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Posts posted by M613

  1. Ok, so why would you think anyone else would be doing this? That's the point of your thread, right? A bit odd to ask for companionship on your bid to abandon your residency in a forum where people are banding together to seek advice on citizenship.

    On a side note (and none of my business, of course), permit me to say that your strategy is a little short-sighted. A couple with dual citizenship from Canada and the United States will not only open up their travel and employment opportunities more broadly than any one citizenship alone, but will confer unique immigration advantages on any children they may have together. Saying Never in this rapidly-changing society where labour mobility is stronger now than it ever was is rather unwise considering that all that is needed from you to take this opportunity are six hundred and eighty dollars, and a few months of your time.

    Good luck in Canada! Great country.

    eep-I will address this in the order with which you, ah, responded.

    1- You never know-a million things happen to a million people... I've been on here for 5+ years and have found both companionship and understanding in the quirkiest of situations. So my question is: why not ask it? I enjoy the comraderie and information on here: you never know if someone is in the same situation, now or later...

    2- Your side note is completely understandable-I can appreciate where you were going with it. I have absolutely no plans to have children; if I did, the US would be out of the question for many reasons. Regarding employment, my education and experience has taken me across many borders in the past-again, the US isn't an option. I have zero concerns re: my employability without US citizenship. I may be in the minority here, but barring visits to my US husband's family and our mutual American friends, there is zero lure for anything longterm. It's a mutual and very well thought out longterm decision on both of our parts....

    Canada's not for a few years yet, but thanks-it is marvelous :)

  2. When we leave, we will be leaving for good/never living in the US permanently---we will only be living in Canada (and doing the reverse, i.e. getting my American husband his Canadian GC and yes, citizenship). So with no interest and/or plans to ever live in the US permanently, we thought it best to not go for citizenship.

    I am keeping my US GC until I leave here for good (and yep, abandoning it when I move!)

  3. Small update: this morning, I got an email stating the USPS had picked up my card and that I should receive it within 7 days. They also provided a USPS tracking #.

    Wanted you to know so that you know what to expect. After months of nothing happening (if you see my posts here, they went wayyyy over processing time, I had an RFE and an interview-sigh), all of these happy updates are a bit overwhelming.

  4. On one of my many calls to the USCIS Service Center, I asked the same thing: why is my case status showing for *months* at a time? Their answer: they only update the online case statuses once a month. dry.png

    After I got approved (September 30th) I didn't see a thing until October 21st: I got an update that they had ordered production of my card (yay!). Then this morning (at around 4:00am) I got an email saying they had mailed my card today (October 25th). double yay!!

    So for months of no status change, once they start these things up, the updates come flying in.

    Hope this helps a bit--and congrats re: your recent approval!!

  5. you will be fine. when sending your ROC package, remember to:

    - check "yes" for being arrested on the form;

    - send in all relevant certified documents proving all charges were dropped and that you were not convicted. This includes the letter from the Director you mentioned, as well as any certified court docs (usually from the court in your city/county) showing you are not convicted, certified police reports of the incident--everything. Include it all in your package--this will prove that yes, you were arrested, but no, you were not convicted (they look for convictions; if you were arrested, they want to know why). Sending this in your initial package will avoid you getting an RFE asking for all of it--esp when they see the yes box ticked beside the "have you ever been arrested" question on the form.

    Remember--this process is to prove you entered the States and the marriage in good faith :) Congrats getting this all straightened out in the eyes of the law too--it's scary, but it looks like you're taking the right steps to move past this.

  6. Thanks for posting this-I know many of us are wondering how this will impact processing times for whatever stage we are in.

    I hope these stats result in tangible good news: it looks like 97% of the USCIS will be staffed and functional (scroll to Homeland Security): http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/politics/2013-shutdown-federal-department-impact/m/

  7. I'm always sad to see how terrible circumstances can be and is for so many people. Check out the Effects Of Major Family Changes forum on this site:


    Scour that forum-many people have been through what you are going through (and worse)-- there is a huge amount of info and support to be found in the posts.

    I would consult an attorney when you're ready to do so--information is a powerful balm in hard and scary times.

  8. M613...just out of curiosity...what kind of questions did the officer ask you?

    Hi Ari25!

    I promised myself to keep my promise via an earlier post to remember all questions to pass along to this community. I didn't get asked one thing-neither did Matt (husband/US citizen). We literally sat in his office and talked as if we were in a bar or a living room. He talked about working for USCIS for 37 years, being from the South but not feeling like a typical Southerner... I mentioned we had a cat-he said he had one too. When he retires, he wants to move to Austin and get into standup-I kid you not. While on the subject of how long he's done this, he talked about how sad it was seeing some peeps who ARE fraudulent but aren't bad people- they just want to live here. He does his job, though, and he stressed how though he had empathy, he doesn't tolerate folks lying. D

    It was completely surreal-he didn't ask a thing. We are back home in Austin now, of course, and we are both still baffled. My huge package of evidence and preparedness is now in a Rubbermaid box in the attic. Seriously.

  9. Had my interview in the San Antonio office today. We just got back and I am still blown away. Not sure how to report how it went... we had all of out previously sent stuff, more recent photos, trips, tax filings, leases-everything-organized and copied and ready to go. the gentlemen called us in, sat us down and we talked-he made some Canada jokes, said he loved my home country. Said he loves Austin and wants to retire there (Austin is where we live). I volunteered for him to see my mega package of copies I had ready and he said he didn't need it; he never asked us a thing. took my passport photos and inputted approved on his computer- he did this because I asked how soon I would get it. lol. For real- he was an absolute gem. Zero issues- it was like sitting down with an awesome great uncle or something. I know this was an extraordinary and out of the ordinary experience, but my advice for those who are going to do interviews: go wickedly prepared. get there early. chill out. and remember: these interviewers are people too.

    So yay approved-booo waiting for my card (I hope to god I get it soon!).

    Huge thanks to everyone for your love and support--it's what makes this place so amazing, whatever stage of the visa journey you're at. You are all wonderful, special folks.

  10. Am I the last one of the September 2012 filers to still be waiting for mine? lol...

    Interview is this Monday (September 30th) in San Antonio (I live in Austin). Original ROC package sent copy is made, trip tix organized, pictures up the wazoo from the last 4.5 years, affidavits, utilities, taxes. Everything short of having them in our bed, I guess. heh.

    We're legit, so I know it'll be fine. I just hate interviews.. that and I travel alot for work--I need my GC to get my passport in my married name/renew everything else. argh. C'est la vie.... Will report back with what happens at the interview and the kinds of questions they ask, as I know that can help folks out in future in the same position.

    Cheers, and will post soon!


  11. I think they sent it as service request harassment revenge- I have called them 5 times i the last month. ha.

    Date is September 30th. We have all of our package with evidence, and much more to bring (photos, tix for the 3 trip have taken this year, new lease from July, etc). We are legit, happy and yet I am sweet and sour on this: finally, some movement and hopefully a decision and yet... interviews weird me out. Any info or advice from folks who have went through it? I've looked at a few threads on here, and they're helpful, but any more info is welcome. Thank you!

  12. Request 1: robo response via email.

    Request 2: (was to expedite request for work--I travel alot, blah blah)--no dice. Email received said my rationale was not a "valid" reason to expedite the request. Alrighty.

    Request 3 came today via email--and this is where I am completely baffled. The request was made to inquire re: the status because they are *way* overdue on processing times. Note: I already made a cautionary infopass appt made BEFORE I got this email (to get another extension while I wait... at almost a year now). Check this out---has anyone gotten this before? It's so... bizarre. At least it is to me.

    Any and all info and insight is appreciated!

    On September 4, 2013, you or your representative contacted USCIS concerning your I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence to notify us that you believe your case is outside of our normal processing time.

    Below is a summary of what we found and how the issue has been or may be resolved.

    Please be aware that USCIS cannot confirm or deny the existence of your petition or application over the phone, in email, or through a service request (SR).

    What You Can Do
    Please schedule an INFOPASS appointment by visiting our website at www.uscis.gov and bring evidence that USCIS accepted your petition/application and fee.

    We hope this information is helpful to you.

  13. I think I'm in the same boat as you. I was going to ask about my long wait time after RFE response! Looks like I'll be calling them today smile.png

    Do it! Poking them can't hurt :)

    Megatron wait is no fun! I only care because of work; I need to travel, and I just want this out of the way. They sent some auto reply to my inquiry saying they didn't have an update however they had the wrong receipt number! I wrote them back, and copied the Vermont Service Center, telling them that:

    1- they had the wrong receipt number;

    2- this decision was crucial for my job;

    3- offering up anything they need.

    They can interview me 10000x over; my husband and I are legit, so I really have no worries regardless. It's just the waiting game that, since 2008 now (with all stages of this "journey") that irks me.

    May the forces of decision making be with us!

  14. Hello!

    Tiny, but hopefully resulting in happy results, update. I called USCIS twice today and:

    First call: "It looks like they're still under initial review-wait". Riveting.

    Second call: Service agent saw my stuff was wayyy over processing times and put in a service request for me. They have 15 days to respond with an update/expedite stuff... If not, I follow up with them w. my service request number.

    Lesson: Try try and try again!

    Random related anecdote: I was in NYC for a friend's wedding this weekend, and a friend of the wedding peeps is an immigration attorney there. He told me this: best days to call are Wednesdays and Thursdays and after lunch. He was dead right--both of my calls had me on the line with someone in less than 3 minutes. Handy to know!

    Fingers crossed--may USCIS good joojoo smile down on me soon!


  15. I am thinking I might have this situation pop up as well; my letter expires in September, and I travel for work quite a bit. re: the suggestions above, I have a couple of quirks, however:

    1- My passport is expired; I cannot renew it until I get my new 10 year green card;

    2- Applying for citizenship is not an option; I do not and will not be here for life, and as such, the 10 year card is what I want-no more, no less :)

    So... for the Infopass appointment--is it possible to receive another extention letter? Any suggestions are welcome!

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