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Posts posted by Quail

  1. Hi all, long time since I've been here but I need some help!

    I received my 10 year gc in February. Originally came here on a K1 3 and a half years ago to marry by lovely hubby. The bad news is... I've lost my greencard! I have searched high and low but no sign of it anywhere. I live in Tucson so I've been carrying it with me (I occasionally get stopped at immigration check points) and it probably fell out of my purse or something.

    Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone has had any luck going through the citizenship process without their greencard. I was thinking of applying this summer, and it would be nice if I could get away without paying the $450 to have my GC replaced. In the list of requirements, it says to have a valid GC, but I am hoping maybe there is away around it?

    I have lots of photocopies:D

    any advice, wisdom, or personal experiences would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  2. My interview was originally scheduled for January 21st 2010 and we got a letter January 19th saying it was cancelled and that we would get a new appointment soon. About 2 weeks later, we got a new appointment letter for February.. so we went to the new interview. No problem whatsoever.. just the minor inconvience of having to take another day off work to make the new appointment. It has nothing to do with you or your case - I was told it was just internal USCIS issues and is not at all uncommon.

    As for the person telling you to go to the original interview - I guess that could be worth a shot? For me, I live a 5.5 hour drive from the Jacksonville field office so Im not sure that would have been terribly good advice if I had been turned away. But if your local office is just down the road it might be worth giving it a try just to minimize the wait time for your green card.

    Good luck.

  3. I believe this would be your last tax for canada.Are u also official informing CRA that you are no longer resident of canada and will not file the taxes anymore and this will be your last one?

    Yes, I there is an area to fill in your departure date when you leave canada permanently. However, I will still have to file taxes for 2010 in Canada as I recieved EI payments for the first few months of 2010.

    Thanks everyone for your responses. I wasn't aware that I could use software since I was out of the country but I will definitely look into ufile!

  4. No, doesn't sound right at all. I assume you are using some kind of software - what did you put for your spouses province of residence as at December 31st? Non-resident?

    If you aren't using software, then you need to read the guide :)

    I actually printed out the forms for my province and filled them all out by hand.. I thought most of it was self explainatory and didn't have any trouble with it (or so I thought.) and I dont believe it asked my spouses residence - just his SSN and income info. I'll try to look for this guide =(

  5. Just a quick question for those of you Canadians that are filing from the US for 2009.

    I worked full time until Oct 2009 when I moved to the US and therefore, have to file Canadian taxes. In the section for my martial status, I put married because I was in 2009.. The nice man from the 1-800 CRA line told me that I should put n/a and a note that he is an american in the area that asks for his SIN and 0$ as his income. So I did that.

    I also put $0 in all the other lines asking about my spouses income although I did not claim him as a dependent.

    So after I did that and computed it all in I went from owing $600 filing as single to getting a $1450 refund filing as married with a spouse with $0 income.

    Im just wondering if that's what I was supposed to do? Obviously he didnt make 0 dollars in 2009.. he made almost double what I did but none of it was Canadian income nor did he live in Canada at any time. It just seems weird putting $0 income for him. Should I claim his American income? Or can I take the refund and run :innocent:

    I can't wait to get this cleared up so I can move on to filing my American taxes.. woohoo. :blink:

  6. Same here, applied in Fort Walton Beach, FL office and had zero problems. Cool thing about Fort Walton Beach is that the Social Security Office is next door. Sort of 1 stop shopping. Bad thing is USCIS offices are in New Orleans and Jacksonville and we had to go to 1 for prints and the other for adjustment. We're hoping that Mobile will get and office soon.

    I went to the FWB DMV too!... and the bio appointment at New Orleans and interview at Jacksonville hahah.. what a small world:)

  7. Hi All, I hope everyone is have a Great weekend so far!

    Well my question is that I sent my original Birth certificate along with a copy of it with my I-129F petition on Jan 15th. USCIS just sent my Original back to me on 3rd of March. does anyone have any experience with this? Does this mean that my Fianc'ee and I are now close to getting a Decision from them?

    thank you,


    I'm going to assume it means nothing except that they are concerned about you losing your birth certificate. My understanding is that you are only supposed to mail them a copy and then bring the ORIGINAL to the interview. This goes for all other documents as well. On the upside, it means at least someone at least looked at your file and it hasn't been put up on a shelf and forgotten about. :thumbs:

  8. I had a very different though equally frustrating experience at a Florida DMV. I came here on a K1, had a SSN in my married name and had applied for my AOS before I went to the DMV.. I showed up with all my immigration documentation and marriage certificate in hand and the lady had no problem trading in my Canadian DL for a new Florida license.

    The catch was that the only legal document that I had that proved that I was allowed to live in the US (according to her) was my work autorization card which had been issued in my maiden name (my bad, I applied for my AOS using my name... it was fixed at my interview and GC will be issued in my married name..) ALSO my work autorization was only valid for one year.

    As a result of such, she refused to give me a license in my married name even though I had my SSN and marriage certificate stating my married name AND she only gave me a temporary license that expires the same day as my work authorization.

    I would have torn all my hair out and used it to choke her if I hadn't been so relieved about just surrendering my license instead of being forced to take a road test.


  9. I also missed my biometrics appointment.. I received the notice 3 hours after my appointment happened. I contacted the USCIS 1800 number and they told me to reschedule by mail and include a letter explaining my situation. They also told me that service centers no longer accept walk ins.

    Soo... I drove the 4 hours to the office in New Orleans two days later and begged them to take me as a walk in. Heh. The girl at the counter rolled her eyes and acted all irritated about it but she admitted me without a problem and I got my interview notice not to long after.

    Good luck!

  10. My husband was deployed so active duty when we filed for the visa and we paid for everything. You don't get anything back from the government. They can certainly THINK they can ask for money back but I don't see on what basis?

    Also, no deducting of the visa/ROC/moving expenses either on the tax.

    I was in the same boat as you and that's exaclty what I thought too.

    Would be nice if it were true :yes:

  11. Hi all.

    I stumbled upon a personal website run by a couple married in Europe and filed for a "visa" shortly after. The website doesn't specifiy what type of visa they applied for but they did say they filed the I-130. Anyhow, it the bottom of the page talking about their visa it says:

    "Since Michael is an active service member, we can file for reimbursement for all expenses related to the Visa. "

    Has anyone heard of this before? Are these people just nuts? Or is there some secret military paperwork I need to get my hands on... I'd hope to think that if it were true I would have known about it by now! Thoughts?

  12. I recently got a job in Florida and I am figure out what will automatically be deducted from my pay cheque.. So far I have figured out the 6.2% SSC and 1.45% medicare .. but isn't there some sort of state or federal tax as well?

    Im not sure if it matters but I have claimed 0 on my W-2, I have opted to have taxes taken at the single rate and it's only a part time job and will be making less then $10,000 annually.

    Any wisdom would be much appreciated.

  13. I was in a situation similar to his. My very best friend was a man I had known since childhood. We never had any sexual or relationship like feelings for eachother ever - it was purely platonic and 100% normal and acceptable to us. However he occasionally played a big brother role and would get protective of me and he had serious reservations about my getting involved with someone in another country. He also occasionally threw in the "My Amanda" line as well as a harmless endearment.

    Then things started happening with my then-new boyfriend. He was really, really uncomfortable with my "Bestfriend".. he didn't understand the dynamic at all because he had never had a relationship like that with a member of the opposite sex. He never really out right demanded that I cease contact with my friend but his irritation/jealous/aggravation about it was a constant argument. I held my ground and refused to give in to it - I tried to explain over and over and over what was going on and how innocent it was. To me he was making a big deal out of nothing.

    After a few months, my fiance relented a little and I think started to understand but it took a lot of misunderstanding and hurt feelings for us to get to that point.

    Looking back on it, even after being married for only a short time, I have a better understanding of where he was coming from. Our lives have converged into one and having that third person being so closley involved would seem out of place. I'm not saying that I would give up friends for our marriage (Though I doubt it would ever come to that) but I am more respectful and aware of the boundaries and invisible guidelines within our relationship.

    I don't know if that helps you any but that is my experience. Based on first impressions, I am inclined to agree with people who say it seems a bit shady however I was in a somewhat similar situation as him and being judged like that would have driven me nuts. It's good that you are willing to talk to him about it - I think that should always be your first step. I also don't see why she can't come to visit you? If it is so important for them to see eachother, she should be willing to put forth a bit as well. As other people suggested, you could also accompany him when he goes but you could plan it more as a trip for you too.. you can stay in your own hotel and spend time with her during the day. I think that would be a more "normal" way of doing things and I know that if I was in your shoes, I would probably be the way my husband and I would do it.

    Anyhow, good luck to you!

    Edit: I was also thinking, based on your last post that once he gets settled in and starts his own live in the US that he might lose interest in her.. Just a thought.

  14. I actually just wrote this up for my own personal knowledge a few months ago. This is in American dollars on a K1 fiance visa.. obviously some things will cost more or less in some cities and you may or may not need additional vaccinations like I did..

    I-129F filing fee - 455

    police record - 65

    medical - 360

    interview - 135

    HPV shot (one dose) - 160

    TDAP shot - 45

    notarized copy of divorce decree - 10

    new birth certificate - 30

    postage/photocopies/faxes - 20

    one way flight to USA - 200 (super sale!!)

    USPS/fedex/baggage fees for my stuff - 400

    marriage performed by county clerk - 30

    marriage license - 90

    AOS - 1010

    ... being with my soulmate: priceless. (lol?) Again, that's just what it ended up costing ME - it varies a lot from person to person. As far as I can remember, that's everything. Though you also have to consider 3-6 months of being unemployed upon entering the US. We were okay living only on my husbands income but I was fortunate to find a part time job 3 months after I arrived here. Hope that helps you at least a little bit. Good luck!

  15. (Moved as you wanted)

    I have seen this - mostly because of scheduling conflicts at USCIS (to many people coming in) -

    I wouldn't be to concerned - however, you will want to keep an eye out for the reschedule letter - did the person calling you give you some sort of tracking number or something?

    No, he just said that it was being mailed and won't elaborate any further. At least they did me the courtesy of calling to let us know it was cancelled heh.

  16. I was at work today and my Hubs got a call from USCIS telling us that our interview in Jacksonville on the 21st has been rescheduled and that a letter with a new interview date was being mailed out. Obviously the person on the phone wouldn't give my Hubby any details.

    Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else or if any one knows what's up? Should I be expecting my interview in a week or six weeks? I'm not terribly concerned as our relationship will be just as "bonified" in two months as it is now but I'm just wondering what the deal is.


    Edit: Oh shoot, I just realized I posted this in the wrong forum. Meant to be in the AOS forum as we are going for our AOS interview...

  17. I didn't recieve an NOA after I mailed my application and after about 2 weeks, I got nervous and started calling. They operator will tell you to wait 30 days and then call again.. I called them on the 28th day (and lied and said it was 30 because I was going crazy) and they will be able to find your file and identify the problem. In my case, it was because the post office made a mistake and send it back to the USCIS.

    Once they do this, they transfer you around a few times and then give you your file numbers so you can check your case status online. A few weeks after that, you should get your hard copy NOA in the mail.

    Also, I used a Western Union money order so I kept the receipt and called the Western Union automated phone line to check the status of my money order. They can't tell you a receipt number but they will tell you if it has or hasn't been cashed.

    The waiting is the worst. Good luck!

  18. First off, I am sorry that you have to go through all this. Other people have offered you emotional advice so I'll just offer a suggestion immigration wise.. if you are truly done with this relationship and wish to end your marriage, I would promptly send a letter to the USCIS withdrawing your financial support. Since it looks like yo AOS hasn't been appvoed yet, my understanding is that until his AOS petition is approved, the i-485 isn't in effect. If he does not find another sponsor and if you do not go to the AOS interview with him, he has no legs to stand on, so to speak, and will not be granted a greencard.

    Additionally, I would have his name removed from all financial accounts and start divorce proceedings immediatly. It won't be easy but since you stated that you want to end the relationship, this would be the route I suggest you take. You could offer to help him pack - when your children aren't around and possibly under the supervision of a close family friend- and provide him with a ticket home where he can be around family and friends who will help support him through this difficult time.

    Good luck with however you decide to handle this <3

  19. Just remember it might be a hard year for you, but you have the rest of your lives to be together.

    That's really good advice :)

    edit: a lot of people are getting their work authorizations early in the 90 day window. For example mine was 52 days after I applied.. Not saying that's something you can count on for sure but it's very probable that he won't have to wait a full three months if you are able to get married and file soon after his arrival.

  20. Hi all. I just got a job (woohoo) and I'm going to go fill out paperwork today for payroll and taxes.. Im just wondering what last name I should use. My work authorization and passport are in my maiden name but I got my social security card after we got married and I adopted my husbands last name. So when I am filling out the forms, should I use the name that matches my work auth or my ssc (and bank account)

    Thanks for your input!

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