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Steve and Nor

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Posts posted by Steve and Nor

  1. Yes!!! It is super cold here.

    For a Filipina who has lived all her life in a tropical region< YES! USA is cold!!!

    I am here in Bakersfield California and the temperature could be as cold as 6 degee F!!! How cold is that??? We do not have snow here but that temperature is enough for me to just crawl underneath the blanket and stay there forever!!!

    When I was in the Philippines, I already complain when the temperature goes up to 32 degee C ( sorry, Im used to Celsius) and wish that Philippines is not in the tropics. Now that I am here in the cold, I feel like dying!!! LOL

    My body has not adjusted yet and adjustment will take months even years, as I lived in the Philippines for 31 years.

    Now, I realized how I love the sun ( though I always used umbrella way back in the Phil) :lol: How I love the weather on April and May in the Philippines when It is windy and kids fly kites. I love the feel of the sun in my face during this time. I love the soft breeze in the afternoon when we just sit around outside our house. Now, I can not even go out because I will freeze to death!

    Here, if it is not overcast , it is foggy and I could hardly see the sun.

    Today, when the sun shone, I went outside ( frontyard) and raked all the dry leaves which covered our lawn. I only went out because the sun was shining and made me warm.

    My biggest adjustment is the weather. My husband and I eat different kind of food. Though I eat healthy nowadays ( also even when I was still in the Phil), I still crave for some Filipino food like dried fish, bagoong , fried fish but I could not cook them here, anymore.. LOL!

    Everything is okay here, except for the WEATHER!!!!

    Sorry guys! I am just speaking as a Filipina who is still not used to this weather.

  2. While waiting for your flight here, spend as much time as you can with your family and friends in Pinas co'z you are really going to miss them. My first 2 weeks was exciting coz I was busy with hubby and going places and do stuff together but later I realized...wait a min, I am not here for a vacation...this is my new home now...my new life...and then later hubby find me crying secretly at night when I miss my family LOL Just be prepared to deal with homesickness. When you get here, you might want to apply for SSN if you are planning to work right away. With the immigration matter, you don't have much things to do yet until you applied for removal of conditions...and that would be 90 days before your conditional GC expires.

    Have a fun and safe trip! ;)

    Hi There,

    I understand, the stamp which would be given to me at the POE is my temporary GC, right?

    With my temporary GC, can I already apply for a job provided I have the SSN?

    Where can I apply for an SSN?

    I plan to work January or February when winter is over as for sure I will be doing a lot of adjustments. But I want to help my Hubby by having my own job, hopefully early next year.

    By the way I will going there on a CR1 visa. I just need some clarifications if I got it well.

    * I would get my GC within 30 days, ryt?

    * Then 3 months before the expiration of my two-year GC, I need to file for AOS?

    Thank you ellmvl.

    1. The temp GC is just a stamp in your passport. They will write down your "A" number and your date of entry.

    2. If you opted (checked the box in your DS230 form) to receive your SSN once you enter US, you will get your SSN in your mailbox in two to three weeks time from the date that you arrive in US. If not, you have to go to SS Office and apply for one.

    3. You need the SSN when you go apply for a job or when you open a bank account. DON'T GIVE YOUR SSN to anyone!!! Di pareho sa Pinas that we show our SSS ID as an ID for everything.

    4. You will likewise get your GC in two to three weeks.

    5. You do NOT file AOS since you are already a GC holder. You will however have to REMOVE CONDITIONS 90 days prior to the expiry date printed on your GC.

    6. What you need to do, go read the Driver's Manual and get a Learner's permit. If you know how to drive, you can get your Driver's License. If you fail on your written test for the Learner's Permit... don't worry... BUT do get a STATE ID. The State ID will be your identification just in case you get questioned by police or you need it to open a bank account in lieu of Driver's License.

    Congratulations!! Looking forward to more of your post about your new life in US.

    Send me an email every now and then.



    Thank you so much. I will send you an email later. I could not open my yahoo right now. I am still very busy packing.

    My flight will be on Tuesday night at 10 pm and will arrive at Los Angeles at 6:45 pm.. hahaha. ( late sila ng 16 hours kc).

    Maraming salamat Ivy. I really need your help on what to do next when I will be in the US.hahaha. Do you still use the same email add?

    I am so happy for you. You will have a cute baby for sure.


  3. While waiting for your flight here, spend as much time as you can with your family and friends in Pinas co'z you are really going to miss them. My first 2 weeks was exciting coz I was busy with hubby and going places and do stuff together but later I realized...wait a min, I am not here for a vacation...this is my new home now...my new life...and then later hubby find me crying secretly at night when I miss my family LOL Just be prepared to deal with homesickness. When you get here, you might want to apply for SSN if you are planning to work right away. With the immigration matter, you don't have much things to do yet until you applied for removal of conditions...and that would be 90 days before your conditional GC expires.

    Have a fun and safe trip! ;)

    Hi There,

    I understand, the stamp which would be given to me at the POE is my temporary GC, right?

    With my temporary GC, can I already apply for a job provided I have the SSN?

    Where can I apply for an SSN?

    I plan to work January or February when winter is over as for sure I will be doing a lot of adjustments. But I want to help my Hubby by having my own job, hopefully early next year.

    By the way I will going there on a CR1 visa. I just need some clarifications if I got it well.

    * I would get my GC within 30 days, ryt?

    * Then 3 months before the expiration of my two-year GC, I need to file for AOS?

    Thank you ellmvl.

  4. Well manila is too big, ozamis is too small, but cebu is just right. my girl is from ozamis and ive been there once, going back for christmas so she can spend time with her family before she flys home with me.{ if she passes interview} but still a little worried about those small towns :unsure:

    Hi Everyone,

    I am also from Mindanao. My place is just 55 kilometers away from Davao City. Tagum City ( my place) is a city in the province of Davao del Norte. For me, it is the safest place I could ever be. It is true that there are places which are not safe in Mindanao particularly for foreigners.

    My husband likes the mayor of Davao City, needless to say why.hahaha

    Though I have lived in Muntinlupa City in Metro Manila ( also safe for me, for I had no experience of untoward events) and now here in Pampanga, I still would love to stay in my hometown.

    Metro Manila will give you a headache. hahah. It has full of smoke, actually, smog.

    Just arrange for your fiancee to meet you somewhere safe and you will be fine.

  5. hello to all here in vj,can u help me again how to put all this in order in files po?


    DS-156 2 copies

    DS-157 2 copies

    DS-156K 1 copy

    Bc NSO,my fiance bc

    NBI Clearance

    Evidence of meeting

    Evidence of ongoing relationship


    Copy of I-129F

    I-134 and supporting documents ie, Bank letter, work pay stubs, disability income info, letter from employer


    Hi there,

    I brought two albums of pictures for my interview last November 19. I also had 2 clearbooks for the documents:

    1 album for wedding pics

    1 album for our vacations together ( contains pics of my parents, my in-laws, friends and relatives- with a caption for most important pics

    1 clearbook- containing important documents-in order :

    marriage cert

    birth cert

    nbi clearance

    police clearances

    Hubby's passport biographic page

    my previous ID's bearing my maiden name

    Hubby's itineraries/ boarding passes

    receipts of his gifts to me

    receipts of hotels

    other receipts pertaining to the visa processing

    money remittances

    my in laws' notes and emails to me

    1 clearbook- containing our emails and chat logs

    By the way, let me just share my experience on my interview:

    The pre- screener only asked for 5 pics! OH My! I brought 2 albums- heavy!!

    asked for recent emails and chat logs

    asked for money remittances

    Had I known that the embassy will only ask those from me, I would not have brought 2 heavy albums with me. hahaha

    I only even gave our wedding pics!

    I was never asked for the affidavit of support since I am a CR1 visa applicant ( Hubby submitted already). The K1 applicants were all asked for the AOS.

    The pre-screener asked more questions than the consul did.

    It went good by God's grace.

    Goodluck on your interview date.

  6. Hello Vj members,

    I will be flying to the USA soon and will be with my loving husband at last.

    I still need to do a lot of readings on what to do next when I am already in the US.

    But I would appreciate if you would post the things that a newly-arrived migrant must do right away once she arrives at the US. Kindly post also when to get those things done.

    I think I have read some before but I already forgot about them as I have been busy with the matter at hand- that is getting the medical done, having the interview, packing and everything! :lol:

    Thank you all for the help. Now, I will be with my husband at last! It is such a great feeling! I also thanked God for giving us all these favors.

    I really do appreciate your help.


  7. My fiance lives in Cebu and I'm wondering what mail service they will use to mail out PACKET 3 to her...I know someone mentioned Air 21 but she's never heard of that. I ask because the regular mail she has is horribly unreliable. They don't even deliver it to her door most the time.

    Hi there,

    I am not sure if The US embassy uses Air 21 to deliver the packet. I used my friend's address in my case since my address is incomplete ( no street number,etc) in my case, but was not able to get it from them ( so I do not know the courier) since we just downloaded the same forms from the USCIS website. They do use Air 21 in delivering the visa.

    Do not worry as Air 21 probably has offices in main cities or provinces in the Philippines.

    I hope this helps.

  8. This photo was taken on the last day of our honeymoon.

    Anna had just been certified as Open Water Scuba Diver earlier that day.

    I had realized my enjoyment of diving on WWII Wrecks during the week we were there.

    We dove for the first time without an instructor in the water with her on a WWII Freighter, "El Captian" in Subic Bay.

    The DM who accompanied us took this pic of us together at the mooring line. We were standing on the side of the wreck.

    I can't express how much I'm looking forward to resuming our diving together after she gets here, too bad she won't join me ice diving this winter though..

    Hi Bob 4 Anna,

    I knew it! I knew that Anna is also a diver! hahaha. I also got certified as open water scuba diver at Johan's in Subic when my Hubby came over last August! It was such an experience. I am so glad my Hubby got me into the diving course. Hahaha!

    I am going to post a picture later after choosing from the many funny pictures we have. hahaha!

    Say hi To Anna for me. I am so glad she is approved too!!!

  9. Hello Everyone!

    Just letting you know my visa was approved yesterday!!! My husband and I are so happy!!! God is so great!! Soon we will be celebrating Christmas together and on January for our first wedding anniversary!!!I can't wait to be with my Husband at last!!!

    Chinese Mutt.. is that you Ivy?

    Are you pregnant now???? Wow!! that is very exciting!!!! You would be having an American-Chinese-Filipino looking very cute baby soon!!! I am so happy for you!!! :lol: :lol: :lol::D :D :D

  10. VJ,

    I would like to asked this in advance, Is that possible i can request pick up VISA at USEM?

    It's because my interview is on NOVEMBER 06, 2009, then if ever they will sent my VISA it will

    go to MINDANAO ( DAVAO CITY ) and my plan is i will not go back to DAVAO city.

    My flight will be in MANILA to USA once i get my visa on HAND.

    And I am 6 months pregnant .

    The USEM allowed this?? who ever try to REQUEST pick up VISA?

    and how long that it will takes?

    THANK you so much..


    Hi Sheila,

    Are you from Davao? I am from Tagum City, Davao, just 55 kilometers from the city.

    Anyway, I guess you can request for a visa to be picked-up at USEM since you are pregnant. I heard that they will only allow that in emergency cases but we really do not know as I have not read anything like that in their website yet.

    I hope others will share their own experiences to save you from going to Davao since you are pregnant.

    Best of Luck! God bless!

  11. HI.

    my fiancee and I have a nuisance passport problem (DFA promised to expedite the new passport weeks ago, but now? the INTERVIEW is already scheduled for NOV12th, 09 and we have been put off as to the pick-up date, again and again.

    will you please share with us how many days are (REALLY) required to complete the MED, prior to the USEM interview, so that there is time to have the results forwarded to the embassy?

    we originally thought we had planned smartly, by doing the med in PLENTY of time, prior... but now?

    we would be cutting it VERY close, by trying to do the MED on the alternative date of Monday the 9th, with the INTERVIEW already scheduled on THURSDAY the 12th :(

    any real-life words of wisdom, please? is this tight "Monday+Tuesday MED with USEM interview on THURSDAY" window at all realistic?

    thanks, in advance,

    Ron & Mari

    St Lukes doesnt seem to answer the phone -- always busy! :([/color]

    am i dialing the correct ST LUKES phone number, from the U.S.? 011 632 521 0020

    Hi there,

    Yes, for me, medical on the 9th and interview on the 12th is a bit tight . However, One member here had her medical before and the interview in a very close dates-read this.

    My interview will be on the 19th of November but I already had an advance medical to give allowance for any possibilities ( like test or x-ray, etc). I had my medical last Tuesday and Wednesday ( Oct.27-28).

    God is good and everything went out just fine with God's help.

  12. My question is, Is it even better to purchase the wedding gown material in Manila, and then find a seamstress to put together a custom fit wedding dress?

    You mean to also find a seamstress in Manila? Yes, that would be even better as you can present or make your own gown design or tell the seamstress the detailed info about the dress

    the way you want it to be sewn. ( That was what I did though mine was just a very simple dress)

  13. Yeah the doctor started yelling at my wife then started asking her what grade she graduate in and what was her average in math and science. making my wife almost cry. Then she wrote something down she said. now when she went to get her results. they said she has to come back for another appointment with the doctor :( I dont understand. my wife is sweet and kind, she did nothing for the doctor to be mad. now her interview date has been pushed back because of this :( what do i do? :( im so upset, pissed, and sad. I wanted my wife here for thanksgiving but now its not gonna happen. What should I do? should I complain about the doctor that did that to my wife?

    READ THIS : http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...=221944&hl=

    Hi everyone,

    I had my medical examination last Tuesday and Wednesday.

    I got there at 6:30 in the morning and got in line. the guard was a little upset because of our line. LOL! But he was nice to me when it was my turn but forgot to give me my number. Good thing I asked the other guard about something and asked me if I already had a number, so he gave me a number.

    My medical exam went well that day. the nurses and other staff were nice that morning. I even joked at the staff who took my electronic picture that I wanted to comb my hair first to look good in the picture and he just smiled and nodded his head. How nice!

    I was just a little intimidated by the doctor during the physical exam. The doctor was aloof and so distant that I worried she would find something questionable in me but I was relieved she didn't.

    On the second day though, I did not like the guy to received the receipts for the medical results. He was pointing out to two trays and I pointed the wrong one and he looked at me like I was so small in his eyes. I almost lost my temper. :no: But I really tried to light-hearted that time and just felt God's blessing so I tried to stay so positive that day and greeted and smiled to the nurse /staff who was conducting the test.

    I really do believe that people will treat you nicely if you treat them nicely too. The Bible says, we should treat people in the way that we should be treated. On the other, there is always a good and bad person everywhere you go. People who do not treat you nicely and even yell at you. As possible as we can, we should just ignore them because they are the ones having the wrinkles and maybe they are not happy with their lives so they are grouchy! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    They are the ones at the losing end not us.

    I was so thankful that God guided me all throughout my medical examination.

    By the way, the guy at the releasing counter said I was hyper! :lol: :lol:

    It was because I talked so fast when he asked me something. I just said " I am just so happy with everything, Sir!" He just smiled.

  14. I'd love to hear advice from other VJ members concerning buying Janet's wedding dress and our wedding bands while we are in the Philippines. Would this be a hassle to bring this stuff back to the US? Is it worth the savings, or are we just better off to wait until we are back in the US, and just buy it all here? Any advice is appreciated. We will be marrying in the US within the 90 days. Lyle

    Hi there,

    I think bringing wedding stuff will not be a question at the airport. For me, I think you could save more when you buy the wedding dress here in the Philippines. My Husband and i got married here and I only spent less that a thousand for my dress for the civil wedding.

    However I understand, you will be marrying in a church so the dress will be a little more expensive but still will be cheaper compared to buying it from there.

    As for the ring, you can find a lot of good deals in the internet. My husband got me a diamond ring for our engagement in the internet. It was so beautiful and not so expensive ( he said) , but very expensive for me already. :lol:

    Good luck for the coming wedding. May God guide Jannet in living in your place.

  15. It is the LAND of MIRACLES.......Amen :star:

    ... and land of the living dead.

    Happy Halloween :shocked::huh2::halloween::cry2::girlwerewolf2xn:

    I am so glad you were so persistent. Sometimes I do not understand how they work here.

    I also had a problem with my birth certificate: My auntie registered me on the 24th and also wrote down 24 Oct as my birth date when in fact I was born on the 18th!!

    Now I am using 24th of October as my legal birthday instead of 18.

    I understand it was my Auntie's ignorance that caused it. My Auntie had no higher education but employees in the Civil Registry have and they should know better. On the other hand as, employees in the Civil Registry, they should have clarified every entry that they have to make before putting them into their book! But they do not have time to ask for clarifications of every entry because they do not care about the possible implications of wrong entries in the future!

    I am not sure if the Civil Registry is being careful about it nowadays.

  16. congrats anna and son...also good luck to your interview

    thank you sis :) godbless and goodluck to US all :)

    Hi Anna,

    Musta na?

    I just read this post of yours just a few minutes ago. Yes, you are right. There is always good and bad wherever you go. But we are all glad, you and your son passed the exam.

    I will be having my exam next week, Oct. 27-28 and I really pray I will be able to pass it. My interview will be on the 19th of NOvember.

    May God guide me all through out.

    God bless us all, Sis.

  17. wives and mistresses showing up to show respect to the departed.

    My wife and I were at Universal Studios Hollywood a few years ago and we witnessed a situation where a Filipino guy apparently was there with his mistress and they ran into his wife and kids. Talk about fireworks and a major cat fight. The guy just stood there while the ladies had a battle royale until security finally arrived to break it up.

    Now that really is a big issue.

    I am so glad my parents are still doing great with their relationship for 31 or so years. I am so glad also that they are not affected by any typhoon since they are in Mindanao.

    I am still here in the Philippines and from the looks of it and according to the news, it will take a while before people who are affected by those typhoon can get back on their own feet.

    The sun maybe shining here in Pampanga, but some parts of Pampanga are still flooded ( a little bit maybe) with water and mud.

    And yes, the experience was so stressful and overwhelming that it shortens your patience on things.

    Please just give her family time to figure out things and to advise them to talk things over.

    I pray that water ( flood) will completely subside before another typhoon hits the country.

  18. Good luck!!!

    Nor, so happy for you!!!!! Talk to you when you get here.

    Hi Ivy,

    It is so good to hear from you. I believe you have been very busy there! hahaha

    Yes, thank you.

    Thank you all. I am so anxious about my upcoming medical and interview.

    I believe, everything will be fine with God's grace. :D

  19. November 23, 8:30am for Anna & Gabby LeVan

    Hi Bob n Anna,

    My interview will be on NOvember 19! I am so happy that we are half way through in this journey. I need to pray a lot for the upcoming medical. The medical and the interview make me soooo anxious.

    Anna, I believe God will be with us on our interview ( and medical too).

  20. Congratulations, Cath! you`ve made it, one more your interview and your done.....Praying for your successful interview soon...You can do it, just don`t be nervous and be confident enough ...God be with you.....!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

    Thanks ate Net.:) Hai, thanks for asking me right away about the results.

    I strongly believe that I'll bring home the pink stuff. :bonk:

    Thanks for stayin around until this very moment.. :thumbs:

    hello po congrats...


    Thank you! Good luck on your interview!

    Congrats Sis! God will be with you on your interview. I wish i could have my medical this week .Dollar is so down , I would not have to pay more. LOL! :lol:

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