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Posts posted by Dora

  1. Well, hello there SIN/NJ Traveller and Indo Mommy :) . And all friends here... apa khabar semua???

    Well guys, what da ya know... Next Friday, hubby and I will balik kampung. We're so so so excited. I'll pig myself and eat my favourite kon lau mein, tom yum, roti canai, asam pedas, belacan kangkung... just to name a few. I'm sorry, have I made you all drool... :lol: ....And if we're lucky, we might find durians too.

    Anyway, keep me posted of whatever's going on in your part of the world. You're all welcome to PM me if you want. Have a nice day & take care.

    Love, Dora

  2. Run away from this one.

    You should be marrying your best friend...the man who is dying to just talk to you at the end of the day. Like someone else said, Stewart's NOT a phone person, but we spend so much time talking just to be close to eachother. This guys sounds like a total *****.


    I totally agree with CarolineM. David (my husband) and I talked on the phone three times a day even before we were engaged. We met through the internet almost four years ago. Not only we talked on the phone but he sent emails too. I am now residing happily with him in Texas. Next Tuesday is our third wedding anniversary. He still calls me at least once a day at work just to ask how my day's going and of course to tell me he loves me. Yep, my man never fails to communicate.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do...


  3. Hello Ephesia or rather Elen and hello to you too Kokorusan....

    Wow... it seems that we can open up a "Kopi Tiam" cafe in here and hang out and talk about food :lol: Everytime you guys talk about food, it makes my mouth waters.... Anyway, I have a lot of Indo mie stock up in my pantry with different flavours. My hubby and step kids seem to like them too. They said it taste a whole lot better than Ramen noodles... duh!!!

    Hey guys, you know what I really crave for right now are roti canai and teh tarik. I couldn't seem to find any Indian or "mamak" restaurant here. Hey Kokorusan, your nickname seems to sound like my native language (Kadazan from Sabah). Anyway, are you originally from KL? I have been to KL so many times... I used to work for UMW Toyota for 14 years. I have a sister who lives in Cheras with her family. She's been living there for like 20 years.

    It's so nice to read all your posts guys.... keep them coming. Take care.


  4. Nope, you don't have to be there. Tell your wife not to forget to bring the Appointment Letter, her ID and it might not be a bad idea to bring her green card too although they didn't ask for mine when I went for my biometrics appointment last Saturday. My appointment was supposed to be at 2pm but I arrived early at 1.35pm and was immediately attended to. I was out of the centre within 20 minutes... it wasn't even 2pm yet. Overall, it went really well.

  5. Yes Black_DogHarry, it looks exactly like that when I checked my "case status" but when I log on to my account... it only says "Petition To Remove Conditions of Permanent Resident Status Received". And when I checked just now, it seems that they have touched my case again cos the date has changed to today's April 10th. I think you should create an account so that you will know when your case has been touched.


  6. Just want to update with you guys that my biometrics appointment went really great last Saturday. My appointment was supposed to be at 2pm but I arrived at the centre at 1.25pm. I presented my appointment letter to this nice friendly guy at the reception. He read it and stamped something on it and asked for my ID. Then he asked me to fill up two types of form... After I finished filling them up and gave them back to him, he gave me a number which immediately was called. Again another nice and friendly guy took my finger prints and photos. And that's it. It went well, I should say. The guy who took my finger prints and photo was nice enough to let me see the picture he took and asked whether I like my picture or not... I made him took my pictures three times :yes: He even complimented that my perfume smelled good...I was using Christian Dior's Jadore... The funny thing is.. I was out of the centre at 1.50pm and my appointment was supposed to be at 2.00pm. Wasn't that great??

    Anyway, when I checked my status online just now... it has changed from "Case received and Pending" to "Petition to Remove Conditions of PR Status Received".... and it's dated today April 9th. My biometrics appointment was on April 7th.

    I guess my case has been touched, huh. Has anyone out there experienced the same online status?


  7. Just want to update with you guys that my biometrics appointment went really great last Saturday. My appointment was supposed to be at 2pm but I arrived at the centre at 1.25pm and I presented my appointment letter to this nice friendly guy at the reception. He read it and stamped something on it and asked for my ID. Then he asked me to fill up two types of form... After I finished filling them up and gave it back to him, he gave me a number which immediately was called. Again, another nice and friendly guy took my finger prints and photos. And that's it. It went well, I should say. The guy who took my finger prints and photo was nice enough to let me see the picture he took and asked whether I like my picture or not... I made him took my pictures three time :yes: He even complimented that he likes the perfume I was using which was a Christian Dior's Jadore... And guess what? I was out of the centre at 1.50pm... wasn't that great?

    Anyway, when I checked my status online just now... it has changed from "Case received and Pending" to "Petition to Remove Conditions of PR Status Received".... and it's dated today April 9th. My biometrics appointment was on April 7th.

    I guess my case has been touched, huh. Has anyone out there experienced the same online status?


  8. Hello Doc, I don't see any reasons why you couldn't visit Malaysia while you're waiting for your visa. Nope, I don't think there's any problem at all. Take lots of pictures with your hubby while on vacation, cos you might want to bring those pictures as proof of your relationship when you do go for your interview.

    Thanks for your suggestions Homesick_America :yes: . I might try doing that.

    Hey Ants, you're right... normally we forget lunch or dinner whenever we go shopping at the outlet mall :yes: And don't worry about your maggie mee.... we have Ramen Noodles here... but of course I still prefer maggie. So you're coming to visit your hubby here in two weeks' time? I bet your hubby is all excited and looking forward to seeing you again. My cousin came to visit her hubby while her K3 visa was being processed and she didn't have any problem travelling. I'm sure you'll be fine. Well, good luck.


  9. Hey Ephesia, you like sambal udang too? They are my favourite and I even like it hot and spicy too. But my husband couldn't stand the smell... ah.. well it's his loss... he has no idea what he's missing :yes: In fact when I called home last night and talked to my step mother ... I requested that she also prepares sambal udang as one of the dishes for dinner. Not forgetting belacan kangkung, ikan goreng ... just to name a few...

    It's a good thing that my husband loves most of our food except for sambal udang. He even loves durian and in fact he told me just now that he's craving for it... hehehe. How about your husband Ephesia... does he love Asian food too? Your dog sounds so cute.... Hey, do you mind if I send you a "pm" one of these days?

    Take care.


  10. Hello Snow, Welcome to the United State of America!!! I can relate at how much you miss home. My husband and I will "balik kampung" towards the end of next month. We're soooooooo excited, can't wait to smell and eat our delicious food again :yes: But most of all, can't wait to see my family and friends again.

    Hi there Ephesia, how's it going? My trip to San Antonio was great.... I invited a Filipina friend of mine to go with me and we had so much fun. We had lunch at some Chinese restaurant. The food was delicious. We kinda hang out at the restaurant until it's time to go for my biometrics appointment and after that we went shopping ...hehehe. Gosh, there were Easter sales at almost the whole stores at the San Marcos outlet mall :yes:

    Anyway, hope you all had a wonderful Easter. Talk to you all soon.


  11. Hi Ephesia.... it's nice reading you :yes: Hey, you make me drool just thinking of mee soto. My Hispanic friend and I had Chinese food for lunch today but it tasted awful. I had mee goreng but it didn't even taste like one... I don't even like their "mee".

    Hey tomorrow I am driving to San Antonio which is an hour's drive from wehre I live. I am going for my "biometrics appointment". It's about the removal of my residency conditions (I-751), you might have read my posting in other thread about it. Anyway, my husband bought me a GPS Navigator as a wedding anniversary gift and I'm going to put it into full use tomorrow, ten days earlier cos our anniversay is supposed to be on the 17th of this month but.. ah well... I guess using it a little early won't hurt.. :yes: It'll be fun driving around with a navigator...hehehe.

    Glad you love your job too Ephesia... take care and do keep in touch okay.


  12. Well hello Ants and to you too Ephesia, Karin and Otto :yes:

    I've adjusted my life here in Texas really good. Moved here almost two years ago and so far I really like it. When I first got here, what I missed most was the food.... I still miss them though. But I found this Malaysian restaurant in Austin where they serve the best dims sums and of course that makes me happy :yes: There are also a few good chinese restaurants here and there. I have also made so many friends here already. By the way, I am from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.... I'm sure you've heard of it... or you've probably been there before kan?

    Ephesia, I can understand how hard it was not to having move around without transportation. My husband had to drive me around most of the time and of course that is not possible after a while cos he's busy with work and he's not really fond of shopping unlike me. I got my driver's license and a new car four months after that.... and man... it's so wonderful to be able to drive around.

    Anywhere I went to a Cosmetology School last year and have since graduated two months ago. I am now a licensed Esthetician/Facialist and am working in a newly opened JC Penney Salon. I love it!!!

    Ephesia, you're right.."jaga diri" means take care.

    Well, guys... wishing you all a Happy Easter..... and jaga diri to you all.


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