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Posts posted by simsim

  1. Hello my friends

    well i had a friend who got his interview on 4 of jan 2010 then he been asked for co sponsor and prove for continue of relationship .. he got the co sponsor and the prove of relationship...he DHL papers...his case is Cr1 .. and he been married since march 2008 ... now its may 2010 ... the problem is that embassy sent him mail saying that :

    The Case was sent to National Visa Center for adjudication on April 19, 2010. The case file was sent by the diplomatic pouch.

    we are little bit confused here ... and when he call NVC they told him that Your case under review and it will take 6 months to a year ....

    any clue .. why embassy sent case back to NVC ? and why they gonna review it all this time which means if he start all over again it will take less time !! .. and is this situation normal or it happened before ?

    so what do you think guys ...

    any help appreciate it

  2. papers didnt arrive yet to embassy looks so common this days .i got same position here ... but they didnt kept my passport ... after 10 days they called me to send it . ... after couple of weeks they send it stamped .. so i think urs will take couple of weeks . good luck there .

  3. actually that what happened with me .... i had interview and my case didnt arrived yet ... any way my advise for you ... if u can have original copies from all of ur papers that would be good ... the embassy told me 2 options .. they can re sechdule it ...or if i have original copies of my papers so they can go on ... so i hope u have enough time to get oiginal copies from all of ur papers ( just in case ur case didnt arrived at time ! ) good luck there .

  4. welcome to egypt and i wish u will have a good time .. actually i am living near omrania - giza .. i am sorry to say that .. but no place for kids in this are as i remember ... i used to take my wife and go to down town ... or for nearest mac or kfc .. there is play area in this places for kids ... in morning nt recomended to go out ... sun is like hell .. and for sure u willnt be able to handle it so ur kid too . in evening after 6 or 7 pm .. u can take metro its near from you and fast to down town or al tahrir so u can walk by nile .. i know itsnt like u.s.a .. parking every where for kids ... its less and hard to find one near to you .. just u will get used it and i am sure u will like it there in egypt . good luck

  5. first congratulation for ur visa ... i just go throught jfk last april .. was s smoothly ... immigration department so nice and helpful there dont worry .. i had same situation like u .. jfk then 2 hours for another flight to chicago ... insha'allah it gonna be smooth ... just remember to mke ur brown envlope in ur hand .. thats so important ... good luck

  6. hi guys it was so fast and easy step .. poeple there look good and co operated ...the immigrant officer take papers and open the envlope .. take finger print .. he send me to the office and there they check it again and take another finger print with signature ... easy and fast .... i am just wondering when i should recieve my green card ... the day i enter u.s was 25 of april ...

  7. hello every one ... i am nt sure is this right section to discuss this .... actually i am just asking is it okay if someone has visa visitor is it okay to adjust this visa to work visa ( if he got work ) or getting green card ( if he married there ) ? is it okay ??

    thnx for help

  8. hello guys here is my story which getting complicated and strange after i did my intervew ...

    i did my interview and they told me that my case didnt come yet to embassy .. any way i made it and in end the CO told me i need original papers fr i-864 and copy of tax and put me on AP . till now it seems normal .. here we go with my pretty bloody shitty lawyer ( advice from me guys .. dont hired lawyer on ur case ... they dont know much more as we know .dont waste ur money ... men dont listen to ur wife in this point please ) . lawyer made appoinment with my wife telling her if we sent this papers in same co sponsor .. so we losin our chance and it make our case weak ! so w need new co sponsor !!! here w go with long way to search for co sponsor and result is none . as u know guys thats so frustrated and alotof pressure specially for wife ( women allways nt strong as men in ths stuff am trying to keep wife calm and making list of poeple we can talk .. pray hard ... and none we can found ....wife getting more anxity and more crying .. and here is the miracle ... after no sleeping for 2 days .. my iphone ring ... hello .. yes ... american embassy with you !!! huh ... please send us ur passport ! huh ! who is talkin with me again ... lady answered in hard way american embassy with you send us ur passprt please ! i said okay i will thank you ... end .... i am still choked here ... i redial te number again ( thought one making fun i still cant believe ) well its american embassy how i can help you ! woooooooooooooooow guys thats amazing i cant believe it till now .. can any one imagine that ... its allah willing and our faith and the result of this .. miracle ! yes wonderful miracle .. i love my wife so much she is so kind and so pure .. she deserve more and more . i did sent my passprt by dhl in same day ... now i am waiting for it to come back wth visa soon insha'alla

    guys dont lose hope ... dont lose ur wife o ur husband cause of this frustrated immigration just get ur faith and believe .. it gonna be okay in end .

  9. hi guys ... just easy there and dont make ur thought fly away .... what allah want gonna happened ... just relax ur mind there and focous on ur next step ( which is interview ..collect ur papers and pictures ...etc ) do ur best there and pray alot then every thing gonna be fine insha'allah ... and remember each case is different from othere ... good luck there .

  10. hello guys .. i will gonna tell u about medical exam here in egypt so every body know .. for medical exam u have 3 choice ..check this pdf http://travel.state.gov/pdf/medical/CRO-ME...I-0001-0704.pdf.

    i went to al sherouk hospital .. u need to call and make appointment also bring photo copy for ur passport and 6 pictures 4x6 ( just in case ). they will ask u to come at 10 am .so when time come .. will go to second first floor then u turn left u will find casher u will him american medical exam . she will give u 2 bills( and copy too ) and u will pay 185 pound . then go to nurse give her copy of bill ... down stair mke x-ray for cheast . then upstair again they will give u card for going to make blood test at al mokhtabar lap (24 el tayaran st .near from mostfa mahmoud mosque ) ....it will cost 185 pound also they will take picture bring ur passport its needed .then u will go back to al sherouk hospital again for last body check and vaccine ( vaccine cost 61 pound ) . after they will tell u come after 7 days so its recomended to tell them about ur interview date .... and better to start medical as soon as u got the letter. nothing painfull or hurting ... and thats it ... goodluck every body

    what kinda vaccines you got ?

    Wait till morrow and you will find out if it hurts or not ??!!!!!! :unsure:

    acttually u will get some fever ... just nt that way of hurt ... we ba3deen sally 3ala elnaby ... e7na betoo3 el ful we el ta3meya we el 3eesh elly feh zalat ... mafesh 7aga effect 3alena :rofl::rofl:

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