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Posts posted by Marzy

  1. ~~moved to AOS from work, tourist, or student visa from IR1/CR1 process and procedures~~

    As long as she entered the country legally she should file and adjustment of status. They should follow this guide. http://www.visajourney.com/content/i130guide2

    The funny part is, if they'd done this YEARS ago she could have been a USC a long time ago, vs here illegally.

    Yes, it is odd. In fact, she has entered the country several times under tourist visa. Anyway, I did direct her to see somebody at USCIS with her husband.

  2. A friend of mine moved here in the United States with her USC husband and their three children. Take note, their children are US citizens. She has been with him for 16 years. However, she entered in US through tourist visa.

    Anyway, she asked me how to get a perment residence in the US. I told her what I knew and it's not helping because she is on tourist visa for six months. Do you guys know this situation?

  3. My husband thinks I'm a special weirdo from the Philippines. :bonk:

    He laughs at me because ( I used to get mad. He said that I'm so cute and funny, which he doesn't want to change :wacko:)

    1. I wash dishes with some bleach and hot water before I put them in a dishwasher then let the machine runs in a high settings/temp.

    2. I make up our bed every mornings before I brush my teeth.

    3. I change clothes 3x a day.

    4. I don't like ketchup or tomato sauce, but I love salsa or tomato salads.

    5. I don't eat mashed potatoes, but eat a baked potato.

    6. I always take off my shoes, flip flops, or sandals before I get in a house.

    7. I check his face (eyes, mouth, nose, and lips) to check if there's any food. :lol:

    8. I make a lame request. (I would like my steak to be cooked between medium rare and medium). My husband was :blink:.

    9. I don't want to spend any new dollar bills, so I keep them away. :help:

    10. I don't answer phone calls after 8PM except emergency phone calls.

    11. I don't want him to talk back to his mother whether he is right or wrong. :lol:


    Indeed a family planning!!

    Seriously OP, I have posted few times here about this issue. As much as I don't want to be judgmental, only very few among filipinas

    has good intention in marrying an american. It is such a shame for me to talk about this because I am from the same country., I attended CFO and met the girls there and be honest with you,I felt low to see myself mingling with them. Even the CFO trainer discussed what to do in case the beneficiary wants to run away from the petitioner, I felt sick in my stomach, reality bites! the desires to just get here in the US. I asked one of them if she love her fiance and she said " Just my stepping stone", another one said, file a divorce and hopefully he has money and I will have some. These girls are usually from the province, impoverished and mostly they would ask you to support their families sending them money through western union. I got some friends and relatives way back home and when they start asking to find them a match..I have to just joke around but really my concern is growing inside me. Coming from a 3rd world country, how sickening it is to see young girls holding hands with old whities..like I wanna ask daddy you gonna die tomorrow! yet they proclaim love for each other..I mean who are you fooling! Often this is a subject of jokes of my upper middle class work colleagues and friends. But my american husband is right. Both committed crime. The woman wants to get the green card and the dirty old american who just want to take advantage of her youth and helplessness. God gave us all the ability to discern USE IT! My verdict: She is not for real, it is very obvious like I know our neighbors way back there who do the same.

    You're a college student. Therefore, you should be able to understand the complexity of humans, especially from the Philippines. I think, your library has no enough books to read, so gossiping is another way to kill a time.

  5. Btw., I'm letting you know that my spouse and I won't communicate with exes for a useless conversations. If there's, it's about our kids.

    There's only one I will tell my ex about me that I'm close to death. :rofl: Now, you can take good care of your child. It was an ugly separation, and most of all the custody battle in court. What I mean that I treat my ex like an adult. He did try to be romantic with me, which I immediately told him right of the bat that to respect me being with someone else. If not, then another story. I'm the one who has the full custody.:devil: Would he messes with me? He better starts acting like a grown up man.

    Your issue could possibly escalate to a big fight . Stay calm and address the real problem. Perhaps, it's always wise to discuss it with him when he is in good mood. Just don't ask him to eliminate her because she is still a mother of his kids. Just the unacceptable behavior he needs to improve. Remember, he is married to you.

  6. I lived in California from 2007 to 2010. In 2009, I began taking English 101 prerequisites. My tuition fee was lower because I was a California resident, whereas the other American citizens or students who just came in my college, or in California paid a lot more, out-of-state tuition fee. (Higher education pays more when contrasted to undergraduate levels). They didn't move in California for work related or any other exemptions, so they paid out-of-state tuition fees. I thought, it was so interesting, and very strange. I investigated about this because in my mind "Why would an American citizen pays a tuition as an International Student?". Everything they have told me was absolutely right. In fact, I had the same experienced like those out-of-state student(s) in California I mentioned earlier.

    The out-of-state tuition made me missed a semester. In short, I didn't wait for my residency requirements, so I went ahead and admitted myself in an institution in Nevada.

    Search a college in your area, and see their residency requirements.

  7. I'm a Filipino woman, I have had a child with my ex, and I'm married to a man, who have had a daughter from his previous marriage. His former wife contacts him when necessary. Also, their daughter is an adult child, so the communication isn't that much anymore as it used to be. In summary, we never had an argument over our exes because we mutually understood that the importance of our children's well-being is also a top priority in our lives, not just ours. This is my rule in our household. In my opinion, I believe that it's vital to keep a good relationship with an ex when children are involve. If there is no kid(s), it's a lot easier. However, my husband's ex-wife sends him a birthday card annually, which I think it's awesome. It proves me that my husband wasn't a bad person. This is not an issue to me at all. Don't get me wrong. I love my husband. He knows I do, and thus he shouldn't wonder why. If he has feelings for him, I'm certain isn't the same as he has for me. I'm his wife, partner, and everything since he has me. I'm very content with this. If he he doesn't love me that much, it's his problem.

    Lastly, I don't know what is normal or abnormal, but there's called a limitation. What is accept or unacceptable. However, it's good that your husband has a good relationship with his ex-wife. He does this because of their children. This is not strange in The United States, and other countries such as Germany. When two parents have a conflict, they have to keep it away from their children. They have to show some respect to one another despite the fact that there is resentment of grief.

    With your ex, he is doing fine if that's how he does it. For me, their conversation is too much. I can't make him do things like my husband or like me on how to deal with an ex. Well, I've never dictated my spouse on how he should communicate with his exes. Perhaps, he knows on how not to make me wonder :rofl:.

    Financially, if he feeds you, and provide your needs, you're fine. If not, that's pretty obvious...Don't focus on my word too much. If you want to talk to me, you can email me and include your contact details.

  8. Welcome to USA. Just wanna ask u a quick question, Do u really have to take the ESL class and what is this really for??I mean what is the benefit of passing the ESL??

    The reason i asked is because my 9 yr. old son just started school January this year and he is also having an ESL class.

    But my 13 yr. old daughter who started school the same day my son did ..did not have to have this ESL class which in fact she has advanced classes in Math, Science, Soc.Studies and Larts and also a member of their school's "Honor Society".

    Can u give me insight about this ESl thing? I hope someone can help u with regards to ur query. I know u have to have ur transcript evaluated first.

    ESL is for non English speakers. It can be prerequisites to get in an English101/1A if a student plans to get a degree/certificate. In regular classes, a professor expects their students know the basic. S/he is not going to elaborate everything except his/her lecture. Therefore, ESL is beneficial to some students if they want to take it.

    For your son's ESL, that is okay. He will be proficient in English before he gets in college.:thumbs:

    I went through ESL classes in California to get in English-1A. I invested money, time,and aggravation in these classes. Yet, I am still struggling to construct a correct grammar.

    More disappointments dropped on my shoulder when I moved in Nevada in Dec. 2010. In January 2011, I went to a college to enroll. I was very disappointed when I found out that my ESL credit units from California were not transferable. I'm frustrated. I don't know where to go except taking TOEFL test to be able to get in regular English classes. On the other hand, I'm able to take other regular classes. It is not preventing me from getting into my major. In fact, my other credit units were credited. Everything is fine. Imagine, I needed 9 units to get in English-101 in Nevada. :crying: 9 units. :crying:

  9. We agreed that if she wants to send money home, she can get a job. But, she doesn't want to send all her money home.

    While she was living in the Philippines, she worked to send her two brothers and sister to school. She helped with the bills, and after coming home from work, she scrubbed pots and pans for the family restaurant. All those years of working, and she didn't get to spend any of it on herself.

    I am the bad guy, when the family complains it is not enough. It is never enough. That is fine with me, and she finally gets to spend some of the money she earns, on things she wants for herself.

    And, it will not end there. Wait until the parents and the rest of the family want to join her in America. That happens once she becomes a citizen. We have talked about that already, but she hasn't told her family, yet. That should be interesting when that conversation finally happens.

    If you don't like drama, you should never marry Pinay. :lol:

    You're definitely right. However, I heard so many terrifying stories about extended families in US. I rather not to say anything about it.

  10. I'm sorry that you gone through this. It's going to be a problem in your marriage if your wife cannot break her family. You have to discuss it with her. I have no idea how to advice you. This is a taught one.

    As a Filipino wife, my husband and I do not argue about financing my relatives in Philippines because I do not want to send a money every month in Philippines. If they will need help, I(we) will send. I(we) do send a cash approximately $200/year for gifts. And my sister who lives in Germany used to send money to our two brothers in Philippines and she was struggling like you're in now how to stop it. Anyway, she sent one of them to an expensive university in Cebu City. She funded his needs, so he can get his degree in time. To cut a long story short, my 25 years old brother stopped working that pays about 5,000 pesos per month with the reason of studying. He did study. He earned a poor grades, and failed in other classes. To make matters worse, he impregnated a Filipina during that term. In short, my sister was really upset about it. I dictated her to stop sending money to him when she was complaining. I told her that he will work to survive otherwise. He finally get back in work force. Now, my brothers seem hesitate to contact me if it's a money matter.

    I do not hate my brothers. I just want them to grow up, and not be liked other lazy asses in Philippines.

    Good luck! You're in a Filipino community.

  11. I hate folding and cooking. I feel good after cleaning our rooms, kitchen, bathrooms, and make-up our bed every day. On the other hand, I don't mind to skip a day if I'm busy. I don't have OCD, just cannot sit still. Also, I clean my car twice a month.

    The mail man was so hot. He said that he doesn't mind to clean my car when my husband is out to work. :rofl:

  12. I'm taking Associate Degree's in Mathematics, but I can give you a few ideas. However, when I decided to continue my college from 2002 in US, I went to a city college in our county. I submitted my application, and took placement tests (English and mathematics). After a few months later, I received my approval from the college where I applied. Back in the Philippines, I was taking a computer programming classes. I skipped my minor subjects-I was too stupid. To cut a long story short, my scores result in mathematics and English were low. Anyway, while I was taking English classes in California, I did want one of the universities in California to evaluate my 35 credit units I took in 2002 from Philippines. On the other hand, my major is not focusing in computer. I just needed to be proficient in computer-Microsoft word, excel, powerpoint, emails and/or outlook, including scanning/faxing and etc. It's upsetting that I can't get much credit units I earned which were hardcore classes. Still, I cannot do anything about it. I'm okay now. I'm moving forward.

    How am I doing in here? I'm performing good enough despite of my terrible grammar and accent. I'm still afraid to take an English-1A, :no:. I wish, everything was mathematics, chemistry, and physics. I'm not smart, but I'm definitely teachable. One of my professors recommended an Engineering degree for me. I don't want to share my grades in here because I'm already bragging.:rofl:

    Answer to your question, I don't think that you can get in Nursing program whenever you want to. Yes, you can. It's great that you're working otherwise. You can start working on it if you wanna be because I know several Filipinos from my campus complaining about waiting list at California State University, Fresno. Or our university is pretty busy? Some of them are still taking prerequisites to get into a nursing program, others are waiting to be listed in waiting list, and some of them got in successful in the program after 2 to 3 years waiting. Sounds not right? If you can get in fast, you're fortunate.

  13. Hi, Vjers!

    Greetings! My sister and her husband invited me to visit them in Germany. Also, I do miss my sister and I want to see my niece and nephew that I haven't met yet. In short, I have a few questions regarding tourist visa for Germany (Europe). Anyway, my married name appears on every of my valid document, but on my Filipino passport. Am I going to have a problem at the German embassy because my greencard and passport informations do not match (last name)?

    Thanks in advance for your input.


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