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Ginger cat

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Posts posted by Ginger cat

  1. Annagal,

    What a shame...I cant help you for the paper matter, for I have no clue myself, but I just wanted to bring you my support.

    And i cant believe that a guy could so that under marriage. Let me tell you that he is a loser with few sense of values and i would bet that he is going to do the same kind of ###### to his GF, unless he is learning...but still karma is a real ######!

    i feel sorry in advance for him...for i know he is not going to find happiness anytime soon.


  2. He's an older French son, who was coming on a K2, but his French father stopped it 2 weeks before they left for the US. She came, married, got a GC, divorced lying husband, met a new guy and had a baby with him.

    Now the father of the French son has agreed to let her have custody and will get legalities taken care of in France. She wants to know what she must do to get him as a LPR in the US since his K2 visa was from 2009 and expired. And she wants to know if she can remove conditions now rather than waiting 2 years since she divorced her K1 petitioner husband.


    wiht my broken english...

    YOU ARE W*O*N*D*E*R*F*U*L!!! you understood everything! 10 kudos

  3. Hello ALL,

    that has been such a long time...and i erad about the april fool thing I did...what?? almost 2 years ago.

    anyway, My enlgish skills have improved, well I hope so!

    and i have a little boy, 6months old now.He is BEAUTIFUL, of course.and blabla.

    ok, unfortunatly, i have to be abck on that redtape immigration process...for my son.

    the story>

    my son had his visa at the same time as mine. he was supposed to come with me> But my ex made an appeal, and won it a couple of weeks before my son departure for the us.

    Since august 2009, ( he issued his visa)....but had to be back in france for i didnt have the custodies...he traveled back here ever since, with the tourist ESTA thing.

    Good news, my ex agrees to let him go and live here with me, for sept. 2012.

    so we are doing the paperwork for the custodies in france.


    and I have to care for the immigration process here.

    so my question, is : Do I have to withdraw everything done before?

    can i do the AOS for him, or it si too late?

    maybe, I need to precise, that I got divorced officialy last october for I caught Mister ginger cat, in lies....so the trust was gone (just justifying myself , maybe just because, it is not me who did the wrong thing! :P ). and well, i have found someone else to love, (the father of my son).

    so should i file to uplift my conditions now? is that going to be complicated..

    well, i begin to get lost, a simple standard case, is getting complicate.

    thanks for your help.

  4. yes, we are married and very soon divored, hopefully. The idea of still ebing married to that guy just want to make me vomit all over the table.

    but yor answer is about the divorce frame. which is one thing.

    i was talking about the affidavit of support which is besides the divorce if not beyond the divorce process.

    So i wanted to know how we can make that affidavit of support operational in real and not only on papers.

    there is no spousal support in the divorce, but the affidavit of support, is a support to someone.terminated marriage or not.

  5. ok, after finding that mister was lying to me and addicted to on line porn and a kind of engaged into some young girl lurking...beurkkk.


    and blabla..

    and then we got seperated, and we are going through divorce.

    the thing is that, i am 8 month and half pregnant, with no income and i would like to know

    1-how can I do to make him responsible what he signed for, as for the affidavit of support

    Of course he denies me any kind of financial support

    2-Anyone has already filed a complaint or something concerning the affidavit of support? any experience in that matter is welcome.

  6. hello,

    i have read some topics here to find the answer for my questions. But I read one thing and its opposite.

    so i guess I will ask to make sure.

    i received last september/october my EAD and AP. they expire this september/october.

    I received my temporary permanent resident card in april and it is valid until april 2012.

    So do i have to renew my EAD and AP, or the permanent resident card takes over those 2 things and then it means I can work and travel, as long as my permanent resident status lasts.

    Thanks for your answers.

  7. i yes had a failed marriage but there were no signs of a bad relationship, he is from mexico and in mexico it is ok for the mexican men to have multiple women while married. i for one wanted a monogamous marriage. while we were married and living in separate countries he cheated. did i know this ? no, not until it was too late. we lived together only 2 years and were apart 3 while waiting for the immigration process. this i didn't know before getting TOO involved with such a conniving individual as this person. yes many immigrants have agendas whether it is to get away from a country that doesn't have the freedom america does or duping someone who truly fell in love with someone. why are all of you who are attacking me so mad. did i say it was a bad agenda you jumped to that conclusion. i have done my own research since my marriage failed and i don't base one bad marriage on my opinion of immigrants. i still live in america where as far as i know i have the freedom of speech. i just want to alert any americans to research the country of your intended spouse and find out how they treat their women. i just don't want anyone else to be as hurt as i am. if someone would have alerted me to this part of a mexican males lifestyle i might have thought twice before going through this process. if i can help 1 person from getting hurt than i have done my job. so all you haters peace out



    you ARE too funny...

    amd certainlly full of it.

  8. We got a second email notice similar to the above. A second card production notice.

    That's interesting about the "adjudicated review", HelloWorld. The officer doing the interviewing is the one approving, at least that is my understanding and was what we were told by our officer. She did not hand us any paper. But from what we understood, she was going to go through all the files one more time and make sure everything was complete. She did not have our marriage certificate for some reason, and our biometrics was the next day. She said she would need those two things to approve.

    We had the marriage certificate in the glove compartment. We did the biometrics the next day on our little 900 mile trip, acquiring over a thousand dollars in alleged speeding and related BASELESS traffic charges.

    I think it just means he will go over the file one more time and make sure you got everything. Might still have to do the background check.

    Thanks, your right, he needed more time to look over somethings, later this afternoon, i received a txt and email saying card production ordered.


  9. hi to all just to update i got my Green card today hope all august filler will finish it soon :dance: :dance: :dance:

    :dance::dance: Congratulations

    so for the ones that have passed successfully the interview>> I was curious to know how things happened?

    any special tips..

    my interview is on the 30th of november and I am getting anxious.

    another question, they ask a document from the court about the police record.

    how do I do in order to get that document?

  10. Something's just off here. The OP came to the US on a CR-1 visa, has a failed marriage...came to the US alone, did not to live with her husband, and now is concerned with receiving benefits due to her as an Army Wife of a deployed solider? I'm sorry, but this seems a little far-fetched and it does not seem like she has any proof to submit for removal of conditions. There was never a real marriage. She has never co-habited w/ her husband, filed taxes together or had joint accounts. There's no documentation which she could present to prove that the marriage was real while it lasted. The problems in the marriage came to light while she was still in the PI. Why come to the US at all? And now that she is here, and cannot reconcile with her husband....why not divorce and be done with it?

    I think that her husband just got married with her, to have more money....without telling his wife.

    I am sorry that guy has to learn the lesson the hard way.

    you dont marry a girl from the thrid world like you go and buy a baguette and you dont go and make yoru pencil all wet into another apricot and plant yoru seeds without facing the consequences.

    you dont get married and get another woman pregnant and then say its the married Filipena girl that is searching for benefits... :blink:

    I am 3000% with her. he has to pay back in any ways possible for the damages he has caused.

    and what she is going to receive as any advantages is normal and to pay her back from the moral damages she had from him...

    we call that justice.

    WHAT A F****G B****S

  11. Hi guys. I'm confused about the adjustment of status of k2 and the CSPA.

    Will k2 need to file I-30 to adjust status or this is applicable to k4 only?

    I also read that Child Status Protection Act does not apply to k2. Is this correct? The k2 was 20 years old when the marriage between the US citizen and the K1 occured. I also read something about the marriage should happen before the k2 is 18 years old. This confuses me.

    Will the K2 be able to adjust status without encountering problems if she is 20 years old when USC and K1 marriage occured?

    If she can't adjust status because she is already 20 when the marriage took place, what should be done to adjust the k2 status?

    I hope someone can share inputs. Thanks in advance.

    K-2 does not need the I-130 IF the adjustment is applied for a visa issued within ONE YEAR of the mother's visa and the child is single and under age 21. Age restrictions of the CSPA does not apply. K-2 can adjust even if the relationship was formed after 18 (but must be under 21 when they FILE for AOS)

    Gary, not to throw a wrench in your explanation but basically to understand the "age-out" "Gotcha" at 21 years of age for K2's. While I consider it to be highly logical that once the K2 has arrived in the US and filed for AOS at age 20, my understanding is that if the K2 is not approved by the time the K2 becomes 21, tuff luck and he/she gets the boot out of the country. I really hope this is not the case for my own selfish reasons (aka my own K2 issue) and, as I've said before there is some District level case law around (California) but the elephant in the room seems to be this issue of age-out on K2 not being approved before he/she hits 21 years of age. Can we get any definitieve answers on this?

    I have looked a three cases of K-2s which were denied because they turned 21 during the AOS process that went to Federal court. In all three cases the K-2 AOS was upheld and ruled that if the process began before age 21 they should be adjusted. One case was posted here on this site recently.

    I was under the same impression (or conservative assumption also) I cannot say that USCIS has changed any policies, however I am meeting with the director of the VSC again tomorrow(actually later today) and it will be one of the questions I hand over to him (along with a bunch of others) and it will be interesting to see their take on it.

    No one wants to go to federal court for this, of course, it is just a whole lot easier to get it approved. It is no doubt BEST at this point to get the AOS completed before age 21. If it is fairly close to the beneficiaries birthday, be sure to write POSSIBLE AGE OUT on the envelope containing their I-485.

    It would seem to make sense that if a k-2 visa (non-immigrant/dual purpose visa) is issued until age 21 then they should be able to adjust status, other wise cut the AOS off at age 21 and cut the visa off at 20-1/2 or something. I would hope after being ruled against in three cases, USCIS would get the hint. We will find out for sure.

    ok, gary, you are very helpful. especially on that matter, bc if its hard to find good literature about K2.

    you have been priceless about it to me when i was fiking for my son> My husband and I were about making big mistakes and then we would have lost a precious amount of time.

    anyway, now my son is here, if you look at my timeline i am into MY AOS. so now my questions are:

    how long i have to file for HIS AOS.

    i understand we go through the same paperwork which means to be clear:

    AP+ PR?

    i guess that EAD doesnt work for him, as he is 8.

    and what are going to be the steps:

    Fingerprints too, and then interview?

    or they just send you paper bc as he is under 16, he just follows as long as the parents are ok.

    so he is filing indepedently from me, i guess i will have to pay 1010$? :wacko:

    thanks for your help

  12. I got my EAD card today!!! Monday off to SSA.....

    Anyone has any suggestions on what I should bring and stuff...

    Bring your EAD card and passport.

    I did and the very mean lady did not accept it she said I had to have a birth certificate, I told her I only had a copy and she did not want it or anything else I had...

    Im upset because I have to wait to get my original one and I cant do much with out it except to get an ID... i dont know she makes me wanna cry

    do you want to report an abuse?

    for i can give you the link in which they write what docmuents can be accepted as a substitute of birth certificate. , official document from the us governement.

    she was wrong and not respecting your rights then.

    if the copy has an offical stamp, then it couldn't be denied.

    you coudl step in again with your copy of brith certificate and the list of dicuments that are accepted as a substitue, this way they couldn't behave with their own will but a kind of compelled to respect the rules too. Just like we do...

  13. I got my EAD card today!!! Monday off to SSA.....

    Anyone has any suggestions on what I should bring and stuff...

    Bring your EAD card and passport.

    I did and the very mean lady did not accept it she said I had to have a birth certificate, I told her I only had a copy and she did not want it or anything else I had...

    Im upset because I have to wait to get my original one and I cant do much with out it except to get an ID... i dont know she makes me wanna cry

    do you want to report an abuse?

    for i can give you the link in which they write what docmuents can be accpeted a substitute of brith certificate. , and it's an officialdocumetns from the us governement.

    she was wrong and not respecting your rights then.

    if the copy has an offical stamp, then it coulb'tn be denied.

  14. hi iam sad to say my wife and i are not going to make it in this marriage iam not mad at her i just want her to be happy and that would be for her to go home to the philippines back with her family the question i have is can she travel home and make it thru immigration with out her green card we have not finished all of the aos stuff yet just did biometrics my udaerstanding is she can leave usa but not return is that right . sorry to bring anyone down from there happiness with this topic


    I don't know why it sounds familiar...have i already read that before? :(

    do you think she was thinking that USA was like the tv series she was watching or the movies? :(

    and to be honest since I have been in USA, those super over fake-all-the-same-made-up-and-over-perfect-haircut women just look good on screen, in real, that's just A*W*E*-F*U*L*L ;)

    do you want me to comment about the average american peep?


    no, you prefer not, I am ,telling you :devil:

    and yet, believe it or not, I like USA, I haven't felt homesick...but I love more France. :P

  15. Hello, we sent ours yesterday so it will be delivered in Chicago Monday morning...

    hey! we are on the same boat. ;)

    Living in michigan, POE detroit, filed AOS on the 17 th agust. and bio appointment. on the 28th of september.

    and i am from france, and right now, i am in france.

    I have my son to rescue! :crying:

    anyway, i was trying to get into the visajourney stuff again to distract me and kill time a bit.

    wanna me bring something from here?

  16. ............

    how can i track it?

    do i have to make an infopass?

    Not sure about expedite process…perhaps works differently...

    But in my case they cashed our check and we received NOA1 the next day..(see timeline). You can then do an infopass using the number provided. Unfortunately, everything takes time and they would probably not provide additional information over the phone. Until you receive the NOA with associated case number, it’s difficult to find any help.

    Perhaps someone else will have more info.

    Best of luck.

    thanks, i have just received the NOA! i was worried.

    so, i guess that i should run to make another INFOPASS

    we are writing a letter to the congressman, if anyone made that process, is there any tips we should be told so be successful in that path.

  17. I hope things work out, Ginger!!

    Before you go, you might make an info pass appointment to see what your options are. Maybe if you are UNmarried, you can ask for your visa to be reaffirmed at the embassy or something similar, so be sure you have explored all your options before taking steps.

    I'm surprised that there is still a question about your son, usually they don't issue the K2 unless they are sure that you can take him permanently out of the country. How frustrating!!!! :(

    well, first of all, it didn't work, so we got married on the 14th of august so that i can make the AOS and I have asked an expedite request zith a letter explaining why and attached the evidences.

    second, about why they issued the visa is bc on 22nd of June, i have been granted the right to live in USA with Julien...so on the 9th of July he has been issued his visa...

    but my ex made the appeal late in July.

    i hope i am making things clearer.

    but now, i am wondering how we can track our adjustment of status.

    have you any idea?

    things are working out for for you?

    He is with you now? :star:

    got married too? :P

  18. Hi there,

    still in the s**t with my paper>>i have to update my timeline. still worried to do things right and not to miss a thing to have my son back.

    so i filed the AOS. and sent it to the address mentioned on that site for expedite request. justified by the changes about my son and the potential financial loss if i dont do the necessary before his visa expires.

    they received it on Monday and has been signed by LBOX :unsure:

    but i have nothing yet in the mailbox.

    how can i track it?

    do i have to make an infopass?

    i have to say that before i had time to scroll and dgig here and tbe rather updated about the I-129 and all the rest. But noz i am in the usa, and i have to care for that house, where everything has to be re-done and birthday party here and friends wedding there, my son stakes...i am getting crazy :wacko:

    i dont find time to make myself well informed.

    your help has been truly appreciated. and still is... :(

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