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Posts posted by Merlion@

  1. Hi!

    I'm about to mail out the N-400 application. On the question asking how many times the spouse has been married do I answer 1? He has only been married once with me. The reason why I ask is because the next questions asks if he has ever been married before to list the ex spouse's name. So, the answwer to the first question could also be 0 = he has been married 0 times before? It's confussing me if they are asking in general including me -- that would be 1 time. If they are asking before me, then it's 0. It's confussing.

    Also, for sons and daughters we don't have any -- so I put 0 -- is this okay? or should I put n/a.

    I want to get this right before I actually send it. Thanks very much in advance.

  2. No, I'm not going to call. I'm going to sleep and taking it easy. I actually just spoke to a guy friend from back home who lives here and he said it was all out of being nice and polite and showing acceptance. I don't buy it 100% but I will move on. I don't want this to be interfering with me past today. Tomorrow, I'll wake up and go to work. I am seeing a therapist for other things and I will talk to her about it to get it out of my chest.

    That is all. I will move on and try to work it out. Will talk to him in the morning when I'm rested.

  3. He came home, took a shower, and went straight to bed. I think I'll let it go and decide what I want to do.

    Just for my sanity, is it worth it to call that lady and speak what I think of her? Not in an offensive way, just speak my mind. I wonder what her husband thought of all this.

  4. Happy New Year! Thanks everyone for comments! I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow morning is a new day and I'll get ovr this. It's not worth it to let it consume me this much. We'll get back to work tomorrow and everything will return to normal.


    p.s. how can I close the poll if I wanted to? thanks!


  5. Back to the main point, it seems that the OP started this thread to validate her reactions. She wants to justify her angst. If we tell her that what she feels is right, her feelings would intensify and she might not talk to her husband for more than three days. tongue.gif

    Anyway, I couldn't care less but I hope both of them get to fix this quick. There's more to 2011 than starting it with what has been done and may not even have any meaning.

    Happy new year, Merlion! jest.gif

    Happy New Year! Thanks everyone for comments! I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow morning is a new day and I'll get ovr this. It's not worth it to let it consume me this much. We'll get back to work tomorrow and everything will return to normal.


  6. Now you're piqued my curiosity...which region would you be referring to? Maybe this was a kind of "you had to be there" to see situation...because the way you've described it does not strike me as inappropriate...and definitely not meriting your continued upset w/ your husband 3 days past the event, especially since he has apologized.

    Moldova and Transilvania are different. In my family I was raised conservative, but others in other places can be more open (sort of toward West). This is how it is percived that people toward West are more open due to Western influence. So, I see Hungary in your profile. People from the cities neighboring Hungary or the cities influenced by the Austro-Hungarian empire may be more open, which could explain her making the move coupled with some wannabe French.

    Was there any dry humping involved?

    No. I think overall was okay, except for the good-bye. I still have her number and e-mail but have no intent to contact her.

  7. But don't you think it depends on the context. I've been to large new years parties, where the dancing is done in one big group on the dance floor, so anyone can join at any time...and it sounds like this was the case here as well. I wouldn't blame my husband either if some leggy French chick wanted to dance with him...but I would draw the line at junk grabbing...THAT is inappropriate, unless we were in scotland and he was wearing a kilt. :D

    at the time when she joined, it was just me and him dancing. there were other people in a circle, but when she actually join with her husband it was just me and my husband. anyways, it's already too much detail. i think i'll eventually get over it.

  8. I have never experienced this...the hello/good-bye kiss is not only male initiated...it happens at random, by whoever is leaving first, or whoever leans in first. What does this woman being French have anything to do with this situation? I wasn't aware that the French practice any different hello/goodbye kissing that what is done in Romania...except perhaps that "embrasse moi" is stated before the kissing rather than "hai sa te pup".

    I think it varies from region to region. In my experience it's the male who initiates it. He kissed me out of kind of not knowing what to do, not b/c he really wanted to. I see that you know some Romanian ;)

  9. But it was you that she offered the contact information to, not him, right? You seem to focus too much on what she did...do you feel like your husband did any reciprocating, other than what you stated? Holding her hand and not yours during a turkish sexy song, with you right there on the dance floor does not qualify, no matter how much leg she showed.

    Thanks for trying to make me look at this objectively. They did speak some French (which I understand a bit), talked about Canada, but I was at the table, so was her husband. I think if there was no kiss I would have been okay. I know he wouldn't have made the move, so it's not his fault. But I still convinced myself that it was and made it like it was. So now I can';t get it out of my head. I will try though. Thanks for rationalizing with me.

  10. Yes, I guess the trust issues thing could do that. Not to hijack this thread but that's something I have a hard time remembering not to do when in places like...India. Giving a courteous smile to people, including males, at times. My husband doesn't think I am flirting when I do that, he knows I'm just trying to be nice, but sometimes the ppl I'm smiling at might think so? :unsure: If they dare give a courteous smile back and their wife sees, she is going to post on a message board about it!

    cri'stina, maybe so. because in that context you smiling may be uncalled for, especially to the opposite sex. that does not make the woman untrustful, it's a mattr of cultural upbringing and what is considered okay in that culture.

    i judged the encountered based on my upbringing and usually in my culture we kiss good-bye but it is the male that initiates the kiss. i'm trying to justify it coming from her given the French influence although she is not French.

  11. :lol: no winking. But if I had trust issues I could easily see the hi's and the smiles and assume they were much more. That's what happens when you have trust issues, you don't see what is, you see what you fear.

    What she did shouldn't be at issue here. Focus on what your husband did. You're married to him, not to her.

    Okay, that's actually helpful. He would hav kissed her and says I took it out of context. I actually think he's honest but I still have a hard time getting over it. Maybe once I start work again, I'll get busy with work and stop focusing on this.

  12. x2

    Majority of the people from that part of the world kiss on both cheeks as a greeting and good-bye, so I see nothing inappropriate in that. You said she and her husband kissed both of you...so it does not seem like she singled your husband out. The whole dancing thing...from what you described, I'm thinking you were dancing some sort of hora, which requires everyone holding hands...nothing inappropriate about that. Her husband sitting and not dancing...well maybe he doesn't know/like to dance. My husband and I went to a wedding not long ago, and my husband injured his back on the day of the event...so he sat at the table and while I danced, with friends, both male and female. It was a party and my husband wanted me to enjoy it as much as possible. Same thing goes here...you were at a 'party' and it should have been something enjoyable. I'm sorry you don't see it that way. The worst is that in the aftermath, with not speaking to him you're creating a bigger bouhaha than necessary. He's offered an explanation and apologized to you (though, given what you're recounted, I don't see anything he needs to apologize for) what else are you wanting from him?

    No, actually it wasn't hora. It was a turkish kind of sexy song. Hard to explain but she showed off her legs in the process. We danced hora too, but she was not in the picture. I was totally okay with him dancing hora.

    She kissed him good-bye but did not kiss me. Her man kissed me but it was only after she made the move. As if he copied her..when we introduced each other he did not hand his hand to me. She did to both me and my husband, but she did not kiss me good-bye.

  13. If I was married to a woman with trust issues, I'd cheat on her every chance I got (which would probably be quite infrequent but I digress). You know why? Because she wouldn't trust me even if I was faithful. If I'm going to be treated like a cheater, I might as well actually be one.

    Let's just say that I'm the conservative type and he can be too friendly sometimes, which makes me feel uncomfortable. But it's an interesting comment you posted.

  14. If something this trivial has you this upset, I suggest counseling. There are probably other unresolved issues here that you should address either through medication or otherwise.

    Yes, well he says he's sorry and if he knew I would get that upset and bothered, he would have not gone to the party to begin with. He did say he's sorry, but I can't get over it. I think I have trust issues.

  15. I kinda agree about you overreacting and I am very modest about this stuff. I don't know what kind of dancing you mean but if it was just like going around in a circle like you mentioned, and not weird dancing, then I think it's an overreaction. The kissing on cheeks thing too, it's common in some countries.

    It threw me off. It may have been the French influence on her, but still...Three days later and I'm still upset. I had enough problems to begin with. I would hate for this to be the thing that leads to divorce.

  16. I went out with my husband to celebrate the New Year's Eve. I am originally from Romania and so are the people I'll be talking about except for my husband. I wanted to feel the traditions and booked the night at a restaurant that caters to the people from my counry. We got sitted next to a Canadian (married?) couple who came to vistit the area for one week. They were from back home like the 99% of the (people attending. My husband started to have a conversation in French with this lady (needless to say I understand French, but I don't speak it) and we conversated My husband and I danced for a while at which point this lady came to dance...being at the same table by husband thought it was okay to include her in the dance. I was 50/50 about it -- he tends to be more social than I am and we tend to get excited about different things. So, basically I did not like him including her so openly. He had both of us by hand as we were going in circles to to speak and dancing on a pupular song. For a moment he let my hand go and danced with her, but then came back to dance with me. Her husband was sitting there not dancing, just looking. I wanted to include him, but felt it was not my place. Just before we left this lady went to the bathroom and I wanted to get out of there before she returned -- yet she came back.

    I had to play the 'politically correct' card and say that it was nice to meet them blah blah...they came with us outside at which point she kissed by husband on both cheeks just before living. She gave me her e-mail and phone from their hotels in case we wanted to meet again. Her husbnad also kissed me, but I felt she was kind of going for my husband and over did it by kissing him. He says she did that b/c that's the tradition and kissing good-bye is what people do. I, for, one, disagree. I don't know where he got that from, but I barely kiss any males, much less make tyhe first step myself. I said I was pissed that he spoke to her in French, but then he said I also spoke in my language with everyone -- which I thought it was normal since e everyone else at the table and in the restaurant were from my country. Everyone also spoke English.

    Do you think I am right to be upset or am I overreacting? In my book, her behavior was uncalled for and O'm angry at him b/c I feel he encouraged it. I'm not saying is cheating, but inappropriate. What does everyone think? i have not spoken to him for the past 3 days other than ask for an explanation. he said he's sorry but i'm still not satisfied.

  17. Hello!

    I have a few questions:

    1. When applying for citizenship based on marriage to USC, it is my understanding that the marriage is still valid not only when applying but up to when one takes the oath. Is this correct?

    2. What proof do I need to submit with the application? Life is complicated and I'm busy working. It sounds a bit annoying to have to submit pictures and the rest like for PR, but I'll do what it takes.

    3. How long does (more or less) the processing take?

    4. What happens after I send the paperwork? Is there biometrics again? How does it work?

    Thank you.

  18. Added Paisall approval...

    VJName..............I-751...........NOA1 Date.......Biometrics..........Approved.........Center

    DAVIDOODAVID.......06/27/09.........06/30/09 ........08/14/09............10/08/09.........VSC



    NAROCKS ...........06/30/09.........07/02/09.........08/06/09............11/07/09.........VSC Early BIO 7/23





    LINGLEE............07/03/09.........07/07/09.........08/05/09............11/05/09.........VSC early Bio 7/22

    MERLION@...........07/04/09.........07/08/09.........08/14/09............11/05/09........ VSC




    NEWBIE1............07/07/09.........07/15/09.........08/11/09............--/--/-- ........VSC













    OTOBER2............07/26/09.........07/29/09.........08/27/09............__/__/__.........VSC orig sent 7/13


    VJName..............I-751...........NOA1 Date.......Biometrics..........Approved.........Center








    BLUERAIN77.. ......07/15/09.........07/21/09.........08/20/09............09/12/09.........CSC


    RIKA60607..........07/15/09........07/17/09.........08/11/09.............__/__/__.........CSC Divorce Waiver

    LUCKY_STAR.........07/16/09.........07/20/09.........08/21/09............08/29/09.........CSC Early BIO 08/18



    MICHAELGHABOUR.....07/20/09.........07/22/09.........08/17/09............__/__/__.........CSC Divorce Waiver


    LV si LC GOE.......07/20/09.........07/22/09.........08/27/09............09/25/09.........CSC






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    Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application

    NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter

    Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment

    Approved = The Date your case was approved

    *Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list*

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    I added my approval dated 11/5/09 to the list.

    Thanks to everyone for keeping this going. I wish I had more time to write on here, but at least I wanted to post this.

    Thank God it's over!

  19. Hello!

    I went for biometrics yesterday. Everything went smooth and got it done in 10 minutes or so. For some reason I keep having the biometrics lady face in my head and she seemed so familiar..now I put 2 and 2 together and realized that I met someone at a training that looked pretty much the same...they gave me a paper to fill out about the service..i thought it was ironic that i had to fill it out in front of her and obviously i gave all "5s" and then i had to put it in a box next to the exit..i think it should be done away from the personnel.

    in any case it was a good experience...i don't particularly like my new picture, but in the big schema of things, i don't really care.

    the question now is

    What website(s) do I use to register my case and be able to see my status?


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