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Posts posted by two_hearts_disney

  1. The classics are all good: Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and The Beast, The Little Mermaid, the lion King :blush:



    Oh thanks guys for the replies! I am so happy all of you share a common love for Disney films! :thumbs:

  2. no option for steak or japanese, among those things i'd say chinese, indian and pizza, well pizza is pizza u even gave 2 options for pizza lol. i guess i like asian food overall, and steak and pizza/italian in general.

    from the drinks, i like water, cola and coffee. orange juice is missing...

    Oops I did say pizza twice! hey are you going to apologize for that comment you made earlier about me wearing a tent to my wedding?

  3. I don't. The OP is altogether too cheerful to be a troll. The first sign of 'wear a tent' and there would have been war, this lassy just shrugged it off.

    or played along...

    Either way it's good. I've added "Places to get plus size wedding dresses in Northwest Ohio" to my databank of trivial knowledge. Maybe I'll get on Who Wants to be a Millionaire someday and that will be a question.

    Psst, dayton is SW Ohio. TO the OP, my niece who is from Findlay got a lady to make her a dress. Don't know how close you are, but I can call her and get the name and # if you want. PM me if interested.

    Oh, thank you I will PM you right now.

    Hey, I'm a Trucker. If I say it's N.W., then by God it's NW! :lol: The Sandusky hit threw me off.

    Those dresses were nice Joe! I may buy that one with the lace!

  4. Getting pretty down here myself! Not much to look forward to on the weekends without you other half around! I try to keep busy to pass the time, but some days are tougher than others. There are plenty of projects I need or could do around the house, but I just don't have it in me. It's like I don't care about much when he's not here to enjoy it with me. Another weekend to get through alone! Blaaaah! :(

    Well I for one am feeling pretty miserable today...

    I hope you all can get it started and keep it going...and have fun!!!

    Hey! Do you like egg salad? I'm Ethel and I want to get to know more people like myself. I wish it were warm enough to go out for a picnic. I got a huge turkey breast in the oven right now.Boiled some eggs and deviled them. Now waiting for Cleofis to call me! How are all of you?

  5. I don't. The OP is altogether too cheerful to be a troll. The first sign of 'wear a tent' and there would have been war, this lassy just shrugged it off.

    or played along...

    Either way it's good. I've added "Places to get plus size wedding dresses in Northwest Ohio" to my databank of trivial knowledge. Maybe I'll get on Who Wants to be a Millionaire someday and that will be a question.

    Psst, dayton is SW Ohio. TO the OP, my niece who is from Findlay got a lady to make her a dress. Don't know how close you are, but I can call her and get the name and # if you want. PM me if interested.

    Oh, thank you I will PM you right now.

  6. I do egg, mayo, salt, pepper, a dash of dijon, and I like to add small diced celery and chives too.

    So you cut the hard boiled eggs in half, length wise I assume, remove the yolks, smash the little critters to death, add all that stuff, and put them back in the whites? Recall my sister doing that at a picnic reunion, the flies loved them, LOL.

    Another thing you can do with eggs, my new Venezuelan daughter loved this. Take a half a dozen fresh eggs, crack them and drop in a bowl, add a large container of large curd cottage cheese, 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder and mix, then add flour until you get a very stiff dough, I never measure. You can roll it out about 3/8" thick and cut them up into 1" parallelograms or just drop spoonfuls in a large pot of boiling water, first is fancy, second is lazy, I am lazy. They drop to the bottom, but will float to the top when done. Serve topped with Bush's, not George W. classic baked beans, right out of the can. Wife loves them too, and my dog goes nuts over them.

    Oh chucks that sounds good but the doc took me off pork fat due to my health issue. I think you can buy'em without the pork fat if I aint mistaken. I have to heat'em up though can't do the cold beans. I like my beans pipin' hot and add a 'lil chile con queso. You ever had'em on pizza before? I usually pour a can of'em over my pizza then pop it fresh in the oven. Talk about good eatin!

  7. Ethel, if you don't got you one of these here toasters so you can put Doofy and Mickey and all them right on the bread with the egg salad, well I reckon you are depriving yourself of what would be a supreme pleasure for both an egg and Disney fan.

    Well you can bet your rootin be a tootin that miss Ethel already has one. It is by far the best $50 investment a Disney aficionado can have! I love me some disney toast and buttered turkey bacon and eggs yes heery!


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