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Posts posted by elchivo

  1. I'm going throught something similar..

    Can you let me know what happened?

    Thanks :thumbs:

    I ended up making an info pass appt. That was NOT helpful. They didn't give me much information. In the end I wrote a delivery confirmed letter to the local field office explaining my circumstances and didn't hear back from them until after I got back from the wedding. The letter included all of the information from the request for an interview, as well as copies from the airfare of several people going. I told them that canceling the trip would be a financial burden, that would not be excused by the airlines and hotels.

    I took my chances and was lucky. I only got a new appt in the mail and not a question about it was asked at the interview. Everything worked out. I read all of the horror stories on this post, and I don't know if it was just luck that it worked out for me.

    Best of luck to you.

  2. Everything I've read suggests not to reschedule the appt. It is more "convenient" to me to reschedule as alot of planning and money has gone into the wedding. Many people have also bought plane tickets to go, and asked for time off. So changing the wedding would be an inconvenience to all involved. I don't know if this is "sufficient reasoning to grant me a reschedule. I've thought about scheduling an appt. using the infopass system, and going to the local office and asking personally. I don't know if this would be helpful to me. I'm more worried that it would hurt my chances.

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