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Posts posted by samubonny

  1. Hi, guys just received a letter from VSC telling my wife to get her biometrics and or finger printing stuff i guess done. It was scheduled on a saturday? Is this a mistake. I thought the Homeland securities are closed for the weekends. Also do i need to accompany her? As I have to work on weekends, which is busy so is hard to ask my boss for the day off. Thanks guys in advance!

  2. Hi, me and my husband just moved. i am now going to change our address change. As my husband just went back to his country because of death to family. i am a little lost of how to fill out due to my understand and read of english. :blush:

    For the AR-11 address change is the information about husband the US Citizen or me?

    The form I-865 ask for

    Part 1. Information About You, the Sponsor?

    Do i put me?

    Part 2. Information of sponsored immigrant.

    I am sure it is me.

    Part 3. Sponsored signature?

    I think he sign? Not sure.

    Part 4. Signature of Person Preparing form, If other than above(sign below)

    I dont Know?

    That why my husband is so important to me, when he not here i will fall apart and don't feel safe.

  3. Hi guys, quick question for I751 ROC. I (USC) was wondering if i was to be unemployed will it affect the outcome of my I-751. My wife tell me to quit my job because it is taking away my studying time from school and most I guess most of the time I spend with her(she mad), lol. As i am paying for it and failing is a total waste of money. She told me to quit after we send in our I-751 soon like next month or so (have a ton of evidence). She is working but not making much as it will go mostly to bills. This is why we are still living with my mother. So I was wondering if it will affect me in the long run, if I receive and RFE or interview. Hope some1 can help, really appreciate it. thx u!

  4. Hi guys, my long time best friend is about to file an I751 ROC soon just like us. They have problems financially, as her husband's business went bad thanks to the economic crisis and they were force to file for bankruptcy. Ever since that their marriage have been really bad. So I was wondering if it will affect them for file of ROC? Are the USCIS mainly looking for financial status or are they basically interested to see joint informations. We are currently helping them out as we are for ourselves. Thanks guys in advance!

  5. Also for joint personal checks for proof, should I send in originals with the words void on it or should i photo copy like 2 or 3 of them as said all documents must be copies!

    They want copies of bank statements not checks. Send 3 or 4 from past two years.

    Hey john24689, thanks for the quick reply. the bank statements are definately included. we have our joint checking and savings and my own personal and her own personal checkings account with same address and bank. What i meant was personal joint checks have both our names and address on it plus the checking account number which we thought would be useful. so i was wondering should i use originals or photo copy them.

  6. I am basically set to send in my batch of evidence i whipped up for the 2 years of marriage. But had a little problem with some item on my list. I was wondering since we live in a Coop with my mother (under her name), will the affidavits of income we submit to the government annually be ok. It does have me and my wifes name on it and is notarized. Or is it necessary for my mother to submit a letter stating we live with her and how much we pay for rent! Also for joint personal checks for proof, should I send in originals with the words void on it or should i photo copy like 2 or 3 of them as said all documents must be copies!

  7. Yeah I did it online today. I tried to call but it is Presidents day. I have only moved twice but I have contacted them 3 times. I changed address the first time online, so I have a confirmation no. for that. The second move I just sent in the AR-11 but I didn't keep a copy (silly me) and I still haven't received any confirmation that USCIS has changed my details. But oh well, I am in contact with my last address and it seems that I'm not the only one who has either received no reply from immigration or tried to call only to get know where. What a journey! I wont worry I have done my part, but some official confirmation would be nice. Thank you to everyone for the reply's, good luck to all on their visa journey (pun intended!). :)

    hi davidaustralia, how or where you get the confirmation number. i dont know where to get it.

  8. Hi guys i am new to this site, i am a college student n got married oversea with my long time girlfriend. A long distant relationship for over 7 years. Ok here is my problem. I am about to file for ROC in the end of march (90 window begins). The question is about my tax return forms. My wife came to the US sometime in june 2007 and was not working because of her lack of english, hard to find a job. But we did file jointly, how ever we filed under the poverty line for 2007. We are plannng to do our 2008 taxes ASAP, to include them, will be well over poverty line as we are both working and i am able to work part time and attend school. So i was wondering if we need a Co-Sponsor which will be any one of our parents? Also wondering how do we prove of the Co-Sponsor? Any suggestions or comments are welcomed!

    You do not need a sponsor you should already have one from when you did AOS. The reason they ask for tax return when you are removing conditions is to prove that you filed together as a married couple not so the can see if you earn enough.

    Agree with Kez/JWolf, your wife doesn't need a sponsor now at this I-751 stage. They ask for tax return only because they want something to prove your ongoing marraige, which continue to file joint tax return is one of their standard.

    Perhaps mother can write up a letter stating that you live with her, and get it notarized.

    Can anyone show me how to write the letter for proof of address.

    another thing you can do is find bank statements mailed to that address, letters mailed to you also showing this place as your residence, any official mail to your address, bank statements insurance letters, magazine subscriptions, health, insurance, even magazine subscriptions, even considered junk, this will work perfectly, this shows proof, also if you live in a rented place with your mum,you must be listed in the rental agreement, get a copy from yr mumthis is basically all you need,

    oh, ok thanks alot guys for your help. but i would like to know if i should include the 2007? or is the 2008 enough for the ROC.

  9. Hi guys i am new to this site, i am a college student n got married oversea with my long time girlfriend. A long distant relationship for over 7 years. Ok here is my problem. I am about to file for ROC in the end of march (90 window begins). The question is about my tax return forms. My wife came to the US sometime in june 2007 and was not working because of her lack of english, hard to find a job. But we did file jointly, how ever we filed under the poverty line for 2007. We are plannng to do our 2008 taxes ASAP, to include them, will be well over poverty line as we are both working and i am able to work part time and attend school. So i was wondering if we need a Co-Sponsor which will be any one of our parents? Also wondering how do we prove of the Co-Sponsor? Any suggestions or comments are welcomed!

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