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Posts posted by elephantmaniac22

  1. They didn't ask him too many questions. I don't know any of the specifics, but he said they asked him questions about me and my family, they asked him how we met and how we keep in contact, and they asked about our relationship. He said the interviewer was comparing what he said with what I had sent and the proof and everything. This part of the interview was done in only English.

    I hope this helps!!

  2. Jamal got the call today to pick up his visa tomorrow. I know another person got a call too from casa's consulate. I wonder if they waited for a day and called everyone that was waiting. I don't know, but we sure are excited. Not sure when he is traveling to the US yet, but I know it will be soon. Thanks for all the help anyone has given us so far. I know our journey isn't over, but at least we will be together for the rest. :luv:

  3. My fiance just got his packet 3 (YEA) this past week. While he was looking through the stuff he came across something that he wasnt sure about and I think I know, but I told him I would find out. He says the way it is written in the info about the med exam, that his whole family has to get one, but he is the only one coming over here. I told him I think that is only if they were coming too. Is this correct??? They dont need it, just him??


  4. My fiance told me that the US Consulate in Casablanca called him to clarify his address. Does this mean that they received the stuff from NVC?? I got a letter from NVC saying they would send it within a week, but who really knows without calling. I planned on calling after a week, but it sounds like I might not have to. Anybody have an idea??


  5. My two RFEs were: the first was at the very beginning because I sent a copy of one of my signitures and they wanted the original, even though everything says to send a copy and keep the original. Oh well. The second was that they wanted more photos and with the date stamped on the front. I dont have that option on my camera after the pics have been taken, so a friend that has a program for editing pics let me use it and we added the dates to the front with yellow to make them look legit. We got the NOA2 so they must have been ok.

  6. I think I have figured out what I am going to do. Since I did not have the date set before I took the pictures, I cant get it on the front now. (I was playing with my camera). I did try printing on the back of an old picture using envelope settings and it printed nicely. So I guess thats what I will do. It might not be exactly what they want, but I dont know how to get the date on the front. And going back to Morocco to recreate the pictures is out of the question right now.

    Thanks for all the help!!!

  7. I forgot to ask, they said I could send in primary evidence- receipts and passport pages, that have dates within two years. (I sent them this already, did they lose it?) and they said I could send secondary evidence- the photos. Does this mean I have to send more primary and some secondary or just one or the other?? I figured I would just send the photos because I sent some of the other.

  8. I got my RFE letter in the mail and thankfully it is going to be easy. However, I'm not sure how to do it. They want me to send my photos with film dates on them. Now I am thinking this means the date is printed on the front, but I am not sure how to do this. Is it something that some cameras do automatically when you print them or is there an option? I have a Kodak digital camera, but I still have some of my photos on the SD card. Any help would be great. The photos I first sent them, I just wrote our names on the back, where it was taken and the date. But obviously they didnt like that.



  9. Hi, I am fairly new here and have been busy getting my I-129F ready to be sent. I have a question about the stuff I will need to send to my fiance. I have all the originals of everything ready to send him, however, I am not sure about sending the cards and letters he has sent me. Will he get them back after he goes in for his interview or should I just send him copies too??? I do not want to loose all the letters he has sent me.

    Thanks for any help!!

  10. Hi,

    I am new to VisaJourney. I just recently was engaged to a moroccan man and we are in the process of trying to get him a fiance visa. I am trying to stay ahead of all the paperwork in the future.

    My current job is only part-time, and I know I will need a co-sponsor in the attemp to get my fiance to the US. My question is what will I need in order to have a co-sponsor? Are there additional forms that need filled out or does my co-sponsor fill out the affidavit for sponsor?

    Any help will be great!!


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