences if you dont have independent eveidence its the law and Congress said that .Do not send any evidences until you make sure the dates and signed ,check everything befor u send them .also the self statment is very very very important even u send strong evidence .your statment could damage all the evidence u have because the service interested to know what u said if corect or u just lie on ur statment .if u said something wrong ,your petition will be denied ,i would like to tell you make sure everything good .

    good luck .u are fine and forget about court everyone got that letter ,and everyone got the letter u got now including me .

    stay in toush here with friends member ,willing to give u some info .good luck just be petient everything gona be fine .always ask befor send any documents


  4. Hello few days ago i sent my I360 this morning i recieved a NOA1 from the vermont also i recieved prima facie and other letter with it said

    your file is currently at our office and is still pending service consideration

    however due to recent changes in processing a decision on your petition has been delayed .files from another office are required to complete the adjudication of your case we can give no definite time frame for when your petition will be adjudicted once the necessary files received your case will be handled in an expeditious manner we apologize for the delay

    so im just wondering if somone here got this letter before and i dont know what file they re talking about please any help ? Thank you

  5. Hello few days ago i sent my I360 this morning i recieved a NOA1 from the vermont also i recieved prima facie and other letter with it said

    your file is currently at our office and is still pending service consideration

    however due to recent changes in processing a decision on your petition has been delayed .files from another office are required to complete the adjudication of your case we can give no definite time frame for when your petition will be adjudicted once the necessary files received your case will be handled in an expeditious manner we apologize for the delay

    so im just wondering if somone here got this letter before and i dont know what file they re talking about please any help ? Thank you

  6. thank u but my k3 already expired year ago and im facing deportation thats why i cant apply for I485 based on pending I360

    MESSI YOU ARE NOT UNTIL VISA K3 EXPIRED AND IF U DONT FILE ON TIME TO PROTECT UR STATUS .BE COOL MAN folow ur i-360 now no one will talk to u until decision made on ur i-360 .and u appeal if denied .u open to reconsider if appeal denied .u appeal the appeal of denied appeal then u can stay appeal 10 years until the court grant you stay of removal if not u should appeal the djudge decision to BIA then BIA will reverse his decision or remand to him for consideration . :)

    asahbi ,No one will help u here because most of them have black heart ,jalous .they just want take and not give out .u know that .they dont want u to get ur i-360 approved even they are done with it .

    listen brother ,why u talk about court do u love it ,u never see it u dream to see it .first thing u should know .u are not on the systeme until ur visa k3 expire then the next day the officer send u denial letter of ur old i-485 is waiting for that day ,even they told u befor ur removal proceeding u may apply again .now u file i-360 u dont have anything to worry about ,the removal proceeding is end since u filed this one because u protect ur status by filing again befor ur visa k3 expired if u did not file on time and befor ur visa k3 expire VSC will forward ur i-360 to court .

    man its very important to file i-485 and i-765 concurenthly .dont worry about money pay the fees 1050 .do it so quiq i dont do that and suffer lots u cannot imagine what i go trough .send ur i-485 soon even u file 1 year ago i-360 look for old post on here u gona see how many file i-485 after more than 1 year .

    if u are still look for court .they will not talk to u more than 20 min , if ur apointment at 3 pm they will approve you at 4 pm to go back to land of humain right :D .did u see on ur beautiful country what u see here .

  7. Hi all so I posted that I sent my I360 and have yet to receive my receipt. My new issue is that my (estranged) wife keeps threatening to get me deported no matter what because she is angry at me for leaving her even though she was the one who constantly created problems, hit me, and now continues to mentally abuse me. She is threatening to go to "immigration". What can she do now? She already withdrew her I130 without telling me until I got the denial for the I485. I dont live near her, I try not to talk to her!!!!! She continues to make my life bad and I am scared that she will try to find a way for my I360 to get messed up. HELP!!! Anyone have similar problems and where do you go for help? I called the police but they say they cant really do anything about it?

  8. HI

    i just applied for the I360 last tuesday based on abused or battred husband i been abused menthaly and phisicly to

    the problem is that i dont have statment from poeple that they know us because was all her friends and the refuse to say truth or even answer my call but i stumbit

    1 report police ( domestic violence)

    2 my medical record because i attempting suicide when i find out that she was cheating on me and withdrew the I 130 even when we was living togather....

    3 officer counslor for marraige statment

    4 proof of resident togather like insurance and bills

    5 proof of good moral charectar

    but the problem i am worried about that i dont have statment from people that they know us like friends because the refuse to say the truth

    my question if that enough proof or must that i have statment from other people ? please help me out

  9. HI

    i just applied for the I360 last tuesday based on abused or battred husband i been abused menthaly and phisicly to

    the problem is that i dont have statment from poeple that they know us because was all her friends and the refuse to say truth or even answer my call but i stumbit

    1 report police

    2 my medical record because i attempting suiside when i find out that she was cheating on me

    3 officer counslor for marraige statment

    4 proof of resident togather like insurance and bills

    5 proof of good moral charectar

    but the problem i am worried about that i dont have statment from people that they know us like friends because the refuse to say the truth

    my question if that enough proof or must that i have statment from other people ? please help me out

  10. Messy

    I know you love him pls

    pick the phone ,call your husband , meet , sit and talk.

    There is no better way

    hi there thank you for your words i didnt want to comment on here but i know how my husband works he has a way of being deceitful behind people's back i just needed to defend myself from him making false statements to good people I just wanted everyone to know to be careful what he says and does goodluck to everyone Messi2009 why did you leave me and throw me away?

    alright now u know i been over one years with no work can u explain to them why ?


    I know you love him pls

    pick the phone ,call your husband , meet , sit and talk.

    There is no better way

    hi there thank you for your words i didnt want to comment on here but i know how my husband works he has a way of being deceitful behind people's back i just needed to defend myself from him making false statements to good people I just wanted everyone to know to be careful what he says and does goodluck to everyone Messi2009 why did you leave me and throw me away?

    alright now u know i been over one years with no work can u explain to them why ?

    can u tell them why when u see ur daughter husband and u cant speak to me ? can u tell them when they talk bad about me what u do ?

  11. hello this is my case

    im no more with my wife and im not here for the greencard and she have some friends that they told her im just using her for the greencard we had interview done but no aproval yet more than six month

    now i want to leave the usa to go home i cant take this drama anymore but the problem is i dont have ticket what im trying to do is to get deportation so they can send me back home

    so who i need to call to get that done i dont wanna call uscis i need someone to help to get deportation without going to court ?

    Here's the requested number:

    Please call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report immigration or customs violations.

    yes i alreday did they said we cant get deportation because u legal to live her till uscis make decion

  12. I'm sorry you have to go through this situation. It's sad when a USC feels dominiance on an immigrant to leave them without a place to stay or means to live.

    Like the others have said, deportation isnt your best bet. It takes quite a bit, and its not a free ticket home. You get a bill to pay the cost of the ticket, when you arrive in your home country.

    Here's my advice, if you speak with your wife, ask her to send you back home, and that you can pay her back the ticket when you get home. She'll at least know you went home and not have any doubts. If that doesnt work, contact your embassy location in the US and tell them your situation. Contact your church/mosque too, I bet they'd be willing to help.

    It's horrible to be in someone else's country and then be left outside all alone. I feel for you.

    Can't you get your EAD extended in the mean time?

    yes i can but i dont have enough money for postage fee and copies and that thing i have no money no food im just staying at my friend house just tempory till i go home

    See if you friend can lend you some money to renew your EAD. Then get some work and buy your own ticket home. I don't know about your country, but in some countries, if you have been deported it will go on any official record that you have.

    There are shelters for people that need assistance or try your local church.

    Also, I am not sure of your situation, but didn't your wife do a AOS? She has an obligation to assist you even if it is to send you home.??? Maybe other VJ's can advise on this.

    Either way, Good luck and I hope it works out for you.

    EAD is not cheap, and takes at least the 90 days to renew. If he doesnt have money for food, or money to live on, he certainly can't afford this route. EAD plus wait time of 3 months living expenses is a lot more than a ticket home.

    yes i will try to contact church and get help i alredady try with mosque and other church they said they dont have founds

  13. if i were you i would also google organizations for people in ur situation, i know how hard it is (my mom went thru it, and so did i as her daughter a few years ago)

    but i know they have some kind of online organization to help you with free legal advices ect , and if u need, find a shelter to spend a few nights in, and have them call the ambassade of ur country...

    if u guys are legally married, i am not sure if she can kick u out of the house...but i dunno much about laws

    just know that u HAVE RIGHTS, u just need to find out what they are exactly....

    hang in there, it will get better

    i went to moraco once, it was nice over there

    thank u i will try google

  14. hello this is my case

    im no more with my wife and im not here for the greencard and she have some friends that they told her im just using her for the greencard we had interview done but no aproval yet more than six month

    now i want to leave the usa to go home i cant take this drama anymore but the problem is i dont have ticket what im trying to do is to get deportation so they can send me back home

    so who i need to call to get that done i dont wanna call uscis i need someone to help to get deportation without going to court ?

    why would you want to do that? so, let me get this right, you want USCIS to put you in removal procedings so that you won't have to buy your own plane ticket home. You don't want a deportation on your record. If you get placed into removal proceedings you can ask for voluntary departure and hope the immigration Judge with grant that to you. If not, just pay for or borrow the money and go home. You don't even know if your case was denied....I don't understand.

    my case still in procaise so the officer took my I94 and he said evrything look good but from octeber i didnt hear anything i made info pass they said ur case with officer and he will make deceion within 6 month so i dont know what to do really i have no place to live its hard time and i just want to go home

  15. what about local churchs? or contacting the ambassade?

    I mean im not sure, just wondering what u can do to avoid deportation, it s not really glamourous and might take a while

    thank u i will try church and see if they can help me i didnt came for greencard i came because of my wife so her though that im using and i explain that to her many time but when we have small problem she said well im going to call uscis and send u home i cant take that anymore

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